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Database of "Canceled" People

Started by Bob In PA, April 23, 2021, 11:40:12 PM

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Quote from: philo43 on April 25, 2021, 03:03:15 PM
Again you failed to read what I posted - they do their duty every day - the security gig is an off duty job for them, the made an extra $120 per game for their OFF DUTY security at the games with the blessing of the BPD.  They can choose to work or not work these games. It is off the clock. So no - they did not violate their oaths, they just chose not to work on their own time for a school district that they feel disrespected them.

Not agreeing with you doesn't mean I didn't understand you.   I consider protecting the public their duty regardless if they get paid extra to do it.   You seem to forget that I showed up for duty at the squad shift after shift regardless of the fact I wasn't paid.   I did that out of a sense of duty to guard the public a value clearly not shared by the officers who endangered your family


Quote from: MightyGiants on April 25, 2021, 03:14:40 PM
Not agreeing with you doesn't mean I didn't understand you.   I consider protecting the public their duty regardless if they get paid extra to do it.   You seem to forget that I showed up for duty at the squad shift after shift regardless of the fact I wasn't paid.   I did that out of a sense of duty to guard the public a value clearly not shared by the officers who endangered your family

Sorry Rich, I just spit out a glass of Pappy VanWinkle ($100 a shot) on my computer screen when I read this.  You  had to turn it into you not off duty police officers who get treated like xxxx all the time.


Quote from: philo43 on April 25, 2021, 03:23:11 PM
Sorry Rich, I just spit out a glass of Pappy VanWinkle ($100 a shot) on my computer screen when I read this.  You  had to turn it into you not off duty police officers who get treated like xxxx all the time.

So let me get this straight.  A book that teaches children about the challenging topic of racism and policing endangered your family and needs to be canceled forthwith.  However, the police who refused to provide security to the citizens attending a football game and actually endangered your family are not only completely innocent but are victims of persecution because people fail to give them the praise they deserve.   I was confused until you mentioned that alcohol was involved  ;)


Quote from: MightyGiants on April 25, 2021, 03:54:39 PM
So let me get this straight.  A book that teaches children about the challenging topic of racism and policing endangered your family and needs to be canceled forthwith.  However, the police who refused to provide security to the citizens attending a football game and actually endangered your family are not only completely innocent but are victims of persecution because people fail to give them the praise they deserve.   I was confused until you mentioned that alcohol was involved  ;)


I feel very sorry for you, your politics has turned you into a zealot.

I asked you earlier if you had raised a child, you did not answer, so I am assuming (my bad if not correct) that you haven't. It softens the strident positions people have.

Yes I, poured a glass of special bourbon (1st of the day), but for you to assume everything in this  alcohol related is bad on you.

You have responded to my posts with "with your rude and disrespectful remarks."  I have not been rude or disrespectful in any way.

Here is one thing made made me laugh my ass off "Here is the thing, I have had many black friends over the years. ".  What a xxxx*ng  thing to say. Sounds like a true racist in the old fashioned way.  You don't think anyone else has had "black friends"?  Why even bring it up?

You have to twist everything posted to fit your agenda, regardless of the reality of the situation. 

Off duty cops have no obligation to get abused at sporting events - they do their job every day on the clock.  To make it about you, just shows where you are.

You are more closed minded than the right wing you hate


Quote from: philo43 on April 25, 2021, 04:32:40 PM

I feel very sorry for you, your politics has turned you into a zealot.

I asked you earlier if you had raised a child, you did not answer, so I am assuming (my bad if not correct) that you haven't. It softens the strident positions people have.

Yes I, poured a glass of special bourbon (1st of the day), but for you to assume everything in this  alcohol related is bad on you.

You have responded to my posts with "with your rude and disrespectful remarks."  I have not been rude or disrespectful in any way.

Here is one thing made made me laugh my ass off "Here is the thing, I have had many black friends over the years. ".  What a xxxx*ng  thing to say. Sounds like a true racist in the old fashioned way.  You don't think anyone else has had "black friends"?  Why even bring it up?

