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Messages - jerseyguy

three picks is way too high for a player who may or may not work out.
Quote from: 4thand17 on March 29, 2017, 03:48:49 PM
Didn't we all know the Giants needed tackles last year. If we know it, the other teams know it too.

When the tackles were gone, didn't we know we needed someone to cover the tight end (which had been killing us for years.) The other team know these things - they play us.
so are you saying that other teams would draft just to stop us?  just asking...
if the Giants really do draft BPA then its impossible to predict anything accurately, sports writers are just doing their jobs by writing things that grab fans interest and accuracy is secondary ...
I have always felt that drafting BPA is a good rule for teams that are stacked with talent, but a hard rule to follow for teams with specific needs. Passing on a player who might be able to help your team at a position of need to take one who is rated higher at a position you already have a few good players might not be the way to go for a team like the Giants who have very specific needs...
I know the talent is not what we would like to see in round 1 but we cannot forget the need on the O line at OT, if we don't fix the poor blocking we are set to play at the same level as last season, disastrous..
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on March 16, 2017, 05:09:13 PM
One way it could be seen is if the Giants tire of the cat and mouse game and cut loose Hankins and JPP. Then the defensive line becomes vitally important to restock with players who can play soon. Even if we end up signing both, I wouldn't be a bit surprised we'd pick up a d-lineman at some point in the first 3 rounds.

I'm sure the Giants will address the O-line in the first three rounds, but I wouldn't get my hopes up that the player drafted will be playing a whole lot in the first year or two. At best, they get some playing time throughout the season to get a taste of the NFL. I don't think there are game changing linemen in this draft that will beat out Jerry or even Fluker. We definitely need to be grooming some players for depth and the future, but I don't think we are going to be able to upgrade the line to the top of the heap with this draft. Conklin and Tunsil were game changers and what I wouldn't do to find another Conklin in this year's draft. But the draft is a crap shoot and even more so with offensive linemen. Maybe we'll strike gold this year and hit big on a lineman who can automatically give the line a big bump in protecting Eli as well as blowing open holes for our ground game.

maybe all we need to do is to draft the people who draft for the Patriots  :)
Quote from: Philosophers on March 16, 2017, 09:58:23 AM
They better address O Linemen and not D Linemen in the first three rounds if they want to be a better team in 2017.  I don't care if it's via FA, the draft or trades, but that is the hole and it is pretty damn clear.
I don't know how anyone could see it any other way.....
NFL Draft, NY Giants style / Re: Trading draft picks
March 14, 2017, 10:22:37 AM
I have always advocated trading a pick for a proven starter, it takes the mystery out of it and gives you what you need instead of drafting and hoping..
Quote from: President Rick on March 13, 2017, 10:33:19 AM
this year's mocks are all over the place and I see no way to predict who'll be there for us at #23.   however, it does seem that some [and an increasing number] of the potential draftees are already situational players  [read alabama's ER named williams] making it even harder to judge where they will fit in an nfl style O or esp. on the D.  As for the O linemen, that often means a ? as to whether he's G or T, pass or run blocker or both.   For the TE, blocker, receiver, both??  And for the RB's, for whom I'd not want to use a first round pick - except once in a decade when a zeke elliott comes along if I had the chance - ???'s about can he pass block, catch the ball, etc.  All these IMO result from the changes in the college game, incl. the spread O and the rise of situational players.  These college rosters are 95 strong so it's easy to see how college coaches can move to the situational format [rotate and rest with your situational guys].  So if we take a D. Dawkins, it may be because he is the BPA left to us at 23 , when most of the "sure things" are gone and some of the remaining players are situational guys [like williams] or simply untried at some of the nfl skills we want to see.
this is just a question because I don't know but what kind of a blocker is Ezekiel Elliot or is he just a very good runner..
Quote from: MightyGiants on March 11, 2017, 10:28:17 AM

I can understand and appreciate the assertion that McCaffrey would be a better player.  However, I subscribe to the school of thought that you need to build your line before you add skill players (with the exception of franchise QB).   The team can realistically get a starting caliber RG in round 2 and maybe three, they are not going to find any starting caliber OTs after they pick at 23.   

Drafting McCaffrey would be too similar to drafting David Wilson to run behind a poor line.  Zeke looked like such a great pick for the Cowboys because they had a great line to block for him.
nobody would disagree with you about building the line first but my reason for taking McCaffrey in round one is adding more talent to the offense because of time constraints with Eli's window starting to close...
Quote from: MightyGiants on March 11, 2017, 10:28:17 AM

I can understand and appreciate the assertion that McCaffrey would be a better player.  However, I subscribe to the school of thought that you need to build your line before you add skill players (with the exception of franchise QB).   The team can realistically get a starting caliber RG in round 2 and maybe three, they are not going to find any starting caliber OTs after they pick at 23.   

Drafting McCaffrey would be too similar to drafting David Wilson to run behind a poor line.  Zeke looked like such a great pick for the Cowboys because they had a great line to block for him.
if we really draft by BPA then McCaffrey has to be a better choice  talent wise than a bottom of the barrel lineman
Quote from: Bob In PA on March 11, 2017, 09:59:04 AM
Rich: Nice report; the ideal move would be trade down a few spots then take him, but we both know that's not likely to happen.

Nevertheless, the Giants should not pass up Christian McCaffrey if he is there at pick 23. 

I really don't care who else is available.

Passing on McCaffrey IMO would be equivalent to the teams who passed on Zeke Elliott last year.


Bob I have never been someone who went along with the BPA theory since it might allow you to pass on someone you need to take someone you don't need, if that makes sense..For this reason I think it would be dumb to pass on a talent like McCaffrey if he's there when we pick..
BBH Archive / Re: Rate the Head Coach
December 30, 2015, 10:41:59 AM
I agree that Coughlin may decide to take the embarrassing problem of having the Mara's fire him by retiring, hell he's going to be 70...
BBH Archive / Re: Rate the Head Coach
December 28, 2015, 05:51:17 PM
with the new stadium on the horizon I think Mara knows he has to keep the fans happy or the seats might not be filled