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The Assault on Democracy

Started by katkavage, May 06, 2021, 11:27:48 AM

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There was a time the Republican party stood up for democracy. No more. They are a clear minority in terms of numbers and that has them in a panic mode. So they align themselves with a man who is a habitual liar and abandoned their core principles. And now they are trying to limit voting access in hopes to quell what they have lost in numbers. It is apparent, they no longer believe in democracy. Sad and a very danger to the future of our country.


I guess when you are robbing Americans of their Constitutional rights, violating a few more provisions of the Constitution would simply be par for the course

QuoteFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis not only broke from decades of precedent on Thursday when he blocked all news outlets except Fox News from covering the signing of a voting bill into law. He also may have violated the U.S. Constitution.


Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 07, 2021, 11:43:32 AM
I guess when you are robbing Americans of their Constitutional rights, violating a few more provisions of the Constitution would simply be par for the course
Rich: Don't fall for that old trick. They want you to talk about an issue that's unimportant in the great scheme of things, rather than the substance of the law he enacted (with which you disagree).  Both sides do it.  Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 07, 2021, 11:55:35 AM
Rich: Don't fall for that old trick. They want you to talk about an issue that's unimportant in the great scheme of things, rather than the substance of the law he enacted (with which you disagree).  Both sides do it.  Bob


I know for a fact that the GOP, where they have the power to do so, has been robbing people (focusing on minorities and the poor) of their right to vote for political gain by creating needless obstacles to voting (just like the old poll taxes or literacy tests).  They know their toxic mixture of far-right politics and worship of Donald Trump will always be offensive to a majority of Americans.  So their tactic isn't to change to be more appealing to America, buts to rob people of their right to vote.  The GOP's clear goal is to be a dictatorship of the minority.    Sure they will use the anti-American lies about a stolen election as cover for their heinous act, but the majority of American's see through their lies and deceptions.   Not that it isn't already clear the GOP doesn't give a crap about what the majority of Americans think or want.   The only thing they care about is what THEY want.

Frankly, I am shocked that you think such serious actions that threaten our nation's democracy and very foundations is "unimportant"

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 07, 2021, 12:03:15 PM

I know for a fact that the GOP, where they have the power to do so, has been robbing people (focusing on minorities and the poor) of their right to vote for political gain by creating needless obstacles to voting (just like the old poll taxes or literacy tests).  They know their toxic mixture of far-right politics and worship of Donald Trump will always be offensive to a majority of Americans.  So their tactic isn't to change to be more appealing to America, buts to rob people of their right to vote.  The GOP's clear goal isn't to be a dictatorship of the minority.    Sure they will use the anti-American lies about a stolen election as cover for their heinous act, but the majority of American's see through their lies and deceptions.   Not that it isn't already clear the GOP doesn't give a crap about what the majority of Americans think or want.   The only thing they care about is what THEY want.

Frankly, I am shocked that you think such serious actions that threaten our nation's democracy and very foundations is "unimportant"
Rich: You may have misread my note.  I'm saying the substantive issues of the bill are more important that who they invited to witness the signing on TV.  Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 07, 2021, 12:19:17 PM
Rich: You may have misread my note.  I'm saying the substantive issues of the bill are more important that who they invited to witness the signing on TV.  Bob

It's a pattern of anti-American constitutional violations.   What really is troublesome is that the GOP packed the Supreme Court with far-right judges who value political gain over protecting our Constitution or the American people.   Remember a more moderate court that was still controlled by Republicans gutted the Civil rights era voting act claiming actions, like we have seen in FL, GA, and other states, would never happen again.  In bygone days I took comfort in knowing the Supreme Court would stop such naken anti-American/anti-democracy power grabs.   Not anymore, as long as the GOP is the ones doing it, I doubt their packed court will do anything to protect the American people or our democracy.

Of course when you are trying to destroy a democracy one of the first things you do is attack the free press, which is exactly what Ron Desantis of guilty of doing. 

Sadly, I fear Ronald Reagan was correct:


Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 07, 2021, 12:29:51 PM
It's a pattern of anti-American constitutional violations.   What really is troublesome is that the GOP packed the Supreme Court with far-right judges who value political gain over protecting our Constitution or the American people.   Remember a more moderate court that was still controlled by Republicans gutted the Civil rights era voting act claiming actions, like we have seen in FL, GA, and other states, would never happen again.  In bygone days I took comfort in knowing the Supreme Court would stop such naken anti-American/anti-democracy power grabs.   Not anymore, as long as the GOP is the ones doing it, I doubt their packed court will do anything to protect the American people or our democracy.

Of course when you are trying to destroy a democracy one of the first things you do is attack the free press, which is exactly what Ron Desantis of guilty of doing. 

Sadly, I fear Ronald Reagan was correct:

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 07, 2021, 12:35:52 PM
Rich: I'm sure President Trump would agree with what you wrote.  In fact, IMO, you sound a lot like him.  I'd only have to change a few words.  LOL  Bob

Are you referring to the twice popular voting losing, twice impeached former President who is guilty of twice trying to overthrow our government (with the second one inciting a violent attack on our nation's capital)?

