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Messages - MightyGiants

Anybody else here remember the 62 Championship Game
VA Jints : 9:13 am
against the Packers. I do and if my memory serves me correctly, in those days they alternated locations and it was the Giants turn to be home.

In 1961, we were beaten badly by Green Bay and we all thought it was because of the cold weather. And we thought the 1962 game would be different because in New York, the weather wouldn't be so bad.

But it was very cold and windy that day in Yankee Stadium and we lost 16-7 (?).

They didn't televise home games in those days so we had to go to my uncle's home who was able to turn his antenna around so we could watch the game.

I was 15 and heart broken. But that was the last time we faced the Packers in the Playoffs.

It is supposed to be cold this weekend in Green Bay. My wife is from that area and we travel there often to see her family. And when it is cold there, it is cold.

Hope we don't see another Ice Bowl.
Tim Gardner was one of Southern Methodist University's star football players.

This series of videos (each about a minute and a half long) explains many of the advanced techniques of football.  He covers things like proper reads by the safety, how to properly catch the ball, hold, back pedal, wr route running and other topics.  It's a worth watching and I think it helps to better evaluate players.

Here is a sample of one of the videos
Giants History / Re: 1975 Giants
January 12, 2008, 03:54:44 PM
That was a very dark period for our beloved team
Basic run defense against 1 back sets, with seven men in the box.  Plus there are live action examples.  Again I believe the Sam and Will designations are reversed by this coach.
Basic run defense against 2 back sets, with seven men in the box.  Again I believe the Sam and Will designations are reversed by this coach.
This will be a 3 part series.  The first covers the basic alignment.  Now the only thing is this coach seems to switch the names/roles of the Will and Sam backers

It's also helpful to know your letter gap designation and the number alignment designations.



Welcome Wolverine.  I believe you will find there are a few other members you can converse in French with.
Giants History / Re: The quick kick
January 10, 2008, 12:57:07 PM
Good questions, but you got me stumped.  Not that it's all that hard as football history isn't my strong suit.
Giants History / NFL Football - Franchise History
January 09, 2008, 07:22:23 PM
Nice link covering all the franchises that have been part of the NFL
Chalk Talk / Re: The 4-3 defense VS the 3-4 defense
January 08, 2008, 12:22:13 PM
Dasher I have seen both systems used with great success.  It's my opinion that it's better to be in the minority of teams running a particular defense, than in the majority.  When you are in the minority there is less competition for players and teams are less used to facing it.

Here are a couple of more good articles and the 3-4 and the 4-3



To be frank Bama, I think you are getting gap and technique confused.  I have never heard of a 3 gap, but I have heard of a 3 technique lineman.   Now Gaps are the area between offensive men on the line.   They are lettered and here is a standard diagram

There are two different options of defensive line play, one gap or two gap.  I will go into detail later.

Now there is also designations as to where a d-linemen (or linebacker for that matter) lines up.  They are designated by numbers.  Here is the diagram for that.

A 3 technique lineman lines up on the guard
Giants History / Re: Deacon Jones
January 08, 2008, 11:29:51 AM
Honestly I can't believe the NFL ever allowed that move.
Did you mean 1 gap VS 2 gap?
Greatings Ottomann you join the group on a very good day! :ok:   Days like this, it's good to be a Giants fan.