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Israeli/Palestinian conflict

Started by DaveBrown74, May 16, 2021, 10:03:45 AM

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Quote from: Bob In PA on May 25, 2021, 12:30:48 PM
kat: I don't know your age but I'm assuming you've been around about as long as I have... to live this long waiting for good leaders to step up (without results) is disconcerting.  Bob
I'm old, Bob. So the wait continues. But there is no other alternative, sadly.

Jolly Blue Giant

Quote from: umassgrad on May 25, 2021, 06:49:37 AM
We can demonize the entire Palestinian population and call them Hamas or led by the Iranians which isn't true. If you want to wipe that population off the face of the earth because of your dislike of Muslims that is your choice but please don't forget the many Christians living in Palestine. Here's a good article from Christianity today about this issue.

The concerns of the Palestinian Christians surveyed bear this out.

About 8 in 10 worry about attacks from Jewish settlers and being driven from their homes (83%). About 7 in 10 worry about Israeli annexation (67%). And about 6 in 10 believe Israel
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing


QuoteIn summary. It's fine to feel sorry for the civilians in Gaza. I feel sorry for them as does my family members in Israel, in fact, I have a niece in Israel who is an activist who is constantly working for support of the abused people in Gaza. The regular people of Gaza have zero say in their government (which has been taken hostage for the last 16 years by Hamas) and have zero say in whether or not to surprise attack Israel. The root of the problem lies in Hamas who is run by wealthy leaders who live in luxury in Dubai (and won't live in Gaza of course) and take their marching orders from Iran, and then embed the terrorist group in with the most vulnerable people in hopes of getting the civilians of Gaza killed in order to score sympathy points from around the world. There is a huge propaganda campaign run from Iran that wants sympathy for "palestinians" and want normal people to find themselves hating Jews. That way it won't sting so much when Iran leashes multiple nuclear bombs on Israel to finally wipe the people off the face of the earth as demanded by their religious beliefs.

Couldn't agree more.

You watch the news from any of the networks, all they show are these Palestinians crying over the war and death. Fine, nothing wrong with that, but then they completely ignore the Israeli side. They constantly make Israel look like the aggressor and the big, bad, bully wreaking terror on all these poor innocent people.
They don't mention how Hamas has used all these poor innocent people as shields for their dirty work. How Hamas couldn't care less how many Palestinians get killed as long as they get 'good press' and make Israel look bad. As you say, for world support.
And this just Hamas, let's not forget about Hezbollah who is much more powerful than Hamas.

Let's look at Israel, who live their lives EVERY DAY, surrounded by people and terror groups who hate their guys would love to just wipe them off the face of the earth. Imagine living there, always on alert, never really knowing what will happen next, missiles flying in, human bombs blowing people up. Every day is an adventure. Does anyone really believe Israel doesn't want peace? Israel would leap for joy at the chance to make a lasting peace with anyone who wanted it. Problem is, these terrorist groups do NOT want it. AND please don't blame the leaders. That is just a huge cop-out for Americans. While many in Israel don't like what Netanyahu does, when push comes to shove, they back him all the way in his fight against terrorists. It's his inner workings that get him in trouble, not his foreign policy and protection of Israel and Israelis.

And those that really think that every Israeli's goal is to rid Israel of any and all Arabs are so sorely mistaken. Those days left when Meyer Kahan was murdered. That was HIS agenda, get all the Arabs out of Israel. That has been as far from the truth since 1990 and his death. Most Israelis live happily with Arabs in Israel and are happy to continue. Too many people are believing the slanted articles and the biased far-left liberals to really know what is going on. As JBG said, you have to talk with the source, the people of Israel. Since all these wars have started and the ongoing battles, you have NEVER seen ONE Israeli ever said that they want all the Arabs out of Israel. NEVER a one.

Please stop feeling sorry for all these 'poor' Palestinians. They are told it is Israel as their enemy when their real enemy are the terrorist groups who control them.

Charlie Weiss


How do you know so much about the posters on this board?
"So it always surprises me to hear "experts" get on a board and expound what really goes on over there when they have never set foot in the land and rely solely on articles and the internet to hone a staunch position that they really are clueless about and are clueless to the propaganda being spread to turn opinion against Jews and don't realize the subject is extremely political and politicians seek all kinds of ways to keep themselves in power and the wealth that comes along with being a politician.
I lived and worked in Egypt for 5 years through both Arab springs. I lived in Morocco for 4 years. My work sent me all over the middle east throughout the UAE and I've travelled extensively in the region on vacation. I lived amongst the local people in the 26 years I spent working overseas and I feel like I got to know them pretty well. There's too much to discuss in one post as your last post is lengthy but I leave you with one of your quotes that really stuck out to me:
"There is a common thread that crosses through all of the poorest people in the Arab world, and it's called "terrorism" that is orchestrated and controlled by Iran's Mullahs as they follow their fundamentalist beliefs that Islam must be spread via the sword to please Allah."
No disrespect Jolly Blue but that comment about Islam is complete xxxxxxxx. Lenn, we know how you feel about the Palestinians. You've repeated yourself and your hate comes through loud and clear. Just imagine if Lenn's comments were flipped and you replaced Palestinians with Jews. That would be something to see.


