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Launched It!

Started by Trench, June 04, 2024, 01:12:55 PM

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Go check out the video NY Giants just posted "Launched It" of Daniel Jones throwing a beautiful deep pass. And that it was!....he has wonderful talent.

But watch closely as in this practice REP he is locked on his receiver THE ENTIRE TIME.

Can a beat reporter please ask the coaches and Jones himself WHY he refuses to make an effort to improve in this area?

These type clips are why my hopes for him becoming elite are severely limited.


Quote from: Trench on June 04, 2024, 01:12:55 PMGo  Redfaced check out the video NY Giants just posted "Launched It" of Daniel Jones throwing a beautiful deep pass. And that it was!....he has wonderful talent.

But watch closely as in this practice REP he is locked on his receiver THE ENTIRE TIME.

Can a beat reporter please ask the coaches and Jones himself WHY he refuses to make an effort to improve in this area?

These type clips are why my hopes for him becoming elite are severely limited.

It's a one on one practice route. Where is he supposed to look?


Quote from: madbadger on June 04, 2024, 01:27:01 PMIt's a one on one practice route. Where is he supposed to look?

According to why I have heard Parcells and Madder say in the past, it is during practice and drills where good and bad habits become the norm.

He is supposed to "practice" looking off his defenders.

Let me ask it this way - would you personally like to see him looking his receivers off in a practice setting?


Quote from: Trench on June 04, 2024, 01:12:55 PMGo check out the video NY Giants just posted "Launched It" of Daniel Jones throwing a beautiful deep pass. And that it was!....he has wonderful talent.

But watch closely as in this practice REP he is locked on his receiver THE ENTIRE TIME.

Can a beat reporter please ask the coaches and Jones himself WHY he refuses to make an effort to improve in this area?

These type clips are why my hopes for him becoming elite are severely limited.

I watched the video.  First off, "looking off the defender" only works if you have at least some element of zone coverage.  It doesn't work with M2M.  Second, we didn't see the routes run so it's impossible to say Jones was "locked on" to his receiver because we don't know what sort of route was run (or even the play design)


Quote from: Trench on June 04, 2024, 01:12:55 PMGo check out the video NY Giants just posted "Launched It" of Daniel Jones throwing a beautiful deep pass. And that it was!....he has wonderful talent.

But watch closely as in this practice REP he is locked on his receiver THE ENTIRE TIME.

Can a beat reporter please ask the coaches and Jones himself WHY he refuses to make an effort to improve in this area?

Where on is the video located?
These type clips are why my hopes for him becoming elite are severely limited.
- Accumulating knowledge is pointless unless it is used to help someone




Quote from: MightyGiants on June 04, 2024, 01:33:59 PMI watched the video.  First off, "looking off the defender" only works if you have at least some element of zone coverage.  It doesn't work with M2M.  Second, we didn't see the routes run so it's impossible to say Jones was "locked on" to his receiver because we don't know what sort of route was run (or even the play design)

This is factually incorrect. It doesn't "only" work if you have an element of zone coverage. I respect your knowledge of football but that is an incorrect statement. It works in man to man when LB and Safeties read eyes and make an aggressive move.
It doesn't matter the route either - regardless where the WR was running, Jones head never ever moves from one singular spot on the field. Everyone on the planet knows where the ball is going!

Also please take a look at Drake Maye in practice 4 days ago (I don't know how to post video)...but he literally was practicing throwing the ball one way while his head, eyes and body were looking and moving in a completely different direction!...I've never seen Jones even attempt to PRACTICE this!....full disclosure, that doesn't mean he doesn't do it in practice, but I've never seen a clip of it. I just find it very frustrating to see an NFL rookie practice it, to see a star like Rodgers practice it - but I never see our QB practice it!


Quote from: Trench on June 04, 2024, 02:43:13 PMThis is factually incorrect. It doesn't "only" work if you have an element of zone coverage. I respect your knowledge of football but that is an incorrect statement. It works in man to man when LB and Safeties read eyes and make an aggressive move.

