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Messages - AZGiantFan

Quote from: Rambo89 on December 14, 2022, 08:05:22 PMI wouldn't be surprised if some team offered Jones a contract that paid him $25+ million AAV.  I just hope the Giants aren't the ones who do it. 

I also wouldn't be surprised if some team does that.  And I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a top 5-10 QB with that team.
I think the QBR  rankings buttress my point that Jones has clawed his way to being a middle rank QB despite being in a lousy situation with very little quality on the offense.

My inference, that some team or teams that have more quality on their offense but no established QB will look at that and think about what he could be in their higher quality offense, may be less certain. But I think one or more teams will be willing to sign him for more than some of the perpetually biased think.  Which will end the pro/con war that some have engaged in, here.
Quote from: Ed Vette on December 14, 2022, 03:00:17 PMAny separate threads opened will be deleted. Any threads hijacked to a Daniel Jones discussion, will be deleted or the thread locked.

It's too bad we lost the stuff in this thread but it's really no big deal as I'm sure the thread will be re-populated lickety split.
The Front Porch / Backyard pizza oven
December 12, 2022, 04:42:44 PM
It seems like there is a big advertising push for ooni brand wood fired backyard portable pizza ovens.  I ended up getting 2 of a different brand, pizzello, for my 2 daughters.  Anyone have one of these?
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
December 03, 2022, 07:21:18 PM






The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
December 03, 2022, 07:16:56 PM

I never realized that the stork delivered them fully dressed.
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
December 03, 2022, 07:11:35 PM
A beautiful blonde was on a plane to Seattle in the coach section.  She got up and went forward and sat in a first class seat. 

The stewardess went up to her and said, "I'm sorry ma'am, you have a coach ticket and can't sit here.  You have to go back to your seat." 

The blonde replied, "I'm beautiful, I'm blonde, I'm going to Seattle, and I can sit anywhere I want."

Perplexed, the stewardess went to the cockpit and explained the situation.  The co-pilot said, "I'll go back and deal with it."

He goes back and says, "I'm sorry ma'am, you have a coach ticket and can't sit here.  You have to go back to your seat." 

The blonde replied, "I'm beautiful, I'm blonde, I'm going to Seattle, and I can sit anywhere I want."

The co-pilot goes back to  the cockpit and tells the captain what happened.  The captain says, "She's a blonde?  I'll take care of it.  My wife is a blonde and I speak fluent blonde."

He goes back and whispers in her ear.  She says, "Oh, thank you" and gets up and returns to her seat.  He goes back to the cockpit.  The astounded stewardess and co-pilot ask him what he told her.

He said, "I told her that only the coach section was going to Seattle, the first class section is going to San Fransisco."
The Front Porch / Re: Plax in prison
November 29, 2022, 06:17:27 PM
The law enforcement environment in NYC is much different now than it was in 2008.  I can't help thinking the disposition of the case would be far different today. 
Quote from: Bob In PA on September 29, 2022, 02:26:59 PMDB: Agree. THAT is precisely why I'm almost 100% certain it's impossible to travel back in time.

I say "almost" because it's not impossible that people smart enough to travel back in time are likewise smart enough to not be "caught" doing so. LOL

I'm not as certain about ruling out travel forward... some people think if you can't go one way you should not be able to go in either direction... not necessarily true.

By coincidence, I just happen to be watching the classic science-fiction movie "Interstellar." 

With the aid of a black hole, there would seem to be a theoretical possibility of going forward (as they suggest in the movie... what's really happening is that not that they are TRAVELING forward, but rather they are being affected so that every one hour of their lives on a certain planet located inside the black hole coincides with passage of nine years of time on Earth).


The essential problem with time traveling to the past is causality.  The best example is the guy who travels back in time and kills his father.  The resulting paradox is irresolvable.  Great grist for science fiction, though.  I don't think anyone did it better than Robert Heinlein.  All You Zombies and The Door Into Summer are my favorites.

The Front Porch / Food Challenge Blog
September 03, 2022, 06:01:03 AM
This is about my younger daughter, not me.  For reasons explained in her first blog post she has embarked on a Food Challenge wherein each week her husband picks a country and she has a week to research, plan, and cook a meal indigenous to that country.  This is a link to the first post in her blog explaining how it came about.

First Blog Post

If you've a mind to, drop in and check it out.  She writes well, with a breezy style and plenty of humor.  Plus if you do check it out maybe drop her a comment - and be sure you mention you heard about it on a Giants Forum.  She has been True Blue her whole life.  One of the highlights of her college days was meeting Bob Papa at a Senior PGA event that he was broadcasting and for which she was interning.  After telling him she was a lifelong Giants fan they had a nice chat and he gave her the Giants lanyard he was wearing.

If you decide to check it out, thanks.

