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Remove one

Started by MightyGiants, May 31, 2022, 08:45:14 AM

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National fiance😀 🏳??🌈🌈 @Iamthobeka
Remove one.


Jolly Blue Giant

That would be easy for me...I'd remove the soda. If I had to remove another it'd be a toss up between tea and hot cocoa which I barely drink anyway. I could never give up coffee, water, beer, or my morning orange juice. Wine I could go either way, but it's nice with the right meal and company
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing


Hot chocolate

As far as the others, I'll list my frequency:

Milk: 2-3 times a month (more if I go on a cereal kick)
Wine: 4-5 times a month
Water: Daily
Tea: 2-3 times a month
Coffee: Daily
Juice: 2-3 times a month
Soda: One every couple of days
Beer: 1-2 a month

I'd probably drink more beer if we still lived in Germany. Was never a beer drinker and having German beer as your first taste really spoils it for any other beer.
:dance: :Giants:  ALL HAIL THE NEW YORK GIANTS!!!  :Giants: :dance:


Soda for me as well. I almost never drink it, only as a last resort.

Coffee every day!! I brew my own beer and make my own flavored seltzer, so they're all high on my list of favored drinks.


I would probably remove hot chocolate.

I am not a soda drinker, but once in a while I'll order a diet coke in a restaurant if I'm not drinking and don't feel like just drinking water. I usually get iced tea in these situations, but depending on what I'm eating I will occasionally get a diet coke. This happens maybe three or four times a year at most, but it's more than zero.

I can't remember the last time I had a hot chocolate. It has surely been at least five years and maybe more like 10-15 years. I don't even dislike hot chocolate, but it's just not something I ever find myself drinking. If I order a hot drink it's going to most likely be tea or coffee.


I used to drink a lot of soda but in an effort to be healthier I opted for iced tea instead of soda.   So I wouldn't miss soda

Jolly Blue Giant

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 31, 2022, 09:50:29 AM
I used to drink a lot of soda but in an effort to be healthier I opted for iced tea instead of soda.   So I wouldn't miss soda

Something my girlfriend got me into was drinking carbonated flavored water that isn't soda. Go through boxes of the stuff. To me, the plain is the best but once in awhile a hint of lemon or cherry or something isn't bad. Certainly a lot healthier than soda. One of the things that always make me laugh is when I see someone at McDonalds order a couple of big macs, extra large fries, etc., and then orders a "diet" soda...  :laugh:
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing


Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on May 31, 2022, 10:00:51 AM
Something my girlfriend got me into was drinking carbonated flavored water that isn't soda. Go through boxes of the stuff. To me, the plain is the best but once in awhile a hint of lemon or cherry or something isn't bad. Certainly a lot healthier than soda. One of the things that always make me laugh is when I see someone at McDonalds order a couple of big macs, extra large fries, etc., and then orders a "diet" soda...  :laugh:

That's pretty counter-intuitive, I agree.

I have never liked seltzer or club soda as a stand-alone drink. Something about it has always felt non-refreshing or non-quenching to me. I always ask for still water for myself. The only exception to this is if I'm at a bar or party and am opting to not drink, sometimes in that situation I'll order a club soda with lime, but that would be the only time I do it.

As for flavored seltzer waters, since I don't really like seltzer to begin with I don't see the point of adding the extra calories/sugar in, as I still wouldn't particularly like the drink.

I drink tons of water myself. I am fairly habitual about it. I have it most nights with dinner. If we are craving wine in a given evening, we typically like to open the bottle around cocktail hour, have 1-2 glasses each, and then I often find myself discontinuing at dinner and just reverting back to water. Clearly if we're having something like steak or lamb then we'll have wine with that meal, but for a standard dinner of just chicken or fish with a vegetable I tend to only drink water when at home.


For me, it's easy--Beer  I just never acquired a taste for it, sorry guys

After that it would be soda, as I never drink anything carbonated, it just gives me gas.

My main drink, and it has been this way for as long as I can remember, is ice tea. I usually brew my own, but when I umpired a lot in the summer, I drank so much of it, I used the powder and watered it down a lot.

Charlie Weiss


Quote from: LennG on May 31, 2022, 12:03:50 PM

For me, it's easy--Beer  I just never acquired a taste for it, sorry guys

After that it would be soda, as I never drink anything carbonated, it just gives me gas.

My main drink, and it has been this way for as long as I can remember, is ice tea. I usually brew my own, but when I umpired a lot in the summer, I drank so much of it, I used the powder and watered it down a lot.

Bob In PA

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!



Charlie Weiss


I'd remove coffee & add Bourbon to the list.


Milk/Cream - need it in the coffee to fight the coffee acid. I also use it when I have acid reflux, and like an occasional glass
Wine - not into wine as I used to be, but I like to bring out that knowledge on a date or out with friends and enjoy a good glass
Water - I drink more of it than I realize. Need it with vitamins and blood pressure medicine. Usually need it very cold though
Tea - I love it iced, and like Earl Grey in mornings I am hung over
Coffee - Drink it daily... Nope
Juice - who doesn't love juice? Fruit Juice, veggie juice, juice in cocktails? No way
Soda - I am a soda junky. I hate to admit it, but I've had a hard time giving up soda. I am trying.
Beer - I am becoming a beer snob. Nothing is better in a Rochester winter than a Guiness or solid Porter/ Stout after shoveling snow
Cocoa - This is my choice. As much a I romantically love cocoa, I don't drink it often. I enjoy a good cocoa 1 or 2 ties a year, but this would be my choice.