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Messages - spiderblue43

From 1974 to 1990, I think the Giants had the most consistent LB unit in football. Start with Brad Van Pelt (All-Pro player for years), Brian Kelly and eventual HOF in Harry Carson. Then LT, the greatest OLB ever into the mix. Then also add capable role players like Andy Headen and Byron Hunt in the early 80's. Plus in the mid 80's, Carl Banks, Gary Reasons, Pepper Johnson, Steve DeOssie, etc. Truly a dependable and outstanding unit.

This is excluding Jesse Armstead, too.

No slight, of course, to the Jints. No surprise to me when he got to NY. I was there watching the amazing LT at UNC in the late fall of 80 sacking QB Tol Avery, a option mess under Monte Kiffin, then a fun alternative since Bo Rein took his recruiting trip to the next world. LT reset pass protection. The game, of course, but the Steelers are the greatest group. Stats are on their side.
Wow. IMO, the Steelers. Russell, Ham, Lambert. The greatest group in terms of dominance as a unit. The Steelers simply couldn't be scored upon with that group for the most part and won 4 Supes with the enormous help of Joe Greene, LC Greenwood, Dwight Holmes, etc.