The Front Porch / Re: How many have you visited
July 10, 2022, 01:44:23 AM
Quote from: AZGiantFan on July 10, 2022, 01:42:03 AM17.  18 if the River Walk is the one in San Antonio.  19 if by the Hollywood sign you mean seeing it with my own eyes.

Oops, bump these up by one.  I've see the Gateway Arch a few times.
The Front Porch / Re: How many have you visited
July 10, 2022, 01:42:03 AM
Quote from: MightyGiants on July 07, 2022, 05:30:34 PMYou cannot view this attachment.

17.  18 if the River Walk is the one in San Antonio.  19 if by the Hollywood sign you mean seeing it with my own eyes.
The Front Porch / Re: Recipes
July 10, 2022, 01:38:06 AM
Quote from: LennG on July 07, 2022, 09:53:16 PMYou can definitely eliminate the onion, which is more for flavoring than texture. Try some onion powder.
Myself, I LOVE to cook with Dill. I could add that to almost anything I cook. I tried Dill in my Latkes one time and my family complained. I thought they tasted great but the complaint was--as we say in the Jewish way of life--TRADITION. No changing solid recipes top experiment. I hope, that when we are gone, others in my family will make certain dishes and consider them tradition, so they never can change.

I'm thinking of trying them with shallots in place of onion, as my system tolerates them better.  I'm also thinking about adding my own seasoning spin, a grind or two of nutmeg, as nutmeg has always been a family favorite in any kind of potato dish.

I made simple chocolate ice cream last night.  I used 3 Tbs of Ameretto and 5 Tbs of 100% cocoa powder.  It had great texture conibg out of the freezer and it was very chocolaty.  I didn't get much almond flavor from the Ameretto so I may have to use some almond extract and some crushed almonds if I want to get chocolate-almond.
The Front Porch / Re: Recipes
July 07, 2022, 08:41:13 PM
Wow, those look delicious.  Sadly, I can't eat anything with onions any more.  Which is a shame, because I love onions.  I might play around with these to see how they do without onions.  Thanks for posting the recipe!
The Front Porch / Re: Recipes
July 01, 2022, 01:39:23 PM
Quote from: LennG on July 01, 2022, 11:51:23 AMSounds yummy, but a lot of work when I can just go to a Cold Stone and get some of the best ice cream I have ever eaten. My favorite is cheesecake with a mashed brownie. 

I do most of the cooking in our house and my darling wife does most of the desserts. We have many favorite recipes. Being of Jewish descent, we have several great 'Jewishy' recipes that, to us anyway, are mouthwatering and hopefully, when we are gone, our children will still be making them. Don't know if this was exactly what you were looking for?

Looks yummy, although I'm not much of a banana bread guy.

I'm not Jewish, but my years in NYC gave me an appreciation for Jewish food, particularly Jewish Deli food.  We had a pretty good Jewish-style deli in Denver that was featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.  Not a true NY Jewish deli, but when you live outside NY you have to content yourself with decent approximations of delis, both Jewish and Italian, pizza, and bagels.  Do you ever make Potato Latkes?  I'd love to see the recipe, if you do.

My younger daughter and I are the ones that both continue and revive some of our ethnic (Polish) specialties.  She is a master pierogi maker and makes copious amounts for our holidays.  My mom taught my wife, and the kids helped, so that thread was kept alive.  Recently I got a grinder and we are reviving making kielbasa, which my Babci (grandmother) and Mom made every year when I was growing up, but no one took it up before my mom passed.  We've done one batch so far and I think we pretty much got the taste.  They wouldn't be a fit for you because they are made from pork.  Now I need to get a smoking capability set up so I can smoke the next batch.

I've also done some refrigerator charcuterie, and am putting together a drying chamber from a beer cooler for more serious charcuterie.  My first projects for the drying chamber will be making bresaola from an eye round of beef, and Burisma from beef tenderloin.

I get what you're saying about sometimes something can be too much work when you can just go buy it.  That happened to me when I made home-made fresh mozzarella.  It wasn't so much a lot of work, but the yield from a half gallon of milk was small (about 8 oz.) and it wasn't all that good.  It was a 'quick' version.  But then I watched a video of the real method and it was too complicated compared to just buying fresh mozz.

I don't put the ice cream in that category, though, because from the moment I got out of my chair thinking "I better make the ice cream for tomorrow" to when I was putting the mixture into the freezer was literally (used properly) less than 15 minutes, with the only real work being the whipping of the cream with a hand mixer.

As to my intentions for the thread, I've noticed in pictures folks have posted that many members, with me near the top, have obviously eaten a lot of good food in our time.  So, I hope this thread becomes just a place for talking about food, sharing recipes, sharing resources we've found, etc.  Like most threads it will be self-defining or maybe peter out for lack of interest.  We'll see.  Thanks for sharing your banana bread recipe.