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Giants VS Commanders game thread

Started by MightyGiants, November 19, 2023, 12:14:14 PM

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They are doing the same losing crap again 😡😡😡😡😡
Wtf they start playing not to lose with so much on the clock?!!


Quote from: TDToomer on November 19, 2023, 03:36:19 PMI am sick of losing. So my way of having fun is to enjoy this game and hope the result stands. It's not fun seeing fans pout that we are doing well. Thesw players don't care about draft position.
I'm not pouting. I don't know who is. The reality is the Giants are a bad team. This game doesn't change that. Of course the players want to win. They better or they shouldn't be in the league. We fans want to see sustained good football. A win today, though nice, might be a deterrent to long term success.


Quote from: kingm56 on November 19, 2023, 03:37:59 PMGameDay Post have been down by more than 100% over the last 4 weeks.  We use to get 50+ pages per we're lucky to get 20.  Bedsides, I haven't seen a single poster 'upset' at anything. 

Good riddance to the fair weather fans who polluted the GT a month ago. This one is very manageable.
"It's extra special against Dallas. That's absolutely a team I can't stand. I've been hating Dallas ever since I knew anything about football." - Brandon Jacobs


I will never not be happy about the New York Giants winning.  <:-P

Imagine sacking the opposing (3rd-string) QB nine times and still losing by double digits. That's Washington right now.


Quote from: TDToomer on November 19, 2023, 03:36:19 PMI am sick of losing. So my way of having fun is to enjoy this game and hope the result stands. It's not fun seeing fans pout that we are doing well. Thesw players don't care about draft position.

Lecturing others on how to fan or how they should react is really the approach you're going to go with? Who made it your call to decide how others you don't even know should spend their Sunday afternoon? Mind your business. Nobody is criticizing you for anything.


Quote from: TDToomer on November 19, 2023, 03:42:13 PMGood riddance to the fair weather fans who polluted the GT a month ago. This one is very manageable.

The irony of your statement is rich; I wonder if you recognize the irony.

You realize it's not a binary choice, right? You can be happy about the Giants win AND still hope they get great draft position...


Thibs is 100% a building block


Win one for Tommy D...wait a minute..wait a minute..thanks a lot  :Giants:


Quote from: TDToomer on November 19, 2023, 03:36:19 PMI am sick of losing. So my way of having fun is to enjoy this game and hope the result stands. It's not fun seeing fans pout that we are doing well. Thesw players don't care about draft position.

If these players didn't suck draft position would be irrelevant.


Congrats to Kayvon. Double-digit sacks.

Blue Since ‘62

4th and 10 and they get a first. The good teams don't allow that.


To clarify I am happier are winning

But as someone who was a Jones supporter ..... he now has a bad knee and running was his strength I am also hoping we get a franchise qb


Quote from: y_so_blu on November 19, 2023, 03:42:19 PMI will never not be happy about the New York Giants winning.  <:-P

Imagine sacking the opposing (3rd-string) QB nine times and still losing by double digits. That's Washington right now.

I shudder to think how many sacks they would have had today if they hadn't traded Young and Sweat.


Building blocks are there. But the biggest need is not.


Smell my cheese you mother!