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Messages - Woody

Watched it ! Tucker Carlson and Shawn Hannity are opinion shows much like Rachael Maddox etc.
News  people/ shows during the day are much different and regularly seek opinions from people on both sides of an issue being discussed.
Have you ever watched Fox during the. Day or at all?
Or do you form your opinion of Fox and conservatives from CNN news clips?
I would encourage you to give Fox a try , during the day if possible.
Or record some shows . The Fox News shows I have seen all encourage people to get vaccinated, wear masks where required etc. As well as many Conservative politicians.
Although I am not sure CNN would report that .

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Truth is not all of Fox News is telling people not to g vaccinated. In fact please give me an example. Most people have encouraged mask wearing an vaccinations when appropriate.
The major objection I see from them is that if people get vaccinated some government officials are requiring people to continue to wear masks. That is taking a major incentive to get vaccinated away.
I appreciate your work in health services . It cannot be easy these days, but saying people that wont get vaccinated are trying to kill others is a little extreme in my opinion.

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Truth is everyone that contracts covid does not die from it and you imply that not getting vaccinated are trying to kill you . Did you not say that ?

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It is clear that whatever I say will be interpreted by some as evil and twist my words to be those of the worst person on planet.
For the record I am vaccinated and would encourage everyone to get the vaccine as well. However, I believe that it is still a personal decision for people to get the vaccine or not and they have the right not be be vaccinated. Many people have had problems with the vaccine and some people feel more time is needed to see what side effects there may be with it. Studies have shown problems young men / boys having heart issues and I saw a mother last week testifying before a committee explaining the crippling of her daughter after receiving the second dose of the vaccine.
People need to get all the facts they can about covid and the vaccine and let them make decisions at that point about wether or not to get the vaccine now or at some point or not at all.
There is still much to learn about covid and how to treat it.
The vaccine is the best weapon to stop the spread right now.
But information from our Government agencies , the WhO and other medical sources change frequently and vary from group to group and time to time.
Bully me all you want
I  find it troubling that you are fear mongering every time you post on this topic by saying that unvaccinated people are trying to kill you. Or that people that don
Political spin by the media on both sides is prevalent on all networks today. So I fact checked what was being discussed and found the spin not to be as wildly distorted as you claimed it to be.
Sorry you are right it is only about 40% of cdc employees not 50 %
All good points made but the choice for vaccination is a personnel one and as many as 50 % of medical staff in hospitals are not vaccinated and over half of the CDC staff is not as well.
Covid is not an automatic death sentence if contracted by an individual. There is still a 96.5 % or higher survival rate with covid.
So these facts are lies ? I actually saw them say everything I said .
Again do you think they were right or wrong to challenge the 2016 election
So when many Leading Democrats , former Leaders including Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and many others said the 2016 election was stolen by Trump , and Polosi and others objected to the electoral college vote of several states in the senate. They were traitors as well ?

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For some reason I can
So if everything on Fox News is fake  . Which networks are not fake news and should be relied on for accurate information? Just asking what others watch or where they  get information.
I watch Fox and others
With your conclusion on what you perceive I am going to conclude on this mater just proves my point that politics plays a roll in all discussions including yours.
Pompeo saying something without proof or sources ? Dare I mention 4 year Russian collusion with no proof ? Or is that another right wing conspiracy theory? 
Or was The Trump admin. just covering it up ? I think I might know your answer to that question. Both sides play politics in everything and Washington is a reflection of the American people , on that I agree.
Unfortunately, every function of the Federal Government ( including this study underway by Biden ) has a political slant to it.
Politics dominates Washington and an honest debate on anything is very difficult and nearly impossible to happen.
So to blame or discard points of view by
The heck with all the Covid talk.      What The Biden administration is doing at the southern border is nothing short of propaganda and unbelievable . By that I mean why is the Biden restricting all free press , Congress people and basically everyone from covering the souther border crisis .  Absolutely disgusting covering up the real story . Not allowing the American people to see what is going on there!