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Israeli/Palestinian conflict

Started by DaveBrown74, May 16, 2021, 10:03:45 AM

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Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 18, 2021, 03:46:10 PM
Just so you can say you have witnessed hatred for Arabs/Muslims
Rich: Yes, every country has a collection of left-wing and right-wing morons. 

But the vast majority of people everywhere are good people who just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace.

IMO, especially in countries that hate US, the morons seem to have congregated in the government AND those governments are generally totalitarian (i.e., too much power ensconced in too few people).


If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!

Bob In PA

Quote from: umassgrad on May 19, 2021, 11:55:22 AM
Nothing can be done to solve a problem that has gone on for centuries, don't even try to figure it out as the Palestinians are slowly wiped off the face of the earth.
This type of behavior is not something new. Thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing the holocaust were turned away from many countries because it was politically unpopular and a line on admitting refugees had to be drawn somewhere. Both reasonable arguments to a very complex problem back then but it didn't help those who had to return to Nazi Germany to be murdered.
umass: Your post is dead-on correct, IMO.  It may interest (or utterly dismay) you to hear that all sorts of people share that view.  In fact, one of them who spoke about it often was the late Rush Limbaugh. Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Let's not make this a history lesson, but there are no other people who ever inhabited this earth that has been picked on more than the Jews. They were slaves for 400 HUNDRED years and seek no money from Egypt for that, they have been blamed for killing Christ, they have had more Pogroms against them for more years than we can count, and then the ultimate condition, basically being annihilated off the face of the earth by Hitler and the Nazis, yet they have endured. In all that time, except for a few instances, they never fought back. it was always, we've been around for so long, we will overcome all of this and still survive. Bit no more. Since Israel was formed, they all say NO MORE. They will not be the doormats for one and all, and anyone who thinks they can just walk over them finds they are in for a huge fight, yet Israel is always looked on as the aggressor and pity the poor whomever who dared to go against them.

All over the world today there is more hatred and dislike for Jews than any other sect of people. Countries are denying the Holocaust, Jews are still blamed for every wrong that they can find. Even in this country, how many attacks have we seen against Mosques or even Palestinians, yet Kill the Jews can be heard every time we get these right-wing rallies. In the south Jews are despised a whole lot more than blacks. They are #1 on the KKK list and just about every other right-wing group as the #1 threat to this country. Sorry but I don't see many Muslims or Palestinians on these lists, so stop with the pity for the poor Palestinians.

Look as ever part of life, what Israeli's have done for the good of the world, what Jewish people have done for the good of mankind, thru science, business, agriculture, and the list can go on. What have the Palestinians given to this world, what have the Muslims given to this world, what have the Iranians given to this world?
Yet the hate for Israel and the Jewish people continues.

Charlie Weiss


Lenn, thanks for the history lesson. No one would argue with what you posted about the Jews being  persecuted. I agree with everything you said but that doesn't make what's happening to the Palestinians acceptable. It's wrong ( 2 wrongs don't make a...) and no history lesson is going to make it right in my mind.
In regards to your question, "what have Muslims given to this world?"
What is only now becoming clear (to many in the west) is that during the dark ages of medieval Europe, incredible scientific advances were made in the Muslim world. Geniuses in Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus and Cordoba took on the scholarly works of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, India and China, developing what we would call "modern" science. New disciplines emerged


Quote from: umassgrad on May 20, 2021, 11:59:51 AM
Lenn, thanks for the history lesson. No one would argue with what you posted about the Jews being  persecuted. I agree with everything you said but that doesn't make what's happening to the Palestinians acceptable. It's wrong ( 2 wrongs don't make a...) and no history lesson is going to make it right in my mind.
In regards to your question, "what have Muslims given to this world?"
What is only now becoming clear (to many in the west) is that during the dark ages of medieval Europe, incredible scientific advances were made in the Muslim world. Geniuses in Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus and Cordoba took on the scholarly works of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, India and China, developing what we would call "modern" science. New disciplines emerged

Jolly Blue Giant

QuoteTo circle back, it bothers me when I see Israel's actions being defended based on the idea that Jews are better than Muslims even if it's more implied than directly stated.

You inferred something that was never implied. The whole point is, is that Israel has the right to defend itself when another country lodges missiles into their cities with the sole intention of killing Israeli civilians. This has been happening for years, whether strapping a bomb on a mentally ill person and sending him into a pizza shop where he unknowingly gets detonated by a remote phone; or the buses of civilians blown up; or going into a restaurant and mass murdering Israelis as they enjoy a meal - the whole world cheers the Arabs on because they believe the "Jews have it coming". Sickens me.

I was afraid that this subject would end up with Jew bashing. The popularity of antisemitism never ceases to amaze me. No matter what, some people will always come out negatively towards the Jewish people. When Arafat's goons infiltrated the Olympics in Munich and killed 11 Israeli athletes, there were people who actually said they had it coming. I just don't understand people. What do the Jewish people have to do to be fairly treated?
I told my teenage son, when I was his age, I used to get 10 CDs in the mail for a penny. I don't know if he thought I was lying or even knew what a CD was, or what a penny was, or what the mail was, or all of the above


Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on May 20, 2021, 05:39:38 PM

I was afraid that this subject would end up with Jew bashing. The popularity of antisemitism never ceases to amaze me. No matter what, some people will always come out negatively towards the Jewish people.

I guess you didn't see that plot twist coming where it ended in Muslim bashing instead (especially as you said were completely unaware of how hated Muslims are by many)


On the plus side, as I type this President Biden is on my TV announcing a cease fire


Sadly it's followed by a story about a hate crime against a Mosque in Suffolk County.   There burned a flag and sprayed pro Trump graffiti


Quote from: umassgrad on May 20, 2021, 11:59:51 AM
Lenn, thanks for the history lesson. No one would argue with what you posted about the Jews being  persecuted. I agree with everything you said but that doesn't make what's happening to the Palestinians acceptable. It's wrong ( 2 wrongs don't make a...) and no history lesson is going to make it right in my mind.
In regards to your question, "what have Muslims given to this world?"
What is only now becoming clear (to many in the west) is that during the dark ages of medieval Europe, incredible scientific advances were made in the Muslim world. Geniuses in Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus and Cordoba took on the scholarly works of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, India and China, developing what we would call "modern" science. New disciplines emerged

Charlie Weiss


Quote from: LennG on May 20, 2021, 06:40:36 PM
Don't pity the poor Palestinians,

I have a real problem with this instruction

According to Gaza health officials, at least 63 children are among the 217 Palestinians who have been killed in Gaza since the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas began on May 10. On the Israeli side, 12 people have been killed by Hamas rockets, all but one of them civilians, including a 5-year-old boy.




In this conflict, Hamas fired first, and Israel retalliated. Period.

And yet Israel is taking a ton of heat from the US mainstream media and far left politicians like AOC and Ilhan Omar for retalliating and defending themselves? Seems totally unfair to me.


Quote from: DaveBrown74 on May 21, 2021, 06:07:47 AM
In this conflict, Hamas fired first, and Israel retalliated. Period.

And yet Israel is taking a ton of heat from the US mainstream media and far left politicians like AOC and Ilhan Omar for retalliating and defending themselves? Seems totally unfair to me.
Could you have at least taken 5 minutes to read the post Rich shared? The one where he mentions learning what's going on.
