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Messages - AZGiantFan

Quote from: bedl365 on September 06, 2009, 08:38:48 PM
  Thanks for the insight. Whether the merger happens or not I just want you to know alot of us here at this site are big fans of your work.

BBH Archive / Re: To All Members
May 17, 2009, 04:43:35 PM
I made a comment on BBWC about some of the folks who weren't around any more like Painter and Boogman and some kind soul (sorry I don't remember who it was) sent me a private message telling me y'all were over here.  TPTB were kind enough to grant me access.

I still check out BBWC regularly but do most of my (sparse) posting here.

So long as the civil tone of this place weren't threatened I wouldn't mind more participants.  New blood keeps things from getting into a rut.

FWIW, I just got a solicitation in a PM inviting me to join some Giants board called  BigBlueOnline from a member here named nygdevils32. 
Southern California (born in Queens)
1)  What part of the Country do you live in?
Southern California

2)  How long have you been a Giants fan?
30+ years (I'm an old fart) 

3)  What do you do for a living?
8th grade math teacher

4) Anything else you would like to mention about yourself?
Nothing springs to mind