Also please take a look at Drake Maye in practice 4 days ago (I don't know how to post video)...but he literally was practicing throwing the ball one way while his head, eyes and body were looking and moving in a completely different direction!...I've never seen Jones even attempt to PRACTICE this!....full disclosure, that doesn't mean he doesn't do it in practice, but I've never seen a clip of it. I just find it very frustrating to see an NFL rookie practice it, to see a star like Rodgers practice it - but I never see our QB practice it!

IN M2M coverage, the defender is watching the man he is covering (watching for an indication the ball has been thrown his way, like hands being raised).   Zone coverage the defender keeps an eye on the quarterback (and the other on defenders in his zone).

Generally the QB is using his eyes to manipulate a one deep safety (sometimes other defenders, but the one deep safety is the usual target)

As for Maye, are you referring to his no-look pass?


As for no-look passes, it's not like Daniel Jones hasn't thrown some.


Quote from: MightyGiants on June 04, 2024, 02:51:53 PMAs for no-look passes, it's not like Daniel Jones hasn't thrown some.

Mighty - I cannot thank you enough for correcting me and posting that last clip. Thank you.

It also however proves my point. If Jones would do this more he WOULD be more successful. It's basically the only problem I have with the guy. By showing me he "can" look off a WR in a game, it indicates to me he has a mental block because he CLEARLY locks on WR 90% of the time - probably a confidence issue for variety of reasons.

Regarding the Xs and Os of when it works or doesn't with MtM or zone, I remember hearing Bellichick say many times on MtM blown coverage or zone blown coverage it happens because someone blows an assignment because "the defender" gets locked onto the QB - so I would say we have a fair debate on that part of our discussion. Again I thank you for finding that clip I've watched it several times and it gives me a semblance of hope.

Can't he just practice it more??


Quote from: Trench on June 04, 2024, 02:58:54 PMMighty - I cannot thank you enough for correcting me and posting that last clip. Thank you.

It also however proves my point. If Jones would do this more he WOULD be more successful. It's basically the only problem I have with the guy. By showing me he "can" look off a WR in a game, it indicates to me he has a mental block because he CLEARLY locks on WR 90% of the time - probably a confidence issue for variety of reasons.

Regarding the Xs and Os of when it works or doesn't with MtM or zone, I remember hearing Bellichick say many times on MtM blown coverage or zone blown coverage it happens because someone blows an assignment because "the defender" gets locked onto the QB - so I would say we have a fair debate on that part of our discussion. Again I thank you for finding that clip I've watched it several times and it gives me a semblance of hope.

Can't he just practice it more??

Eye DisciplineDisciplined eyes are crucial. Avoid peeking into the backfield too early, as this can lead to losing track of the receiver. Keep your eyes on the receiver until the last possible moment, maintaining awareness of both the receiver and the quarterback's intentions.  Knowing when to look for the football is a superpower.  Eye discipline is the most crucial element of a DB's success especially when in man coverage.  This is the reason that I named my company All Eyes DB Camp.  You must train your eyes to be disciplined.  Lock in on that receiver's waist when in press and off man.  Try to remain focused and not have your eyes wander into the backfield or on surrounding receivers that are not your responsibility.  Like all other aspects of man coverage,  eye discipline is a skill and must be trained.


I am in the camp that says he should be behind center like it is 11 on 11 and looking with a wide field of vision (to simulate how he would be during a game) then looking to his WR and throwing it.


Quote from: Philosophers on June 04, 2024, 03:12:13 PMI am in the camp that says he should be behind center like it is 11 on 11 and looking with a wide field of vision (to simulate how he would be during a game) then looking to his WR and throwing it.

Right now, the Giants are keeping DJ out of 11 on 11 until he is further along in his recovery


Quote from: MightyGiants on June 04, 2024, 03:14:42 PMRight now, the Giants are keeping DJ out of 11 on 11 until he is further along in his recovery

I am saying he should simulate 11 on 11 by scanning field


All this QB coaching expertise going to waste; what a shame. Can someone here get DJ's email address so he won't have to remain deprived of it?
