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Messages - londonblue

I didn't forget Mighty hence my last sentence. I think speed might trump bulk for Schoen at WR, CB looking at Flott, Hyatt as examples. Of course it might just be a case of limited information from two drafts, neither of which were necessarily perceived as deep on prototypical prospects in the mid rounds which could lead to more 'exceptions'.
If you look at what Schoen has done so far then IMO you see quite a lot of Parcells type prototyping but with a sprinkling of dog-pound exceptionalism on height (Wandale most obviously) or speed (Gray). There might be a trend that he has more willingness to make exceptions on weight at speed dependent positions (WR, CB).
Quote from: MightyGiants on April 09, 2024, 11:04:25 AMMost GMs will repeat the NFL truism that "you build through the draft".  Trading away picks for players sort of defies that conventional wisdom

The Giants have 6 picks this year post trades, 7 in 2023, 11 in 2022. Post Burns trade and assuming a comp pick for McKinney (which he clearly values as he is not spending now on eg DB or DT) we currently project to have 9 in 2025.

As it stands 33 picks over 4 drafts would not support your argument, but of course it might change. Given the state of the Giants roster a willingness to trade is sensible but so far, Schoen has not been one of those GMs willing to strip current and future drafts to bare bones.

A trade-up for a QB might change that picture but I think we all agree that QB trade-ups are a special case rather than a general indicator of GM attitudes.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Drake Maye
April 09, 2024, 04:36:30 AM
Given Kurt Warner says he finds it impossible to evaluate how a college QB will transition to the pros I limit myself to red flag stuff on injuries, character etc. with these guys unless they just obviously lack an NFL arm or a functioning brain. Maye has an arm and a brain, but both sometimes misfire. Can that be coached up? If Kurt cannot say I surely can't.

This is what Schoen, Daboll et al get paid to figure out. There are signals that Maye is the guy they and others like and we are one of several teams trying to get to 3 to get him. In 16 days the smoke will disperse and we will know.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Drake Maye
April 08, 2024, 02:55:55 PM
I did Mad but you got the point!
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Drake Maye
April 08, 2024, 02:40:01 PM
Every year QBs get talked up and talked down by talking heads in the run up to the draft. There is very little correlation between the consensus of commentary pre-draft and subsequent success or failure in the NFL. As a fullback Hoge spent much of his career with his face facing the ass of the QB. Let us leave it there.
Having zero sense and zero self-control when teams already had a character flag on you because of reports of your partying in college is dumb. Doing it when you had already been questioned on your drinking and maturity in combine interviews/team meetings is dumber. Doing it in the final stages of the run-up to a draft that could see you become a multi-millionaire is self-harm.

Taken together this means I have to disagree with files. This incident is part of a pattern not a one-off youthful indiscretion. How much discipline will he have when getting paid? How do you satisfy yourself he will suddenly 'get it' and be a functional professional?

His talent will get him drafted so he will get a chance to prove me wrong.
Nauseous, answering the question succinctly.

If you want detail, well it will mean we do not understand the history of supposed unicorn TEs taken high R1, positional value/resource allocation or roster construction.
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on April 06, 2024, 11:25:11 AMOf course - anyone would sign up for that. But passing on this offer doesn't guarantee you a Super Bowl, obviously.

True, but it doesn't guarantee we can't unlike the offer. Give me hope over accepting mediocrity every time.
The second you settle you fail.

We have been abject for a decade and some of the reasons for that are in ownership, structure and certain people still in the building but if we let that lower our expectations to accepting marginally above mediocre then what is the point?

I'd rather have one Super Bowl and mainly miss the play-offs in that period than a decade of 9-8/10-7 and no significant playoff runs.
Parsons had a rep in college for being full on/all in and 'difficult' to channel. Perhaps given his super intensity he does not appreciate the Jones' boys rather more laid back version of 'all in'?

I always ask myself how a story appears, why it comes in the way it does and who stands to benefit. When stuff like this comes out around a mega-franchise like Dallas that has disproportionate media influence in their market I always consider it a strong possibility the team is planting it (increased when it is this type of anonymous quoting via a minor outlet). Is it designed to influence contract negotiations or shift public opinion to pave way for a possible trade?

No NY team, not even the Yankees, has remotely the same degree of local and national influence but we know the Giants have spun stuff often enough. Possibly only soccer team Real Madrid in Spain have the same degree of media clout as the Cowboys.
Amazing story. Speed always has a chance. He gets a head start on any late round pick/UDFA RBs and he will certainly give it everything he has. It would be nice for us and for him if we have got lucky here.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: When is trading back too far?
April 05, 2024, 01:04:17 PM
It really depends on what our actual priority position to draft (excluding QB) is and how strongly we feel about it.

If it one of the big 3 WR or bust then likely 8 with Atlanta is as far back as we can possibly go as both Chicago and the Jets could take a WR if a top 3 guy slides.

If we are OK with WR4 or one of the top couple of CB then 11-14 should be possible.

If we are happy to take one of the top two DT or a RT/G swing guy targeting eg WR, CB day 2 then maybe late teens is workable. I only make a trade with Cincy if we are thinking like this.

Adding mid round picks can be nice but only if we have a very clear plan of how we are stacking and attacking the draft that justifies the blue chip guys we trade out from.
We cannot sign anyone much above VSB until after the draft or we lose the potential R4 compensatory pick for McKinney (we currently have one more qualifying loss than addition per OTC) so any signing now/pre-draft will have to be cheap.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: How would you feel about this?
April 04, 2024, 11:44:31 AM
A TE high and an oft injured QB to save us from our oft injured QB is about as bad a scenario as I can imagine. I might need therapy if we did this.