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Messages - LennG

Giants History / Re: For Dasher & Co
October 09, 2007, 07:35:00 PM

Since you mentioned looking it up, that makes it easy. Boy he just doesn't look like a Duane.

Hey Fred--How are you doing. How is Ramstein holding up. Are you the one who captured those terrorists and made Ramstein a safe place to be again.

Seriously, you were in my thoughts when we heard about that incident. Hope all is well and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

I am one of the ones who still reside on Long Island. Just a hop, skip and a jump from Baldwin and Long Beach.

I am 61 and have always been a Giants fan. I say that because when I was a young pup, I was more a Brooklyn Dodger fan than anything else, but I still rooted for the Giants. When O'Malley (may his soul rot in hell forever) took my beloved Bums away, all my energy was directed towards the Giants and it hasn't wained since then. There have been times where it was severely tested, but my blood always has, always will, remain BLUE.

I owned a carpet cleaning business for almost 29 years, and have since given it up. I now work part time installing Lifeline machines (I've fallen and can't get up things).
I umpire baseball games for High School and college and summer leagues. been doing that now for 38 years.
I am a Viet Nam era vet, serving in the Air Force, mostly in Germany, but did a short tour in Viet Nam in the late 60's.

I have been married for 33 years to a wonderful woman who lets me watch all the football I want on Sundays, can't beat that. I have 3 grown children, all still single, with two boys still living at home.

Besides that, I live and die with my Giants. My License plate is GIANTFAN and my pleasure each day is to come here and converse with so many of the good friends I have made during all these years.

I beleive that would be Louisiana State
Giants History / Re: Floyd Eddings--A Star is Born
July 11, 2007, 09:00:20 PM

Great reading guys.

A hot nite, a glass of cold ice tea, I close my eyes and I can still see some of those plays and games you have been talking about.


Ah, -----the good old, "Allie Must Go"     days    <:-P <:-P
Giants History / Re: Giants Trivia 7-9
July 09, 2007, 11:13:49 PM

I was wondering the same exact thing

I was looking at Ro (Robustelli or Rosie)
                          Mo (Little Mo)

    But KO and LO How do we get katcavage out of KO

Is LO John Loventeer???

Just a wonderful write up and if I may say so, so accurately captures the times and the feelings of so many. I have copied it and forwarded it to my son, so he can relive waht we, as Giants fans, had to deal with and how we felt.

Thanks for the answer.

Yes, that Saints game was one every Giants fan will never forget, at least, as far as LT's performance. I had forgotten that Hoss started that game.

   Great post. I also hope this will be a place where we can share memories and discuss some of the things that others know more about.

Question--I didn't realize Hoss started game 2 in the pre season. Was it just to get him some work with the 1st team, or was Parcels looking to motivate Simms in any way, like start a QB competition. I thought Simms was entrenched at #1 at this time, am I wrong????