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Giants VS Cowboys game thread

Started by MightyGiants, November 12, 2023, 03:02:26 PM

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2 missed penalties

Hold on Thibs

And possibly a facemask on Flott



Did Flott did facemasked on the return? Defense has shown up


Quote from: killarich on November 12, 2023, 05:08:27 PMI don't understand your logic ? Why are you so triggered ? Stop being a smart ass and just ignore me

Aren't you at the game ? Get your face off the phone and watch the game ... stop arguing with someone on game day threads you don't know

Act like a man... my 7 year old son even knows when to stop being annoying better than you

Get control of you emotions.  Your internet tough guy act is embarrassing. And weren't you texting in a game day thread during your sons birthday?   BL. retaining Simons will be easy.


Quote from: andrew_nyGiants on November 12, 2023, 05:10:54 PMThere was a face mask on Flott at the end of his int return. Not called.

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I was just going to say that, why no face mask?
Smell my cheese you mother!


I would LOVE to see TD TOMMY get his 1st TD pass here!

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From Simms to Eli (with an assist from Hoss) our Super Bowl Quarterbacks. Great defense and clutch QB performances...NY Giants Championship football.

I have an old profile still floating around: andrew_nyg....I am one and the same!


The KING is in the building


The KING is in the building


The KING is in the building


I hate the playcalling

Jones is out for the year and Taylor isn't coming back

Just let the kid throw the ball


The KING is in the building


Smell my cheese you mother!


Everybody I mean, everybody knew Barkley was going to run it
The KING is in the building


not even close, xxxx play calling again.


I absolutely hate the playcalling