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We are getting close to being a very good team

Started by BluesCruz, December 31, 2023, 04:46:20 PM

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This thread, like our season, has some comedy value if you have a thick enough skin for black humo(u)r.

The only way Daniel Jones is not on our roster next season is if we take the $69m(!) dead cap hit. Nobody is trading for him with that contract. Anyone who cannot get their head around something so straight forward is just wasting cloud storage space posting.
If you live your life as a pessimist you never really live your life at all.


Quote from: BluesCruz on December 31, 2023, 05:01:56 PMJets Commanders Patriots Chargers

Ok? The commanders and Patriots are in better draft position than us. Why would they take Jones and his big ass contract when they can have a rookie quarterback for five years with a rookie salary? As far as the Jets didn't, they pay a lot of money to get Aaron Rodgers? And lastly, I think the chargers are pretty much stuck with Herbert.
The KING is in the building

Ed Vette

Quote from: brownelvis54 on December 31, 2023, 05:35:07 PMOk? The commanders and Patriots are better draft position than us. Why would they take Joann his big ass contract when they can have a rookie quarterback for five years with a rookie salary? As far as the Jets didn't, they pay a lot of money to get Aaron Rodgers? And lastly, I think the chargers are pretty much stuck with Herbert.
Stop making sense.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


People there is a way to ignore silly posts like this that look like it was created by an AI chatbox. Use the ignore feature!
"It's extra special against Dallas. That's absolutely a team I can't stand. I've been hating Dallas ever since I knew anything about football." - Brandon Jacobs


Not a troll though. DEFINITELY not a troll.


Quote from: BluesCruz on December 31, 2023, 05:01:56 PMJets Commanders Patriots Chargers

I for one think Herbert is highly overrated ...... but why would you replace Herbert with Daniel,Jones at that contract ?

And I am usually a Jones supporter


Quote from: DaveBrown74 on December 31, 2023, 07:42:05 PMNot a troll though. DEFINITELY not a troll.

Pretty much cleared up the question about that last week. 


Why are people even responding to this nonsense?


I think the point is that Taylor gives the team a chance to win and Barkley isn't all that. We have been in games with Taylor and probably could get more production from cheaper and younger RBs.

Now actually moving on from them in such a fashion is not reality, but I agree this team's roster is not as far as some seem to think. I always felt Jones was just that bad


Quote from: DaveBrown74 on December 31, 2023, 07:42:05 PMNot a troll though. DEFINITELY not a troll.

Come on, Jeff...he's a man with almost 70 years of NFL fandom. This post, along with some of his other hot takes, are pure wisdom. In all seriousness, I'm with coggs, I can't believe people thought he was authentic.  I will give him credit though, he's a better troll than I gave him credit for this summer...


Taylor has shocked me

Hes good   very good. he just needs field time to completely shake off the rust

Tommy showed his grasp of the position is the best of the 3  As parcells said
QB is 90% between the ears.  Overtime he could be a starter

Jones got 5 years and just accumulated rust, not shook it off
I dont care how we get rid of him.  If no one will share the contract just eat
it.   He is a disaster. Worse than Dave Brown the other huge pick up from Duke

If any Einstein out there think Continuity is not the answer then what are your suggestions

The team showed yesterday it was close and Wink is the brains behind the whole re-birth.  Taylor showed what arm talent and quick feet can do

GET RID OF WINK???  Incredible lack of insight
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"


For the record: Trading Jones would result in cap savings not the opposite like cutting him.

Cutting him outright would increase his cap hit from 47M to 69M.

Trading him would reduce his cap hit by 13.8M, reducing dead money to 33.3M.

That is for moves Pre-June 1. 

The only way I see a team potentially trading for Jones and eating that contract is if the Giants send a draft pick with him (or multiple picks). Like say Jones and a 2nd for a 5th.

Outside of that type of trade I would say its  a zero percent chance of moving him.  And I give that type of trade maybe a 2% chance of happening.


The new power rankings show the Rams as #8 ahead of Dallas, Tampa Bay and Cleveland

We "virtually" beat them....if we had our regular kicker game over
We simply outplayed them everywhere but the scoreboard

Barkley being a trainwreck didnt help either

We have a decent team now....There is a lot to say for continuity as it builds rapport.  We need to make Tyrod the starter next year.  Id make
DeVito the 1st backup.  I dont know what you do with Jones. 

Tommy and Tyrod play a similar game.....Jones is the outlier

there are 11 moving pieces in an offense reacting to all sorts of maneuvers by the opponent D

The more the same guys play together the more they work as one

As a long long time fan, I am proud of the team for fighting to the end

Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"