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Which of these plays would you most like to see the Giants practice- use in game

Started by BluesCruz, June 24, 2024, 09:35:22 AM

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Jet Sweep


Personally I like the long teardrop pass, followed by Student Body, Jet Sweep and Double reverse
Moving pocket to any side but Evans side

Statue of Liberty and Philly Special would be a hoot

Giants rarely use ANY of these plays in recent years.  Well the Screen but obviously don't know how to pull one off
I remember Alex Webster Screens....they nearly always worked because we practiced them

How to you get to Carnigie Hall- Practice Practice Practice!

I watched aa non-Giants Rams game and came away thinking we were imagination inept.....they seemed to be playing by a different rules and playbook
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"


Our offense has been horrible since 2015, let's get them throwing beyond 10 yards then we can worry about Philly specials.


Yes, they should start doing the fumblrooskie  ::)  /sarcasm/    Seriously, how do you come up with this stuff?

Jolly Blue Giant

I don't know what half that stuff is, so I chose "fake punt"...especially when down a lot and time is your enemy

Not listed, but I love the "hurry up offense"...having two plays ready, then on the second play, hike the ball before the defense can decipher what the play is going to be and get set
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing


Quote from: coggs on June 24, 2024, 12:14:41 PMYes, they should start doing the fumblrooskie  ::)  /sarcasm/    Seriously, how do you come up with this stuff?

I agree, that might be a bridge too far, but a lot of those plays would help get us there.  Part of our problem is that in the Jones Barkley era everyone in the stadium knew what plays were coming (especially the opponents).  We were constantly in 3rd and long hell.

If the Giants did pull off a Fumblerooski and it worked,  it would be magical and dare to say you would not enjoy it.
Mara would spit out his Diet Coke
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"


Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on June 24, 2024, 12:32:36 PMI don't know what half that stuff is, so I chose "fake punt"...especially when down a lot and time is your enemy

Not listed, but I love the "hurry up offense"...having two plays ready, then on the second play, hike the ball before the defense can decipher what the play is going to be and get set

Are you old enough to remember the Student Body Right by the Lombardi Packers?  They actually told opponents it was coming and they still could not stop it.

NFL is a conservative copycat league....they refuse to run many of these plays
Its what makes college football so much more fun to watch at times.  Colleges will often try anything with their multimillion dollar 10 year contracts for the HC....thats job security
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"


Quote from: BluesCruz on June 24, 2024, 12:33:02 PMI agree, that might be a bridge too far, but a lot of those plays would help get us there.  Part of our problem is that in the Jones Barkley era everyone in the stadium knew what plays were coming (especially the opponents).  We were constantly in 3rd and long hell.

If the Giants did pull off a Fumblerooski and it worked,  it would be magical and dare to say you would not enjoy it.
Mara would spit out his Diet Coke
Help them get where?  You want them to run plays that will make people laugh?    Again I ask, where do you come up with this stuff?  You want to bring back plays from the 50s and 60s?


Quote from: coggs on June 24, 2024, 01:31:11 PMHelp them get where?  You want them to run plays that will make people laugh?    Again I ask, where do you come up with this stuff?  You want to bring back plays from the 50s and 60s?

Most are legit plays other teams use all the time.  Would you not agree Giants play calling is the most if not one of the most conservative in the NFL? 
The Oline is always the excuse- lets simply things.   Trouble is the opponents will not play along with this simplification.  They constantly sniff it out and blow it up

What punter punts more than Jamie?

I get the feeling the conservative owners attitude permeates down to the plays we run.  We need to shake things up in my opinion.  We do not have the personnel advantage that allows us to give up the element of suprise.   I admit this is my impression.  I have not run analytics on how many time we run simple run plays on 1st and 2nd down, but I feel its way too many.

To play that way you need to get a continuous 7-8 yds to set up 3rd and short.  Our running game did not do it.   Large chunk runs disguised the low average on most runs
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"


 My favorite play the Giants always ran effectively, one that is NOT listed, if the deep seems to pass to the TE. That was ALWAYS a staple in our game plan for so many years. Granted we have had great TEs recently, but as long as they can catch and run out, that p lay will always work. We have just forgotten it.

Second and I still don't understand why we just do not run screen passes. This goes back to early Eli and with the pass rush we see all the time, you might think we would work on this play a lot, but alas, when we try it, it usually fails miserably. We need a play like this to help the OL.

Charlie Weiss


I seem to recall screen passes to Tiki very often. It always seemed to work getting him into open space where he could pick a lane.
- Accumulating knowledge is pointless unless it is used to help someone


Quote from: jimc on June 24, 2024, 04:56:29 PMI seem to recall screen passes to Tiki very often. It always seemed to work getting him into open space where he could pick a lane.

 You are correct, but once Eli came in, who couldn't do a screen pass t o save his life, that play sort of evaporated from our playbook.

Charlie Weiss