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Mickey Mantle - It Worked For Him

Started by Trench, June 30, 2024, 09:21:08 PM

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I was just watching Yankeeography on YES. The great Mickey Mantle said, "it took me 5 years before I figured out I could do what they all said I can do"

From a professional sports perspective, sometimes it takes time for the game to "slow down" any event as I ponder this quote, it gives me hope for our QB. 

Jolly Blue Giant

I loved Mickey. He would stop at an airport or anywhere on the street and sign autographs until the last person got theirs, even if it took hours. And he kept a stack of baseball cards in his pocket in case some kid didn't have anything to sign

In an interview one time, he was asked, "Have you ever considered becoming a manager?" He laughed and said, "I'm not all that smart, you know I hit baseballs right?...that's really all I know"

I told my teenage son, when I was his age, I used to get 10 CDs in the mail for a penny. I don't know if he thought I was lying or even knew what a CD was, or what a penny was, or what the mail was, or all of the above


I wonder what he could have done had he not stepped in that drain.  Loved him too.
Not ashamed to admit his passing brought a tear to my eye.
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"