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Messages - MightyGiants

If you are going to attend camp, please post what days you will be there

Me-  Will be watching practices starting Thursday August 2nd and Leaving after practice on Monday August 6th.
Quote from: zephirus on June 20, 2012, 10:59:46 AM
Sorry, don't feel like reading through all these responses.  Was a final decision ever made on when the BBQ will be?

there is a dinner for anyone in Albany on Friday night, an early supper after practice on Saturday (called a Lupper or Linner) and the BBQ on Sunday
Quote from: jimv on June 18, 2012, 09:26:58 PM
I've just made room reservations for Paul, me & our wives at Holiday Inn Express, Western Avenue, right next to the SUNY Campus (walking distance, Rich).  Each room has a King bed with TV, WiFi, refrigerator, etc.  They serve free breakfasts.  Cost is $119+tax/night.  They guarntee that the rate is the lowest for a comparable room.  If you can find the same type room at a lower price, they'll give you the first night free & charge you the lower rate the second night.  I tried & couldn't find one.  Anybody else for it?

That's where I have always stayed.  It had seemed to me they were on the expensive side, I guess they are being more competitive.
I think there should be activities Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  People make what they can make.  That way every will get a chance to at least meet up with some BBHers and those making a longer trip will have something to do Sunday before heading back.
Giants History / Re: Re: GARY REASONS -- The "HIT"
June 13, 2012, 01:34:33 PM
Quote from: 55 reasons on June 13, 2012, 12:26:34 PM
Of course this is Gary Reasons' second best play in his career ... with the first being his call to receive the snap in punt formation in the NFC championship game in SF..then running for 1st down into field goal range for game winning FG... Sorry I don't know how to post the video

To post video just copy and paste the web address.  The forum does the rest

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
I prefer B but I can live with A
More from the Billick Chalktalk 101 Series at Mother's Grille in Federal Hill in Baltimore brought to you by Coors Light & Toyota Live Web.

Billick Chalktalk 101: Breaking down the 'Prevent Defense'
No problem Jim.  You know what's funny, the casual fan would watch the play and see a completion to the X receiver and think the corner got beat deep.  Even though the corner wasn't supposed to follow the receiver all the way down the field. 
I love his Xs and Os series:

QuoteThe two route concepts we consistently see in the NFL to target the top of Cover 2 (or Tampa 2) are Flat-7 and 4 Verticals. Today, let
PFF talked about the Eagles failure:

QuoteSeeing the success of the Packers, the Philadelphia Eagles tried to create a Woodson. Hoping to  duplicate Woodson
BBH Archive / Re: NFT--Zimmerman and Martin
June 03, 2012, 04:22:07 PM

I disagree with what Len said.   I see no way that Zimmerman is not guilty.  I think we have reached a point to agree to disagree though.


BBH Archive / Re: NFT--Zimmerman and Martin
June 03, 2012, 01:46:28 PM

I have to disagree.  The reality is we have to believe rather far fetched and unlikely version of events to even begin to consider letting Zimmerman off from the homicide he committed.   We know for a fact that Zimmerman stalked Martin.  We have no indication that Martin jumped him as you claim. 

As for the law this comes right out of it:

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity, and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

1)  It's reasonable to assert Zimmerman initiated the confrontation so he was "not attacked" as required by law

2)  As I said a much larger man engaged in a fist fight does not have a reasonable expectation of death or serious bodily harm.

The Giants kept 5 CBs and 5 Ss last year.

Also didn't they bump the game day roster to 46 and did away with the 3rd QB rule?
BBH Archive / Re: NFT--Zimmerman and Martin
June 03, 2012, 11:08:34 AM
Quote from: JimboWHO on June 03, 2012, 11:05:04 AM
Quote from: MightyGiants on June 03, 2012, 10:37:11 AM

Here's the timeline.  Both men were entitled to be in the community.  Zimmerman followed and confronted Martin because Zimmerman ignored the guidelines and instructions he had been given by the people who set of the community watch and the police on the phone.


An innocent unarmed man was killed by a deliberate gunshot.   As such someone belongs in jail.

You mean to say if you're gonna kill me I can't kill you first?  I can't defend myself even with lethal force If I feel my life is threatened?

The law says otherwise and we are a nation of laws.



In 26 years or tending to people that got into fist fights, I have not seen or has my squad tended to someone who was killed.   Fist fights are almost never fatal especially for the bigger guy (Zimmerman outweighed Martin by quite a bit) and there is no martial arts trained fighters.  So again the man that shot and killed an innocent unarmed man belongs in jail.