Quote from: LennG on May 25, 2021, 02:26:14 PM
Couldn't agree more.

You watch the news from any of the networks, all they show are these Palestinians crying over the war and death. Fine, nothing wrong with that, but then they completely ignore the Israeli side. They constantly make Israel look like the aggressor and the big, bad, bully wreaking terror on all these poor innocent people.
They don't mention how Hamas has used all these poor innocent people as shields for their dirty work. How Hamas couldn't care less how many Palestinians get killed as long as they get 'good press' and make Israel look bad. As you say, for world support.
And this just Hamas, let's not forget about Hezbollah who is much more powerful than Hamas.

Let's look at Israel, who live their lives EVERY DAY, surrounded by people and terror groups who hate their guys would love to just wipe them off the face of the earth. Imagine living there, always on alert, never really knowing what will happen next, missiles flying in, human bombs blowing people up. Every day is an adventure. Does anyone really believe Israel doesn't want peace? Israel would leap for joy at the chance to make a lasting peace with anyone who wanted it. Problem is, these terrorist groups do NOT want it. AND please don't blame the leaders. That is just a huge cop-out for Americans. While many in Israel don't like what Netanyahu does, when push comes to shove, they back him all the way in his fight against terrorists. It's his inner workings that get him in trouble, not his foreign policy and protection of Israel and Israelis.

And those that really think that every Israeli's goal is to rid Israel of any and all Arabs are so sorely mistaken. Those days left when Meyer Kahan was murdered. That was HIS agenda, get all the Arabs out of Israel. That has been as far from the truth since 1990 and his death. Most Israelis live happily with Arabs in Israel and are happy to continue. Too many people are believing the slanted articles and the biased far-left liberals to really know what is going on. As JBG said, you have to talk with the source, the people of Israel. Since all these wars have started and the ongoing battles, you have NEVER seen ONE Israeli ever said that they want all the Arabs out of Israel. NEVER a one.

Please stop feeling sorry for all these 'poor' Palestinians. They are told it is Israel as their enemy when their real enemy are the terrorist groups who control them.

Here is a poll from 2016

QuoteNearly half of Jewish Israelis agree that Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel, and a solid majority (79 percent) maintain that Jews in Israel should be given preferential treatment, according to a Pew Research Center in Israel survey published on Tuesday.

The poll, with 5,601 in-person interviews of Israeli adults, conducted between October 2014 and May 2015, found that Israeli Jews increasingly believe the West Bank settlements help, rather than hurt, Israel

Jolly Blue Giant

Just some silly numbers:

In the U.S. during a six year period between 2012-1218

763 incidences motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry (127 per year)
2037 incidences motivated by anti-Semitic bigotry (340 per year)

In the years 2019 - present there has been a drastic reduction of incidences of anti-Muslim bigotry, while anti-Semitic incidences have sky-rocketed.

Both very, very wrong!

However, the left has clearly decided that "Jews are the problem" and blame them for the people of Israel getting attacked. Every intelligence agency has made it clear that all monies sent to "Palestinians" does not reach the "Palestinians", but goes straight into the coffers of Hamas leaders to use for weaponry as well as to cover the cost of the opulent lifestyles of the terrorist leaders making decisions from afar.

Like I have pointed out, I feel sorry for the "Palestinians". I don't feel sorry for terrorist groups and their fact, I despise them. Yet somehow, the left fails to even acknowledge that Hamas (a designated terrorist organization by every civilized country) is responsible for both the attacks on Israel as well as the awful plight of the Palestinians.

It's very confusing to me and I only wish someone on the left could tell me "why"! Why blame the Jews for being attacked by well funded terrorists? Why can't the left see that the poor plight of the Palestinians is due to Iran/Hamas and not the people of Israel who just want to live a normal life without their people getting bombed and killed? And why are leftists who don't support Israel go on attacks and beat Jews in America and try to run them down with cars while carrying huge Palestinian flags???

Not a huge fan of Bill Maher, but he's someone from the left that actually seems to see the situation clearly.

The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing


Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on May 28, 2021, 09:03:09 AM
However, the left has clearly decided that "Jews are the problem" and blame them for the people of Israel getting attacked.

With REPUBLICAN MTG being elected to Congress despite claiming the existence of Jewish space lasers setting fires in California and the party allowing her to compare having to wear a mask to save lives with the Holocaust, these sorts of claims slandering the left will always come across as at best disingenuous. 

JBG, I am not sure which group you like to demonize and attack more, Americans you consider liberal or Mulsims

Ed Vette

So... without reading six pages, did you guys solve all the problems in the Gaza Strip yet? I would hope so by now. You all need to get started on Afghanistan and the Ukraine ASAP.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin