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Messages - Jolly Blue Giant

The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
October 09, 2020, 08:41:07 AM
Ding, ding, ding -  :ok: two right:
The Hangover, and Bandits. Actually a little surprised someone got Bandits. I thought that was kind of tough being a bit of an obscure Bruce Willis flick. Good job.
The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
October 08, 2020, 06:47:57 PM
I'll throw a couple out there. I am not a movie aficionado of movies before 1970 so bear with me:


"Aren't you gonna do something?"
"What are you talkin' to me for? She's the one with the gun."


Just remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas....well, except Herpes, that shlt will follow you home"


"we got to get rid of this broad...I know a great place up the road...lots of alligators"
"We're not getting rid of the broad"
"What's your angle?"
"No angle, I like her"


"What did you bring her here for?"
"One, I had no choice...two, I might have suffered a slight concussion and three, she's mentally imbalanced to a spectacular degree!"


"If you want justice, go to a whorehouse. If you want to get fu*#^ked, go to court"


"You don't want me! I'm filled with Scotch, bitterness and impure thoughts"

The Front Porch / Re: Fargo 4th season
October 06, 2020, 02:35:18 PM
Quote from: ozzie on October 06, 2020, 01:47:26 PM
I watched the first couple of episodes of the first season, with Colin Hanks playing the sheriff, but I just couldn't get into it.
But people on this forum have been raving about it and now knowing that each season doesn't relate to the previous seasons, I have started recording this season's episodes.
I haven't watched any of them yet, but the promos looked good and I like Chris Rock so I figured I'd give it another try.

They tend to start out a little slow building the foundation for the story. Seems each episode new players are introduced into the story line - mostly bad people. If you stick with it, I think you'll find what most people find...and that is, they love it. I consider it "dark comedy"...sometimes, very, very dark  :laugh:
The Front Porch / Fargo 4th season
October 02, 2020, 09:12:58 PM
Just a heads up. Fargo 4 has started on Hulu. I loved the Fargo series so far, but haven't delved into 4 yet because there's only a couple of episodes and you have to wait a week between each new one so I'm waiting until the series is over so I can binge it. I hate waiting a week for the next episode. Getting spoiled from all the options available - watch a whole season without commercials, etc.

Anyway, just wanted Fargo fans to know no. 4 has started.
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
September 24, 2020, 08:07:33 AM
Quote from: LennG on September 23, 2020, 04:13:03 PM
At 74, I don't watch movies to get my 'mojo' woking either, but when a gorgeous looking lady wants to 'show us what she's got', I won't turn it off.   :no: :no: :no: :no:
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
September 23, 2020, 11:10:14 AM
Well, after watching the trailer for Wild At Heart, I think I am going to pass. It might be a David Lynch film, but it just doesn't seem interesting to me. As far as catching some nude shots, mehh. My girlfriend is half my age, in incredible shape and walks around without clothes all the time. I don't need a blurry half second shot of a nudey from 30 years ago to get my mojo going...LOL
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
September 22, 2020, 06:39:14 PM
Quote from: LennG on September 21, 2020, 05:00:53 PM
Maybe this should go in the movie thread, but I am really not trying to review this movie. The other day I DVRed a movie, Wild At Heart. The synopsis sounded interesting, great actors in it,  and when I saw David Lynch was the director, I thought, why not take a chance. Overall, I am NOT a fan of David Lynch and his sense of anything. I know some people simply loved Twin Peaks and consider it classic TV, but not me. I did a search of Lynch's other works and looking at the list, I can say there were a couple of things I enjoyed, so I'll give this movie a shot. I was wrong. It was so typical David Lynch, I almost couldn't make it thru to the end. If it wasn't for the fact that Laura Dern was naked about every 10 or 15 minutes, I would have turned it off. Nick Cage was the star and it was so typical of him. He played the brooding guy tricked into some crime he didn't want to do and the rest is just Lynch with weird plot lines, to me, just silly story, direction. I should have turned it off earlier but I enjoyed watching Miss Dern parading around in her birthday suit much of the time. I would think anyone who enjoyed Twin Peaks would love this movie.