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 07, 2021, 12:59:53 PM
Are you referring to the twice popular voting losing, twice impeached former President who is guilty of twice trying to overthrow our government (with the second one inciting a violent attack on our nation's capital)?
Rich: Yes.  That "President Trump."
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 07, 2021, 04:54:24 PM
Rich: Yes.  That "President Trump."


I notice you really are trying hard to distract/change the subject.   This is an extremely serious threat to our nation, it would seem to be worthy of actually discussing.  I see TX Republicans are joining the  Republicans of Georgia and Florida in their effort to destroy our democracy (no doubt AZ Republicans will join them in their coup d'etat)

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 08, 2021, 08:09:00 AM

I notice you really are trying hard to distract/change the subject.   This is an extremely serious threat to our nation, it would seem to be worthy of actually discussing.  I see TX Republicans are joining the  Republicans of Georgia and Florida in their effort to destroy our democracy (no doubt AZ Republicans will join them in their coup d'etat)
Rich: Like many Democrats (Republicans do it, too) you seek to accuse me of doing what you're doing.  Tell me how the following response seeks to change the subject:

I'm sure President Trump would agree with what you wrote.  In fact, IMO, you sound a lot like him.  I'd only have to change a few words.  First, I agreed with your statement.

Next, I noted that it sounded like something Trump would say (meaning that, if I changed the words "right" to "left" and "D" to "R" etc., the statement would also be true). By definition, the subject remained the same.


If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 08, 2021, 08:40:44 AM
Rich: Like many Democrats (Republicans do it, too) you seek to accuse me of doing what you're doing.  Tell me how the following response seeks to change the subject:

I'm sure President Trump would agree with what you wrote.  In fact, IMO, you sound a lot like him.  I'd only have to change a few words.  First, I agreed with your statement.

Next, I noted that it sounded like something Trump would say (meaning that, if I changed the words "right" to "left" and "D" to "R" etc., the statement would also be true). By definition, the subject remained the same.


Not addressing the topic, didn't exactly prove you are notrefusing to address the topic

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 08, 2021, 09:07:59 AM
Not addressing the topic, didn't exactly prove you are notrefusing to address the topic
Rich: OK, in the interest of avoiding further deliberation on THAT, I'll address the original post. 

There was a time the Republican party stood up for democracy. No more.  This is just political pap.  Meaningless.  Both sides say the same about each other EVERY DAY. 

They are a clear minority in terms of numbers and that has them in a panic mode.  In case you don't know, the Democrats are also a minority. Numbers of independents grow daily.  There is no majority party.

So they align themselves with a man who is a habitual liar and abandon their core principles. This also applies to Joe Biden.  If you can't see how or why, then you are a lost cause, a victim of the mainstream media.

And now they are trying to limit voting access....  They ARE trying to limit voting access... by dead people, non-citizens, people who vote more than once, and anyone else not entitled to vote.

It is apparent, they no longer believe in democracy. Sad and a very danger to the future of our country.  More pap.  Meaningless. You watch too much TV.

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 08, 2021, 09:28:05 AM

And now they are trying to limit voting access....  They ARE trying to limit voting access... by dead people, non-citizens, people who vote more than once, and anyone else not entitled to vote.


We have more mass shootings every 3 months than we do people who fit the "problem" you claim exists.   Yet the GOP refuses to do anything about the mass shootings but is gleefully putting up barriers to vote based on their likely hood of not voting for the minority Republican Party.

If all your other claims were actually TRUE, the GOP wouldn't be trampling on the voting rights of the American people and destroying our democracy.   The GOP is only attacking our nation because they refuse to become a party the American people find appealing.   The GOP has morphed into a party that worships the criminal Donald Trump.  What's worth, many see Trump for the monster that he is, but they feel their path to power and money goes through him so they get in bed with the devil.

I notice your fake "Americans being canceled website" doesn't mention Liz Cheney someone the GOP is canceling for literally telling the truth and putting Country before Donald Trump.

Edit to add:  Bob, I am a bit surprised that you would sink so low as to push the GOP's anti-American voter fraud lies.

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 08, 2021, 09:39:23 AM

We have more mass shootings every 3 months than we do people who fit the "problem" you claim exists.   Yet the GOP refuses to do anything about the mass shootings but is gleefully putting up barriers to vote based on their likely hood of not voting for the minority Republican Party.

If all your other claims were actually TRUE, the GOP wouldn't be trampling on the voting rights of the American people and destroying our democracy.   The GOP is only attacking our nation because they refuse to become a party the American people find appealing.   The GOP has morphed into a party that worships the criminal Donald Trump.  What's worth, many see Trump for the monster that he is, but they feel their path to power and money goes through him so they get in bed with the devil.

I notice your fake "Americans being canceled website" doesn't mention Liz Cheney someone the GOP is canceling for literally telling the truth and putting Country before Donald Trump.

Edit to add:  Bob, I am a bit surprised that you would sink so low as to push the GOP's anti-American voter fraud lies.

Rich: Don't change the subject. Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!