You have to twist everything posted to fit your agenda, regardless of the reality of the situation. 

Off duty cops have no obligation to get abused at sporting events - they do their job every day on the clock.  To make it about you, just shows where you are.

You are more closed minded than the right wing you hate

I tried to have a civil, fact-based discussion that was based on logic and reason.   What was your response?  Well you attacked me on a personal level.   Now before you go on another right-wing propaganda fueled rant/personal attack consider

I asked you specifically what about the book was "blatantly anti-cop"

Your response?

QuoteI am giving you a personal account of how it has affected 3 people directly, let alone the 100 or so spectators at the events and yet you are probably going to continually post your agenda about how worse the right is or it is a right wing propaganda machine .

Get over yourself and look at reality.

After you blamed a children's book for "endangering your family" your response when I suggested the police who refused to work and protect your family should shoulder the blame?

QuoteSorry Rich, I just spit out a glass of Pappy VanWinkle ($100 a shot) on my computer screen when I read this.

When I pointed out how you are blaming a book for "endangering your family" while giving the police who refused to protect your family a free pass, your response?

QuoteHere is one thing made made me laugh my ass off

Quoteyour politics has turned you into a zealot.

QuoteYou are more closed minded

Good thing you were "respectful"  /sarcasm/  I would hate to see you nasty.   

This is the unfortunate side-effect of the right-wing propaganda machine.   It has caused so many people to be emotional rather than logical about issues.   When a different opinion is produced your go-to move is mockery and an assumption of character flaws that must exist to explain the different viewpoints.  They have taught you to hate and ignore people like me.   They did that because your positions don't hold up to critical thinking or examination.  So they trained you to attack, insult, and then ignore.

It's funny, if I had the time and patience, and we could meet face to face, I might be able to break through the walls you have built.   I do know that on a message forum, such a feat can't be accomplished.

So I will just wish you a good day and move on and shake my head and how hostile the right-wing propaganda machine has made their target audience toward their fellow Americans.

You know the Americans who

Quotetwist everything posted to fit your agenda, regardless of the reality of the situation. 



Just saw this in our local paper and thought it was appropriate to post on this thread.  A store owner has canceled all law enforcement, firefighter and military customers at her store.

Rosendale collectibles dealer won't sell to police, firefighters, military


Bob In PA

Quote from: philo43 on April 26, 2021, 02:25:26 PM
Just saw this in our local paper and thought it was appropriate to post on this thread.  A store owner has canceled all law enforcement, firefighter and military customers at her store.

Rosendale collectibles dealer won't sell to police, firefighters, military

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on April 26, 2021, 02:40:08 PM
philo: As much as I dislike the cancel culture and prior restraints (and "chilling effects") on free speech, I figure if a private business owner wants to turn down customers, that's her business.

On the other hand, your post reminded me of the various bakeries and pizza stores that were "canceled" for refusing to provide services to gay couples, etc.

So, IMO, is must be one way or the other.  The cancel crowd can't have it both ways.


Sort of like when landlords got "canceled" when they refused to rent apartments to African Americans


Realtors having a separate listing for white people and black people, I remember they got canceled as well

I have to say, if you guys weren't so heavily ingrained with right-wing propanda I think you would be embarrassed by this thread as it doesn't reflect well on today's US conservative ideology


Quote from: Bob In PA on April 26, 2021, 02:40:08 PM
philo: As much as I dislike the cancel culture and prior restraints (and "chilling effects") on free speech, I figure if a private business owner wants to turn down customers, that's her business.

On the other hand, your post reminded me of the various bakeries and pizza stores that were "canceled" for refusing to provide services to gay couples, etc.

So, IMO, is must be one way or the other.  The cancel crowd can't have it both ways.



I agree with you 100%. 


