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Messages - DaveBrown74

Quote from: quacker on April 03, 2021, 10:50:29 AM
I'm in favor of MLB doing this. It is unfortunate but players are human beings and employees, the majority of whom do not support these voting changes.

Were the players polled on this issue?
Quote from: Stringer Bell on April 03, 2021, 08:00:03 AM
Counter point. While you may feel the exact opposite, athletes are not there for your amusement. They are real people, living real lives. YOU choose to follow THEIR lives. You don
While many are applauding this move, I continue to feel sports are becoming (or have already become) way too political in recent years. When most people tune into sports, they are not looking for a constant barrage of in-your-face political expression. Not the majority of fans anyway. And that goes for both conservatives and liberals. People on both sides of the spectrum tune in because they want to watch their favorite teams and favorite athletes play the sports they love. Period. There are more than enough vehicles and avenues through which to be political in modern life. Sports does not need to be so deeply embroiled in all of this as well. And I'm not suggesting there should be no recognition at all of key issues. Some of that is clearly fine - that has always been there. I just think it has become too constant and too in-you-face, all the time. Ultimately I think this will hurt leagues, who already as it is have major issues with TV ratings.
The Front Porch / Ranking your top five cuisines
March 29, 2021, 04:36:22 AM
How would you rank your top five favorite cuisines by country? Let's leave the USA out of this one. Which countries represent your top five non-American cuisines? Feel free to include honorable mention as well.

Here are mine:

1. Italian
2. Japanese
3. Chinese
4. Indian
5. French

Hon mention: Vietnamese, Mexican, Greek

This reminded me a little bit of the "infinite chocolate bar" trick. See below:
I don't think I can single just one out. But if I had to make a short list, some that would for sure be on it would be (in no order of preference):

Silence of The Lambs
Shawshank Redemption
Usual Suspects
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Boogie Nights
Rear Window
Full Metal Jacket

If I absolutely had to pick one it would be Goodfellas. I have watched that countless times and can probably all but recite it.
The Front Porch / Re: Alcohol consumption
March 05, 2021, 02:24:18 PM
These days I seldom touch spirits. I like a nice vodka soda as a cocktail when I am out, but I don't think I have made one at home for myself in at least three years. These days I mainly am a wine guy, and I drink beer with certain meals like barbecues and so on.

When things open up again, I expect us to have a big surge in social activity, which will surely mean a few nights here and there of relatively robust drinking. I am frankly fine with that, in fact I am looking forward to it.
The Front Porch / Alcohol consumption
March 04, 2021, 12:49:19 PM
First off, clearly this is a somehwat personal topic that some individuals may not wish to participate in, which is totally understandable. If that is how you feel, that is completely understood, please simply just don't participate if you're not comfortable with the topic or not interested.

For those who are comfortable, I'm just curious how much people are drinking these days and whether people are drinking more or less during the pandemic than they normally do. I think it is different for different people, so I'm just curious to get people's thoughts and observations.

To kick it off, I have selected 4-7 for myself. I typically drink on two evenings a week, occasionally three, but the majority of those evenings would be one glass of a wine, or one glass of wine with a half glass top-up. If we're doing something a little more interesting for dinner and I want to have a slightly better bottle of wine, I might go up to 2-3 drinks.

I am definitely drinking less now than before the pandemic, but probably not dramatically so. But since I currently never have any bigger nights out, the total is lower. These days (I'm 46) I don't go for big nights out anywhere nearly as much as I used to, nor are they as aggressive when I do, but if I'm going to dinner with friends and we meet somewhere beforehand or possibly have a nightcap after the dinner, I could easily 4-6 drinks over the course of a 3-4 hour evening. Obviously I haven't done one of those in over a year, so I have definitely drunk less during the pandemic. I know people though who, mainly out of boredom and perhaps an element of depression/anxiety, are drinking more during the pandemic than they normally do. I don't know anyone who has gone completely off the deep end, but I do have friends who have said that they are drinking on most evenings now, whereas they weren't a year ago.

I'm curious what others' thoughts and observations on this topic are.
The Front Porch / Re: Sitcoms worth watching
February 26, 2021, 08:27:15 AM
I think you would count this as a sit-com, but "Curb Your Enthusiasm" is an all-timer for me. And oddly enough, I was never as big on Seinfeld as everyone else was, even though it was created by the same person as Curb.
The Front Porch / Re: 100 all time best TV dramas
February 20, 2021, 09:36:02 AM
Nothing comes close to the Sopranos for me. Not even remotely.
The Front Porch / Re: Howard Stern - gifted painter
December 30, 2020, 06:23:08 AM
Wow- that's very interesting.

Talented guy.

I think Parcells is actually underrated. What he did with the Giants was clearly great, but he was also the only winning coach in Jet history (Al Groh coached one season and got to 9-7, up to you if you want to count that), and he did well in New England. The Dallas stint was not great, but he was kind of semi-retired then. All in all a brilliant career and one where he built bad teams up, as opposed to just being handed a winner from the get-go.
The Front Porch / Re: The "Undoing"
December 14, 2020, 06:00:29 AM
Quote from: T200 on December 13, 2020, 08:01:19 AM
Exactly! LOL

They did a good job of dropping a few crumbs here and there to place enough doubt in the viewers' minds to say maybe he didn't do it.

Too bad it was only 6 episodes. I think they could have developed it a little more.

Good find, Jolly  :ok:

Agreed - six episodes was tight, and it felt like too much was jammed in at the end. They easily could have stretched episodes five and six into four episodes. They could have developed the courtroom scenes more, and as I stated in an earlier post, there needed to be more development in the murder scene or a clearer explanation of how Jonathan was so prone to violence in this scene even though that never visibly manifested itself in his life before that.

Still though, excellent show, definitely better than most.
The Front Porch / Re: Showtime's "Your Honor"
December 14, 2020, 05:57:14 AM
Watched episode two last night. It continues to be good. I don't want to overhype it -- it's not alltime great or anything -- but it's definitely solid.

I'm going to stick with it. Cranston is an excellent lead man, and Stuhlbarg seems like a good antagonist. I liked him a lot in Boardwalk Empire.
The Front Porch / Showtime's "Your Honor"
December 13, 2020, 04:22:25 AM
Just started a new show on Showtime starring Bryan Cranston called "Your Honor." Curious if anyone else watched the first episode. So far it seem very promising. It takes place in New Orleans, and it is about a respected judge whose son is involved in a hit and run. The second episode airs tonight (Dec 13). I never leap to conclusions about a series either way after just one episode, but this one has potential to be a really good thriller.