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Stupid is as stupid does

Started by LennG, August 12, 2021, 11:17:05 AM

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Parents who claim rights over their children's health really shouldn't be parents.

Any parent would give their own life to help their children accept some, that think their so-called 'rights' triumph over their children's health.

I would love to ask these parents if their children have been vaccinated for all the other childhood diseases that we now have vaccines for.

I hate to say it, but they ARE putting politics ahead of their own children's health.

In my own mind, knowing that my child could get sick and possibly die from a disease that they have a vaccine for and I didn't allow my child to get it, how could they live with themselves if the worst did happen?

Charlie Weiss


It has everything to do with covid. If the truth and real covid issues at the border were being covered by the media in a responsible way . Then there would likely be political pressure from the public to stop the flow of covid infected migrants being sent by the government all over the country . We are worried about masking vaccinated people and kids in classrooms while the covid virus is literally unchecked at the southern border everyday.

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Quote from: Woody on August 14, 2021, 06:21:38 AM
It has everything to do with covid. If the truth and real covid issues at the border were being covered by the media in a responsible way . Then there would likely be political pressure from the public to stop the flow of covid infected migrants being sent by the government all over the country . We are worried about masking vaccinated people and kids in classrooms while the covid virus is literally unchecked at the southern border everyday.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Your beloved FOX News is stirring up racism and playing to racial fears by making a huge deal about less than one Covid positive immigrant a day coming over the border (Woody, you boldly denying reality/truth doesn't actually change it).     That is what is wrong with our nation, stations like FOX News and Republican politicians are spewing propaganda and distracting the people (who fall for their fake stories and allow themselves to be emotionally manipulated) from the real issues, like the Republican politicians killing Americans because they believe it can make our President look bad. 

We saw on January 6th just how dangerous this minority of people who don't live in the real world and who only care about ruling over the majority of the nation, rather than preserving our American values can be.   We are seeing it again with Covid.   I am truly concerned about the future of our nation, and I am not alone, not by a long shot.


Sorry but for someone who proclaims that he does his research on issues before making statements or presenting facts, you have not lived up to your own standards on this one. If you really believe that there is only one positive covid case crossing the border per day then I have nothing more to say but that you really need to do some reach on this issue.
Do your homework on this one


Quote from: Woody on August 14, 2021, 07:07:22 AM
Sorry but for someone who proclaims that he does his research on issues before making statements or presenting facts, you have not lived up to your own standards on this one. If you really believe that there is only one positive covid case crossing the border per day then I have nothing more to say but that you really need to do some reach on this issue.
Do your homework on this one


This is what I am talking about.  Instead of debating with the facts, we are forced into a very unproductive debate ABOUT the facts

Cobb County parents upset after school board member shares false vaccine information




I sure don't want to sound as if I am trying to 'gang-up' on you about this, but where are you getting your info from.

You have made claims about all these immigrants bringing Covid into this country, but where are you getting this info from. If it is entirely from FOX entertainment (sorry but I refuse to call it a news show), then you are just getting their slant on things. That is fine but when I get news of something that just maybe it isn't all so true (Like  Mr. Rodgers was a Green Beret and single-handedly won WWII and the Viet Nam war) I simply google it and see what many more people or fact-checking services are saying. If you are just getting your info from one source and it is telling you want to hear, then you are being cultivated to not seeing the real truth.
I certainly am not saying CNN doesn't slant things the way they want their viewers to see things, but places like Snopes are pretty neutral on most things and if you really want the truth (and maybe you don't) you have to go beyond FOX entertainment.

Charlie Weiss


Quote from: LennG on August 12, 2021, 11:17:05 AM

Is this guy maybe the biggest moron out there

Texas' governor is now asking for out-of-state help for COVID surge after banning mask mandates

Sorry guys, you can't have your cake (banning mask mandates) and eating it too (having Covid bypass your state)

This guy is killing people, really and he is still in office while, well we'll leave it at that.

You are insulting morons now, Lenn with calling this guy one.


Quote from: jimmyz on August 13, 2021, 02:23:11 AM
Well remember, killing people wont get you fired, just ask Cuomo.  Ti++y grabbing, @ss grabbing, begging for sex from your employees and state troopers will...well if you do it for long enough and your brother who covers for you on CNN happens to be on vacation.  Just ask Cuomo.
Unless you are Trump and enabled by other felons.


Fox has it's talking points in sync with the much of the Republican Party. They are spreading fear their own way as CNN did when they sensationalize Covid. But Fox is relentless and usually misrepresents the facts. Irresponsible to say the least.


Fox has it's talking points in sync with the much of the Republican Party. They are spreading fear their own way as CNN did when they sensationalize Covid. But Fox is relentless and usually misrepresents the facts. Irresponsible to say the least.


Quote from: katkavage on August 14, 2021, 04:10:54 PM
Fox has it's talking points in sync with the much of the Republican Party. They are spreading fear their own way as CNN did when they sensationalize Covid. But Fox is relentless and usually misrepresents the facts. Irresponsible to say the least.

With over 4.3 million dead world wide and many more per mantle injured (US is over 637 thousand dead), I am truly baffled at your


CNN has been shameless in it's coverage of Covid. The know misery sells and brings ratings and have exploited they throughout. Just as Fox sells fear of the brown people coming across the border. Or the ridiculous CRT hysteria. It cuts both ways, MG.


If people on this thread think there is not an issue at the border with Covid you are blind and refusing to see the truth.   You blame everything on Fox News . The border issue has been covered by other networks as well. Not many and obviously not the news sources you all use. To deny there is not an issue at the border is beyond belief. I have seen Mayors and democratic representatives all complain about the Covid issue at the border. Like I said before , even CNN complained about the lack of transparency at the border by this administration. For our government to restrict media access to the border issue is disturbing. Where is the free press on this country?


Quote from: Woody on August 14, 2021, 09:11:03 PM
If people on this thread think there is not an issue at the border with Covid you are blind and refusing to see the truth.   You blame everything on Fox News . The border issue has been covered by other networks as well. Not many and obviously not the news sources you all use. To deny there is not an issue at the border is beyond belief. I have seen Mayors and democratic representatives all complain about the Covid issue at the border. Like I said before , even CNN complained about the lack of transparency at the border by this administration. For our government to restrict media access to the border issue is disturbing. Where is the free press on this country?


Wishing or wanting something to be true doesn't make it true.   Screaming about people who provide actual facts and figures are blind and that you with only view propaganda from a site that clearly says they are for entertainment purposes only is the one who sees what is really going on (while providing ZERO FACTS) is just dangerous to the well being of our nation