Sometimes what you guys don't say is far more telling than what you do

This Gun Shop Says It Won't Do Business With Biden Voters


Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on April 26, 2021, 02:48:06 PM
Sometimes what you guys don't say is far more telling than what you do

This Gun Shop Says It Won't Do Business With Biden Voters
Rich: That's why we have a forum with multiple posters.  If I had known of this story I would have included it in my reply. Thanks. Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on April 26, 2021, 03:16:51 PM
Rich: That's why we have a forum with multiple posters.  If I had known of this story I would have included it in my reply. Thanks. Bob


I was aware of things like this for a long time.  However, I didn't post it because I wouldn't want to mislead people by only posting this one anecdotal incident.   It would create the false impression that when it comes to the world of crazy small-time business owners one side or the other had a monopoly.  Anecdotal is the worst evidence to base opinions on, it violates so many principles of critical thinking.

I mean I could have shared about a picture I saw of a home in my town that had a "hate China" sign posted on the front lawn.  What I found ironic was that the person who placed it there put it right in front of one of those Virgin Mary shrines that are very common in my town with a high percentage of old-school Italians.   However one person doesn't make or dispute a point, at least to sound thinking people,

Bob, I do believe you honestly want to have good productive conversations on these topics, but you always seem to start out from the right-wing propaganda perceptive.   This could have been more productive, in my opinion, if you had framed this discussion in terms of free speech, the consequences of free speech, and where lines should be drawn, and by whom.   Instead, you used the right-wing propaganda buzzword, "cancel"

Same with your climate change discussion.  I mean you literally posted from the NY Post which is a solid part of the right-wing propaganda network.  You didn't even make an effort to find a more neutral (or more importantly qualified) source to start the discussion. 

Bob, I have the utmost respect for you.  You are clearly a very smart man with a keen well-disciplined mind.  I see it in your football posts every day.   Yet suddenly when it comes to world issues, everything is distorted by passing through the lens of a conservative ideology.  I have to think you are more than capable of starting conversations on these topics from a more middle and unbiased perspective. 


Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on April 26, 2021, 03:31:05 PM
Bob, I do believe you honestly want to have good productive conversations on these topics, but you always seem to start out from the right-wing propaganda perceptive.   

I have the utmost respect for you.  Yet suddenly when it comes to world issues, everything is distorted by passing through the lens of a conservative ideology.
Rich: It's your opinion that I "start out from the right-wing propaganda perspective" and view issues "through the lens of a conservative ideology."  IMO the lens through which you view my posts is a bit foggy.  Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on April 26, 2021, 03:49:16 PM
Rich: It's your opinion that I "start out from the right-wing propaganda perspective" and view issues "through the lens of a conservative ideology."  IMO the lens through which you view my posts is a bit foggy.  Bob


If I started a thread that was titled "Why are Trump cultists so hard to reason with?" would you say I was trying to have a fair and unbiased discussion on a topic of interest or would you say I was trying to push Democratic or liberal propaganda?    I said it before, I am very familiar with the technique of framing and I am well aware of how framing can affect a discussion.   It's easy enough to leave the framing behind and create an open and productive field for discussion, it really is.

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on April 26, 2021, 03:59:11 PM

If I started a thread that was titled "Why are Trump cultists so hard to reason with?" would you say I was trying to have a fair and unbiased discussion on a topic of interest or would you say I was trying to push Democratic or liberal propaganda?    I said it before, I am very familiar with the technique of framing and I am well aware of how framing can affect a discussion.   It's easy enough to leave the framing behind and create an open and productive field for discussion, it really is.
Rich: If you started such a thread I would ignore it or reply with a contrary view. It is clear that such a post would be expressing an opinion, and I would treat it as such, and react accordingly. 

However, other types of posts merely "report" news or an event. You do so every single day on the main board. That's standard operating procedure around here, IMO. 

The original post of this thread expresses no opinion. You reacted to it as though it did, so I'll repeat the hackneyed expression, "don't kill the messenger just because you don't like the message."

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!