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Messages - MightyGiants

BBH Archive / Re: NFT- The nature of internet debate
September 30, 2015, 10:37:25 AM
Quote from: Bob In PA on September 30, 2015, 10:31:12 AM
Excellent post.  Did you draw the cartoon?  If not, your skills at searching the Internet are clearly second to none.  Bob


I saw this cartoon years ago and it really hit home for me.   So every once in awhile I search for it, so I can share it. 
BBH Archive / NFT- The nature of internet debate
September 30, 2015, 10:19:57 AM
I often see people get caught up in a heated debate about a topic.   From my many years of internet discussion boards I have learned a few things:

1)  Conversation rarely maintains quality past 3 exchanges.   After you state a point, counter a disagreement and make another response, you pretty much have played out a disagreement.   There are no judges so debates are neither won or lost.  If after 3 attempts you fail to convince someone that your opinion is the correct one, any more attempts are highly unlikely to change things

2)  Consider points of agreement rather than exclusively the disagreement.  This was my mistake for many years.   I would rarely post that I agreed with someone (and/or expand on a point) but I would post to respond to points I disagreed with.   What happens if that's what you do is you tend to be seen as a disagreeable person.   Turns out people don't like to always be disagreed with...   who knew?

3) Agree to disagree can be better than the last word.  After all this is a community is being right more important than the friendships and the bonds?   I can say in the heat of the moment being right seemed more important and that usually leads to regret.


BBH Archive / NFT- BBH Posting and Conduct Policy 2.0
September 21, 2015, 03:09:59 PM
These are the new posting guide lines to ensure that BBH maintains the core values I have posted at the end of the guidelines.   Please be advised if you do not follow the guidelines you will be subject to progressive disciplinary actions.  Losing fans from the board is never a good thing but a disruptive poster can often cost more as good people quietly leave.   So please pay heed to these guidelines

1)  CIVILITY-  Insults or insulting comments directed at other board members is not acceptable behavior.   Please conduct yourself like a gentleman or gentlewoman (which ever applies)


A)  Insult a person's idea is no more acceptable than insulting the person directly.  Laughing at or mocking another member's position is not acceptable behavior

B) Making the target general will also be an unacceptable loophole.  Going after people here at BBH but not naming names is still unacceptable behavior

3)  This is a PG 13 board and so please use content and language that is appropriate

4)  Please be mindful that the board automatically sends out to our 7000+ social media followers the title of all new posts on the main board with a link back.  So please use good titles and if you posting a non-football topic please use put "NFT" (no quotes) in the title.  This will prevent the post from being broadcast and will let people know it's a topic that doesn't involve football

5)  It is not OK to retaliate or engage in cyber vigilante justice.   If you have an issue with a post please use the report post feature of if you have an issue with a poster please PM a moderator or admin.  So if you feel that someone insulted you or someone is disruptive notify the moderation team, that's their job to handle such things in a fair and impartial manner.

Common Courtesy, these are not rules per say but general guidelines on how to be a considerate poster to your fellow fans here on BBH

1)  Check to see that you are not posting a duplicate thread before starting a new one.   While we can merge threads, it's always nice to check first

2)  When referring to a member of the Giants organization please refrain from name calling.  It may surprise some to know that this board is filled with Giants fans and many of them don't enjoy hearing their favorite team insulted even by fellow fans.  It's OK to criticize the team but stay away from hyperbole (exaggeration)

3)  No one likes repetition.  If you have a point to make make it and move on or discuss it if fellow fans are interested.   A great way to annoy your fellow fans is to make the same basic point over and over again on all sorts of different topics.   Slight variations of the point doesn't make this practice anymore welcome

4) We are a big cyberfamily here.  So be considerate to your fellow Giants fans.   We all suffer the same ups and downs

5) Try not to side track a thread.  If you find yourself getting to off topic, consider starting a new thread.   Odds are some may find the new topic interesting and will not know to look and others who were talking about the original topic may annoyed that the thread changed to a topic different from the one they wanted to talk about.

6)  BBH is known for intelligent conversation.  So try and support opinions you make with reasons and facts.  Remember the whole difference between fact, opinion and belief.

Thank you and enjoy


1)  Respect and Civility-  We should always been respectful and civil to one another.  We tell people they should join here because this is a site where you can be expected to be treated fairly and with respect

2)  We invite intelligent and well reasoned discussion-   There are plenty of places for over the top comments and wild arguments.  We have a board here for smart, mature and good conversation.   We want to talk football, Xs and Os, players and coaches and the like.  It's not about who you think sucks or who is worthless.  You can feel that someone isn't cutting it, but express it in a smart and respectful manner.  You can say Coughlin isn't getting the job done and explain why you feel that way.  Calling him a senile old man that needs to be fired isn't the sort of conversation BBH was created for.

