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Grammar that irritates me

Started by Jolly Blue Giant, June 28, 2022, 01:27:42 PM

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Jolly Blue Giant

One of the most irritating grammar blunders to me is "ambiguous reference", which I see a lot in everyday writing, even from professionals.

Here's an example I just read on Fandom, "...the starting point guard will come down to Torrence and Mintz, who was tremendous during his senior season for the Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, Va"

Who was tremendous at Oak Hill???? Torrence or Mintz? I suppose the author meant Torrence, but we'll never know  :cuss:

A more humorous example I recently heard is from a joke (might have been here...can't remember), but the response took advantage of the original statement:

Police: "we have been informed that your dogs are chasing kids on bikes"
Guy: "that's impossible officer, my dogs don't know how to ride bikes"

Another thing I hear often (especially in music where I guess "literary license" holds true) when the singer or writer uses "don't" instead of "doesn't". One country song I can't listen to because it is so grammatically wrong goes, "She don't love me no more"...WTF. If the song writer had a high school education, it'd be "She doesn't love me any more". There are a lot of examples in song that bastardize the English language and it's just my pet peeve

Regardless, I find it often and I find it irritating  :hurt:  And I'm not one to play grammar police and I just let it all fly without comment, but just had to get this off my chest after reading that article

The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing


 Nothing wrong with what you wrote
If that is your passion
Then be proud
You are better than I am with your Grammer


I have my moments. Most times I let things go by without comment. At work, it's a different story. My coworkers know that I'm "That Guy" and rarely let things slip.

I think I posted the "dogs chasing people on their bikes" in the Joke thread. Pretty funny  :P

I like the 'Commas save lives' examples:

"Let's eat Grandma"
"Let's eat, Grandma"  =))

"Jacob likes cooking his family and his dog."  =))  =))  =))
:dance: :Giants:  ALL HAIL THE NEW YORK GIANTS!!!  :Giants: :dance:

"We're going to build this thing the right way... I'm not going to do a Hail Mary for self preservation. We've got a plan in place and we're going to stick with that"

-Giants GM Joe Schoen on potential roster plans and spending for the 2025 season.


I am one of those old-timer holdouts who still loves his morning paper.  The Newark Starledger is my paper and it gets more expensive and thinner as time goes by.  Since journalism (especially the print kind) is not attracting the best and the brightest some of the headlines can be very confusing as I don't think they have editors proofreading the articles and the headlines. 


 I'm like Rich, I have to have a real paper in front of me every morning. I do my sudoku, my crossword, and read my funnies. I get my local news and I just love the letters to the editors where people seemingly scream at will, at everything and anything.

That said, it does get harder and harder to find good grammar. Myself, I am not a champion of it, so far from it. It was probably my worst subject in school so pardon me when I type Ain't in my threads. If it weren't for my grammar and spell check (which still doesn't do it all for me) you wouldn't be able to understand many of my posts. 

Charlie Weiss


What I find very irritable is when I write something correctly and then the $#%&**^%$% auto correct messes it up.
I'd rather be a disappointed optimist than a vindicated pessimist. 

Not slowing my roll

Jolly Blue Giant

Quote from: AZGiantFan on June 30, 2022, 09:13:43 PMWhat I find very irritable is when I write something correctly and then the $#%&**^%$% auto correct messes it up.
I know what you mean, autocorrect is my worst enema
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing

Bill Brown

I think youse guy articulite the queens vorbage very good.

""The Turk" comes for all of us.  We just don't know when he will knock."

Jolly Blue Giant

Quote from: ps11yat14 on July 01, 2022, 05:32:40 AMI think youse guy articulite the queens vorbage very good.


My favorite line (spoken, not written) came from the lips of Leon Spinks after Howard Cosell asked him on television before a fight if he learned anything from his last fight. Spinks response was, "yeah, I'm a lot more not dumber now". I shook my head and went, "whew, yes you are Leon"
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing