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Giants VS Bills game thread

Started by MightyGiants, October 15, 2023, 07:15:08 PM

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Smell my cheese you mother!


Quote from: killarich on October 15, 2023, 09:01:59 PMMan I wish Azeez wasnt made of glass.... we need that extra pass rusher

Time to move on from
Quote from: killarich on October 15, 2023, 09:01:59 PMMan I wish Azeez wasnt made of glass.... we need that extra pass rusher

Time to move on from Ojulari, Rich. He's never been healthy, even at Georgia. Not going to improve.


More great play by McFadden. The PFF will knock his score for missing the sack though.
"It's extra special against Dallas. That's absolutely a team I can't stand. I've been hating Dallas ever since I knew anything about football." - Brandon Jacobs


Pay attention to Diggs now lol... hes ready to book it lol


Holding on a punt. That is unacceptable

".   " Tough.....Dependable


Quote from: Trench on October 15, 2023, 09:06:30 PMIf Pugh is playing out of position then why aren't we giving him help with a TE?????

Fire this oline coach now!

Wouldnt not using a TE to chip be the OCs call?


Defense stepping up I will admit

Banks I think will eventually be a player ....I feel like hes always on the guy but kind of gets lost when the ball is in the air... he improves that and he will be good



This is pretty heroic from the D, but they'll run out of gas by mid Q3, McDermott knows that.
Smell my cheese you mother!


Need to try Brieda or Gray. Barkley is not at 100% and not helping us


Don't care how bad Pugh plays tonight his straight off the couch intro was worth it.



Smell my cheese you mother!


This is the best our D has looked all season. Bank with a great coverage.
"It's extra special against Dallas. That's absolutely a team I can't stand. I've been hating Dallas ever since I knew anything about football." - Brandon Jacobs