3)  We are more than just a message board.   This is like a cyber family.  Many are friends here off the board and if that's not your thing that's fine to.  The idea is that we are supportive of one another.  Here you talk to people not just some disposable screen name or Twitter Handle.   We are all people here that try to support one another and from time to time we have gatherings for people to meet.

4)  BBH is you the members.  We the moderator team have the responsibility to keep order and make sure people don't hurt the board or disrupt things but in the end a message board is just a bunch of computer files, what makes this a great place and what this place really is, is all of you the people that post and share your thoughts and participate. 

Giants History / Re: Frank Gifford has died
August 10, 2015, 09:50:28 AM
Here are some video highlights of the ultimate Giant

Giants History / Re: Frank Gifford has died
August 09, 2015, 03:13:22 PM
RIP Frank
Well welcome, it will be great to hear your insights as a guy with a lot of first hand experience.   :greetings:
Another interesting thing about safety prospects.   One thing Greg Cossell mentioned this morning is that some teams prefer interchangeable safeties (as it makes it harder to guess a defense) and some prefer the traditional free safety and strong safety.   My memory is a little bit fuzzy on this issue, but I sort of recall Spags using the left and right safety approach last time he was here.
Quote from: UKGiantsFan on April 23, 2015, 07:44:06 AM
Quote from: MightyGiants on April 23, 2015, 07:28:34 AM
Greg Cossell was raving about Damarious Randall this morning.   He also did not like Landon Collins one bit.  Said he was too heavy and heavy footed.

Check out the video's at Draft Breakdown and see what conclusions you draw.

I had a couple of ASU games taped DB don't have up but if you want to see why I have tempered my enthusiasm on Randall take a look at the Oregon State game on there. Some of his run fits in that game are horrendous!

I will do that when I get a chance Ceri.   One thing I was reminded of in Greg's class.  He said if he had to choose (a safety prospect) between one that couldn't tackle and one that couldn't cover he would go for the one that couldn't tackle.   Greg figures players can always learn how to tackle but they can't always learn how to cover.
Greg Cossell was raving about Damarious Randall this morning.   He also did not like Landon Collins one bit.  Said he was too heavy and heavy footed.
I was taught safeties should be between 5' 11"- 6' 2" and 195 - 220 and run at least a 4.55
Quote from: UKGiantsFan on April 21, 2015, 08:15:44 AM
Quote from: DesG89 on April 21, 2015, 06:50:39 AM
Good read as always Ceri. Just like cam Erving in the guard review we're on the same wavelength regarding Preston Smith. He's on my wish list but I have this nagging feeling he'll be taken late in the 1st considering the lack of tradition 4-3 DEs in the draft this year. Is it safe to assume from their absences that you don't think much of Za'darius Smith and Anthony Chikillo?

I also think Smith will be gone. It's one very big reason why I favour going DE first. DE's aren't going to last long as their aren't many of them. Their will be good OL's still available at #40.

As far as Za'darius Smith and Chickillo go, I'm not of the opinion that either will be a starter or that they'll upgrade our pass rush. We have depth, what we're missing is a second two-way player or a speedy outside pass rush specialist.

I count over 40 guys being projected as first round or possible first round picks.  I am thinking some of these guys will fall to round two.   I am thinking either Smith or OO or both will be their at 40. 
Quote from: Philosophers on April 20, 2015, 10:47:25 AM
We are completely in sync on Preston Smith as I have said the past month or so how much I think he's Justin Tuck 2.0.  I think he is the absolute prototype for the Giants.

I will be very very very happy if the Giants go O-line round one and come back in round two with either Preston Smith or OO.   That would be such a great 1-2 punch for this team
Great report Ceri!   Of course you know I was going to say something about Owagume Odighizuwa.   I think you are putting him in the wrong category.   He's too short to really be 3-4 DE.   He would be an ideal LDE in a 4-3 though.   I want him and if the team gets him I know we would all be happy.  He would improve the run defense and give the generally less athletic RTs fits.
Quote from: dasher on April 19, 2015, 02:30:40 PM
Here's my fearsome pick for round 5
Sean Hickey OT projected to OG
2 reasons - We LOVE Syracuse and team captains.
Wouldn't shock me Dale
Good work Ceri!   :ok:  None of these guys really excite me as a pick at 9.  If one were to slip to the second round of the questionable fit list, they might be worth a pick.   The small school prospects are intriguing and one of them would be a nice day 3 pick.