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Messages - kartanoman

Quote from: files58 on May 12, 2024, 08:55:53 PM"For files58, what did you think about that right poke Bennett gave Marchand thar the refs missed that the whole world is talking about?"

So until just a few minutes ago when they showed a close up replay of Bennet's punch to Marchand's head did I know it was so egregious. When watching the game real time I thought it was a borderline high hit. He punched him, plain and simple. The league should have suspended Bennet. My on ice solution is as follows. First a little history. My worst Ranger moment(there have been too many) was Game 7 1974 against the Flyers when Schultz beat the crap out of non-fighter Dale Rolfe, and not one Ranger came to his defense. Since then I have always thought that Ranger management should teach a few of their players how to fight, and/or some Martial Art punching. In this view since the league didn't step up right now Bennet would be out for the rest of the playoffs with a swollen face eyes almost shut missing about 6-10 teeth. That ability would only be used in a defensive or necessary retaliatory manner, not as an offensive weapon. Hockey is a beautiful, talent laden sport, but it's also violent. If the league allows fighting you might as well be really good at it, just like winning face-offs. Call it a "nuclear detterent" if you will.   

Great feedback, thank you!

On the martial arts, we know that professionals in various sports train in different martial arts disciplines for better body balance, self-defense techniques and inner confidence.

Players like Bennett should have a price tag on their head because their world centers on do whatever you have to for the win. You have to be ready to counter as soon as they play that hand. That shootout win at the Garden against Florida was encouraging because the Rangers took it to them and stayed on top of them. With Florida now up 3-1 on Boston, it's looking like that's the next obstacle.

We'll see if the Rangers tighten up the D for Game Five.


Big Blue Huddle / Re: Giants add another DT
May 13, 2024, 01:23:27 AM
Quote from: Sem on May 12, 2024, 07:03:31 PMOr 52 years ago when they drafted a 6'1" DT named John Mendenhall in the third round.

Nice comparison!
Quote from: files58 on May 12, 2024, 01:21:13 PMThey should have won last night. I don't like giving any hope to any team, let alone Carolina. As I mentioned in a previous post the Canes are taking more shots straight away in the high slot. That's close to where Shaj's(never could spell his name) goal came from. That and the Canes are having a forward hang on the Ranger's side of Center ice to break up the 1-3-1. The Rangers are also giving up too much ice, and letting the Canes skate up to-through center ice too easily. Things that need to be adjusted. As far as the chippiness. Well since I don't hail from Canada or the European countries where hockey is worshipped, and don't live by the grail a little errant clear or shot that just happens to hit a Cane under the eyeshield never hurt a Ranger. How about that same errant clear off the boards happens to land in the Cane bench. Yes I don't know what the refs were looking at when Trocheck got mugged. Breszinski is a waste. Look for Chytl to re-enter the lineup unless he can't physically go. Asking him for two playoff games in a row after being off for 6 months is alot to ask. He brings speed, talent, and a scoring threat each time on the ice. They need to tighten up defensively. They hit how many posts, and just wide yesterday? Laffy was clearly the best player on the ice for both teams, and is earning his #1 status. If you think this is chippy watch Boston-Florida. One thing I would like to see is when the Rangers hopefully have the series won with a few minutes left would like to see Guentzel salted. I thought the call on Lindgren was iffy, it looked like he got the puck, and the skate which makes it ok. 

Lots of good discussion here but I continue to find myself aligning to your perspective because what you've preached since about the 10th game of the regular season, which was around the time the Blueshirts took Northwestern Canada by storm for their first ever five-game sweep of that region, these boys need to show a pair when it counts the most. By and large, they've done that for seven straight games.

No question the Canes threw their bodies in front of Igor to disrupt his vision, capitalize on rebounds and redirect pucks into the back of the net. Three box checks for them, desperate times called for desperate measures and, with the refs largely letting the play go on, they built their 1-3 lead.

But the Rangers kicked into gear and, as much as the Canes blanked their shots off the posts at the Garden, the hockey gods were getting even with the Rangers last night. Still, the boys tied it up with nearly a full period to go.

Now, we can talk about Trouba here if you'd like. Did he get banged up because he didn't look 100% out there.

I want to talk about Miller who seemed a little too passive out there when a more muscle was needed. He also turned the puck over in the Rangers' zone a few too many times for my comfort.

Foxy looks like he is playing through the knee injury right now and he's a warrior, but only able to give about 70-75%, I'd say.

Schneider had some nice looks on offense and has been more or less a steady player for them.

But Lindgren, my Lord, he is the MVP of that defense, the cornerstone, if you will. He IS a presence out there, almost like Christ standing on the troubled waters of the sea. He just puts his nose down, gets in there and breaks things up to get a Ranger counterattack going. I've seen the light on him after watching him at the Mullett in Tempe. A true-blue Ranger defensive hero. Thr call on him for tripping should never have happened. Ticky-touch at worst. The replay showed he went for the puck and the player tripped over the extended stick. Did the stick move a little in a motion that might constitute a trip ... yes, of course. However, how much force was applied to that stick with him on the ground? The way the game was called, it shouldn't have been flagged. But, it was and, in a delicious irony for the home team, they finally break their power play drought with the game winner. Great theatric drama and a guaranteed ratings boost for Monday.

Johnny Brod's debut was OK. Nothing special. He was out of sync for a while, managed to get in on some action close to Freddie, but did skate some minutes out there. Would you go back to Chytil, or Rempe? This isn't games one or two. Both teams have wear and tear on them now, and Carolina is a wounded animal that is fending off being put down. How do the Rangers plan to put themselves in the best position to win Monday AND minimize further wear and tear on their beat-up players?

Does Rempe playing Sherriff out there get it done on Monday? Does Chytil's speed and skill, despite not having his full conditioning back, prove to be the difference? Does giving Johnny Brodz another game, now that he's been indoctrinated into the series, help the cause? Or, does Laviolette have something else up his sleeve?

The answer isn't any one player. Every game in this series has been a one-goal game, win or lose.

Carolina took away the space in front of Igor and that resulted in deflected goals and rebound goals. In spite of all of that, the Rangers still almost pulled it off and had them on their heels.

For files58, what did you think about that right poke Bennett gave Marchand thar the refs missed that the whole world is talking about? Not to get ahead of ourselves, but I would see Rempe as a necessary component of all games in a Panthers-Rangers semifinal. Might I suggest a possible bloodbath series between the two if the Panthers pull that $%!t with the Rangers? The now-famous bloodbath semifinal series between Colorado and Detroit in '96 where Darren McCarty of Detroit beat the living daylights out of Avs goon Claude Lemieux, for seriously injuring his teammates with a cross-check. Lemieux's face was dripping in blood, fans went nuts at the Joe Louis Arena, and the refs, seeming knowing the history in the series, only gave McCarty a double-minor for roughing. Cool! He went back out later and kicked the living $%!t out of Lemieux again, then proceeded to score the game winning goal in OT and went on into Red Wings' lore for a performance for the ages which launched the Wings to the Stanley Cup that year.

Whomever is making it out of the East this tournament will be missing a few parts, spare parts included!

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Giants add another DT
May 12, 2024, 05:09:24 PM
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on May 12, 2024, 02:01:22 PMNot that this guy is another Aaron Donald, but one should concentrate more on the size of the heart, than the size of the body.

You read my mind with this thought right above.

I would love nothing more than for the Giants to find a player with the heart and fire-brimming intensity of another undersized defensive player they drafted 30 years ago, Jessie Armstead.

I wish Chatman all the best and hope he can find his way onto the Giants in some capacity.

All right, all-right, now!

C'mon everyone! We all know this is a public engagement opportunity for the press to meet the kids. But, it's also an indoctrination for each of them into the New York Football Giants and get them all registered into the Giants' everything (e.g. human resources, health, physicals, meetings, getting fitted for their equipment, etc. ... no different from your first days at boot camp).

They entered 1925 Giants Drive as college kids. They'll walk out as New York Football Giants.

Simple as that. That is, until they go through their real "boot camp" this summer.

We wish them all well.

Quote from: DaveBrown74 on May 12, 2024, 11:07:18 AMSo your argument is that if both of those players had been 100% healthy in all four quarters, we would have instead looked good in that game instead of losing 40-0?

Get your facts straight, my very good friend. It was 0-41. Again zero, fourty-one!

Lest we forget!

(Seriously, but in jest!)

Quote from: AZGiantFan on May 11, 2024, 03:20:24 PMI can't help thinking that going from 'Assistant' to 'Manager' is a lot easier if you have the right last name.

I know the line of work I'm in there's a blatantly clear line of demarcation between the two. One is still a peon while the other is a steward of the company. In the Football Giants' Organization, however, that line may be blurred or nothing at all, if it even exists. Perhaps, it is nothing more than an apprenticeship role.

The franchise is owned by Mara and Tisch. So, it should come as no surprise that there are Mara and Tisch members occupying the org chart.

But these two personnel assignments were approved by Joe Schoen since they fall under the Operations organization.

Unless we're starting a "John and Steve ordered Joe to approve these assignments or they'd be taking their GM for a ride" conspiracy theory, I'd suggest this is an internal business process efficiency move.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Better or Worse
May 11, 2024, 11:34:32 PM
Quote from: Jclayton92 on May 11, 2024, 09:31:27 PMThe one thing you can take away is that we are investing in premium positions. The premium positions on this roster have been addressed, have they all been home runs absolutely not but Wr, Tackle, CB, Edge, and even to a certain extent Qb have been addressed while positions that aren't as big of a premium have shed their high price tags ie Safety, RB, and so on.

