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Messages - Slugsy-Narrows

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Predictions
March 25, 2024, 10:50:02 PM
WR at 6 - Nabers or Odunze

Giants select Penix with their next pick

If May falls out of the top 3 they try and trade up and take him.
Yep I was one of those Devil worshipers back then!
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
September 07, 2023, 05:13:25 PM
Lioness on Paramount+ is amazing!

Wheel of Time Season 2 - not impressed
Chalk Talk / Re: Giants vs NFC East
September 01, 2023, 11:10:01 PM
Quote from: Uni on September 01, 2023, 08:57:03 PMSo everyone is convinced Jones is great but lacks the OL or WR to be successful, but when Hurts has the OL and WR he's just a product of the system.


To me if you are a 5 you are on a level with the great QBs of the past!  You are a Peyton Brady and Montana level QB!

Hurts has yet to prove himself as that.

Idc what Phili paid him, teams overpay a QB all the time! 

To be a 5 you have multiple years in a row of top tier top 5 QB in the NFL level of play.

I wouldn't rate Eli a 5! DJ hasn't been a 5 nor would he be this year if he became a top 5 QB! 1-2 years doesn't make an elite QB it is sustained greatness over YEARS!
Chalk Talk / Re: Giants vs NFC East
September 01, 2023, 07:50:56 PM
Quote from: kingm56 on September 01, 2023, 07:24:39 PMYou must know something the Eagles don't as they just awarded him a monster contract with $220M guaranteed...he was a legit MVP candidate.  He was also a Pro Bowler in his first full season as a starter with no offensive weapons; he literally accounted for 70% of the offense and was the primary reason the Eagles made the playoffs.  The notion that Hurts is a byproduct of his offensive line and wr is simply not shared by the Eagles management or objectionable data...

Cowgirls gave Prescott a stupid contract too!  What's that prove!

Vikings gave Cousins a ton of money at one point too!
Chalk Talk / Re: Giants vs NFC East
September 01, 2023, 07:21:27 PM
No way Hurtz is a 5  sorry!  Don't see it

He has/had a great line and better than avg WRs.

Hurtz is Prescott of a few years ago.

Watch long term as the line declines so will Hurtz.
Giants History / Re: NFT: RIP JimV
April 13, 2023, 08:50:02 AM
Quote from: Dumpster Dan on April 12, 2023, 02:35:44 PMGod, country, family, Giants   That was the JimV  I knew--I met Jim 12 years ago thru the BBH--I feel as if I have known him for a lifetime---we exchanged emails weekly--sometimes more than one per week--we had so much in common

Jim was a very big man in stature but as gentle a soul as anyone I knew---He was kind, understanding, and always tried to be positive--He did not have much patience for hypocrites--he would tell you that but yet he truly tried to follow the mantra--love all your fellow men--his faith was his model--I have had email exchanges with his pastor of his Church in Maine--he would tell me that Jim was one of the most respected members.  I am sure that God has welcomed Jim and already assigned him to the task of being a greeter to those that will follow him.

JIm was extremely proud of his service to his country--he was a Colonel in the Air Force--holding several positions of leadership while serving--

There is a void today on the BBH--we have lost a stalwart--a true gentleman, a man of really not an over abundance of words but quality and thoughtful when he did contribute. He never forgot the surprise many of you had for him in Troy NY to help observe his 80th birthday.  He often talked to me about it

The Giants were his passion.   I admired him so much--he honestly would root as hard in game 16, even if the Giants were 2-13 going into that game as he would if they were 13-2

To say that I will miss Jim is an understatement--even kind of dumb to say it--My heart is aching--I am in a helluva funk--but I am taking Jim's advice which I know that he would pass on to me--pray Dan--its going to be all right!!!!

I do take comfort in the fact that I know for sure that Jim arrived in heaven at least a half hour before the devil knew he had passed

God Bless our friend Jim

Dumpster Dan


This was absolutely beautiful! ❤️

I never met Jim but this has hit a nerve for me!  I will miss our shot but sweet emails!  He didn't say much (unlike my long winded @$$)his emails and posts were short and to the point!  What he said had value and meaning!  I will miss him, his lore he shared, and his weather reports dearly!

May you rest in peace my friend!  You will live on through those you have left behind and touched! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Giants History / Re: NFT: JimV
April 10, 2023, 06:39:44 PM
This is a huge loss to our BBH community! 

A Giant among us is in his final days.

I pray he passes on with no pain, dignity and surrounded by his loved ones!

I know myself and many here are with you in spirit JimV! You are not alone and You won't be forgotten!

To all members and admins:

After calming down and thinking about it I need to apologize to the members and admins for my comments to BF in response to his comments about me and my parenting.

What was said, was said in the heat of a moment and was just me lashing out verbally in which I should not have done.  I mean BF no harm at all!

I hope this caused no issues for anyone here and if it did, again I'm sorry as it was never my intent to cause anyone any harm or problems.

BF I'm sorry for the comment as well.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to set the record straight and a chance to apologize.

Wish you all a great game on Sunday!
Quote from: AZGiantFan on January 13, 2023, 09:15:27 AMThey may end up needing to franchise him in order to keep him, if that's what they want to do.  I doubt his agent will go for the modest 2 year deal some have bandied about, when there is every likelihood that someone is going to be willing to go 35-40 million for 4 years.

If he looks terrible in Minny that will throw some ice water on this.

He wins a playoff game or more and yea this can jump and the Giants will have a hard time explaining how they just walked away from it then
Quote from: kingm56 on January 12, 2023, 01:08:33 PMIt seems you operate on the premise that people who disagree with you must be clouded by some type of bias.

Quote from: TrueBlueFan on January 12, 2023, 09:06:51 AMHe is not a #1, he would be a solid addition to our room, but I would not pay him close to WR1 money.

And the article even acknowledges this!   ;)  ;)  ;)
Quote from: Trench on January 11, 2023, 11:41:55 PMGood point.

To that - is anyone worried the Scottish Hammer will do something to hurt our chances on Sunday?

Then let's discuss and change the narrative lol

Yes he concerns me BUT there isn't much we can do about it!!  He is Dr Jeckyle and Mr Hyde for sure as a player!
Quote from: Blue Fire on January 11, 2023, 10:54:38 PMTrue we could be discussing how Allen Lazard should be our main aquistion at WR this offseason.

You used the word main not me!  I found an article and shared it. 

Have I Harped on it in 20 threads and argued that we have to sign him with 1/2 the board? 

No I haven't. 
Quote from: Trench on January 11, 2023, 08:53:18 PMBF - I think you missed your calling as a GM or capologist. You will pound your fist against the table until the cows come home I'll give u that.

I'm happy with where we are with our WR (in terms of NOT breaking the bank) for a #1. I think Our GM agrees

Just move on.  It will just be 30 more posts in 20 more threads of the same thing.

We have other things we can discuss!