A different angle in looking at it but one I believe is important to evaluate in terms of overall value at both a player level and, collectively, at a unit level. We can definitely see the trend move this way since 2021 and, hopefully soon, the results will follow.

The team showed resilience in tying the game from 1-3 at the end of the first period until the questionable trip call on Lindgren whom, in my opinion, has been every bit the General he has been all season on defense. The fact Carolina scored on the power play to win the game was simply too ironic for me, as if it was scripted or something. But, so be it, the Rangers accomplished what they needed to in splitting the two in Raleigh and come home with a nice 3-1 lead with no reason to hang their head.

They didn't get the win tonight but, still, a great hockey game to watch.

Expert NHL Best Bets and Predictions for May 11

As we get ready for Game Four, one of the "experts," Jonny Lazarus, has our Rangers .... as favorites tonight?

Reverse psychology to jinx them?

We'll find out.

Enjoy the game!

Quote from: brownelvis54 on May 11, 2024, 12:14:43 PM

Good video, despite everyone talking over everyone else, but they're keeping the discussion points on Purdy fair and, in the end, if this all adds up to anything meaningful, he probably should be in the top five and you can certainly debate, pro or con, whether number two is the right call.

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 09, 2024, 09:18:16 AMAnother concern with Gano is that even prior to the knee injury, he missed 35% of his field goal attempts.

The very thought of a potential "mental" impact entering the equation of a kicker can derail a career faster than a physical injury.

Let's hope his experience has taught him to work through that and, as these guys say, "focus on the next kick."

Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on May 10, 2024, 01:02:41 PMMy first thought (before thinking "good"), was now it's even going to harder to tell him apart from Bricillo. My second thought: "did he make the decision or did his wife nag him into it?"  ;) , and my third thought, "I wonder if he's on Ozempic"

Regardless, he looks much better and healthier

Regardless how, good for him that he did it! Further, if he did it the Ozempic way, then he took another healthy step in improving his blood A1C which is a key component in determining Type-2 diabetes. If your lifestyle forces you into dangerous conditions that could impact your life, you do what you have to do to take care of yourself. So, a huge shout-out to the head coach for doing just that and hope he's able to sustain the lifestyle changes he has made.

Quote from: EDjohnst1981 on May 10, 2024, 02:56:50 PMI don't think so. But he worked very hard on his skating and other stuff. Plus he had the belief of the coach - he's not had that before.

Belief from Lavs was a catalyst, no question about it. But also challenging him to play right wing, from time to time, unleashed additional potential and, with that, grew self-confidence that was supported by a strong work ethic which he always had, but we didn't always see.

Things came together for Laffy, as well as a few Ranger players, but the commitment of each individual to sacrifice their "me" for the team's "we" may have been the biggest leap forward yet for these guys. That's what a winner in a head coach, along with his assistants, can do when a team has the talent but now needs to give of themselves to each other for the bigger picture.

I believe that's the difference this year.

The one thing nobody here is doing is taking Carolina for granted. Now, with that having been said, it is fact that the Rangers have the stranglehold on them and must continue to focus on playing THEIR brand of hockey which has yielded their 55 regular season wins, a President's Trophy, a big broom-sweep of their first round playoff divisional nemeis in the Nation's Capital and, here we are, on the throes of having the opportunity to do the same to a heated divisional rival AND, as if it hasn't been mentioned enough, our bestest of friends in Vegas at Bet MGM Sportsbook have anointed them as the champions before the season's first puck drop. "Paper Champions" they have been, to date, and Brind'Amour must come up with a new formula quickly before the bizarre occurrence of the Rangers going 8-0 in this post-season while Carolina would have been swept in their last two playoff matchups (NOTE: lest we forget what Florida did to them in the Eastern Conference Finals last year).

But it is very true that this entire series can turn on a dime if the Canes can break the code that debunks their poor special teams' play as well as Igor's apparent invincibility.

But Laviolette is in the driver's seat right now and is playing his cards masterfully. The Chytil for Rempe switch ultimately paid off last night with the extra attacker adding more pressure on their defense and young goalie. Will Lavs stick to this formula or switch it around and bring back the big kid in case things get out of hand tomorrow night? We hinted, during Game Four of the Washington series that it might have but, alas, it really did not. So, I venture to guess that Chytil will stay in the lineup, for now.

I could not stop laughing when I started hearing "Let's Go Rangers" and "I-gor" chants competing with "Let's Go Canes." Let's face facts. This country IS Rangers' Nation. I witnessed it with my own eyes here in Phoenix when they came to town. Sam and Joe have commented on every road trip that Ranger fans have represented the team well on the road. Laviolette and the entire team have taken note of that and I have no doubt it gives them all a great sense of pride. In truth, it gives us Rangers fans nationwide great pride to take over an opponent's building. The looks on the home team's fans are absolutely priceless!

Next game up; can the Rangers pull off what many believe would have been unthinkable at the start of this series?

Stay tuned!