You had me at "so typical David Lynch"...LOL

I've noticed the show on Netflix, but haven't tried it because I'm just plain not a fan of Nicholas Cage. However, I was unaware that it was a Lynch film. Now I know I absolutely must watch it. Lynch is famous for his style which is (according to Google) "uniquely disturbing and mind-bending visual work. His films juxtapose the cheerfully mundane with the shockingly macabre and often defy explanation".

And BTW, for anyone following this thread, "Twin Peaks" is the best TV series in history. If you haven't watched it, do so but whatever you do DON'T Google who killed Laura Palmer or it kills everything. The show "Lost" was always compared to Twin Peaks and considered to be a very "David Lynch type series" and the producers or Lost learned from Twin Peaks that allowed viewers to figure out who the killer was and there was nowhere to go after that. That's why Twin Peaks was only a 2 season show and the 2nd season was nothing to write home about because the main story line had already come to a conclusion and finality. That is why Lost tried to keep the plot going instead of letting you figure it out because they didn't want it to end...and, as a result, it became nearly unwatchable by the 6th season and people still don't know WTF happened.

In Twin Peaks, there were terrific actors and terrific cascading alternate plots going on - most were extremely devious at best. David Lynch even acts in the show as a near deaf FBI deputy who thinks he has to yell to be heard...LOL. I loved the acting of Miguel Ferrer (played "Albert" an obnoxious FBI agent (it's a shame he passed away several years ago...dittos with the passing of Peggy Lipton (played Norma Jean owner of the restaurant last year).

Regardless, if you haven't watched it, at the very least watch the first episode and make up your own mind.
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
September 10, 2020, 08:53:07 AM
A couple of weeks ago I started watching "Punisher" on Netflix. It's based on the Marvel Comic series of the same name. It started slow for the first few episodes (almost gave up on it), then started to get pretty good. Now I'm halfway through the second series and I am hooked. Unfortunately, there are only two seasons and there won't be a third season on Netflix due to some rights that now belong to Disney or something like that. Regardless, it's not Ozark, but it's pretty good if you don't mind a lot of gore. Very brutal scenes and an incredible amount of killing bad guys for which the Punisher (called "Frank Castle") says he didn't "murder" them, but rather they died of "terminal stupidity". The Punisher is an ex-marine special ops guy who was given orders by the CIA's Dept. of Covert Operations while in Afghanistan and now is taking down that same corrupt department he worked for in the past. Also, some pretty graphic sex scenes so this is not for kids even though it's based on a Stan Lee comic.
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
September 04, 2020, 04:27:57 PM
I looked into GOT as well and found you must get HBO Max (I get an HBO add on, but not Max). 14.99 a month. If I could watch the entire series in a month, it might be worth it.

Earlier, someone was talking about Bruce Willis films. I am a huge fan, although some of his last stuff it's almost as if his part is cameo for the sole purpose of selling a flick (ex. "Hard Kill" where his name is emblazoned on the front of the flyer, yet has almost no serious role).

The best Willis film ever (IMHO) is "Red" and I've watched it so many times that I've committed it to memory. "Red 2" is really good, but doesn't top the first. Both are free on Amazon Prime and well worth watching. I'd give it 5 stars by my own rating system and 4 1/2 stars for Red 2.

Another great Willis film is "Bandits" which is free on Netflix.

I'm taking you guys word for it that GOT is worth it  :yes:  :ok:
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
September 03, 2020, 03:41:38 PM
Quote from: LennG on September 03, 2020, 02:15:05 PM
more truisms

=)) no kidding...I wonder if life will ever be the same again  :-??
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
September 03, 2020, 03:40:30 PM
Quote from: ozzie on September 03, 2020, 03:03:47 PM
If the Peppermint you're talking about is the movie with Jennifer Garner, then I agree, if you like that kind of thing, it was good.
I saw nothing but bad reviews of it, but I watched it and the only thing I can figure is that it was because it was a female in a role normally portrayed by a male lead. I watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Jim, I also agree with you on Person of Interest. Great show with a great storyline. I thought this series ended well too. The last episode was a good one.

Yeah, it's Jennifer Garner with the lead. It actually gets 4.5 out of 5 stars from regular people. I disregard movie critics and professional reviews as every I choose to watch the ones they consider great, I can't even get through them (Bohemian Rhapsody, A Star Is Born, Bird Box, The English Patient, Big Fat Greek Wedding, Moulin Rouge, etc)

I've pointed this out before and I'm embarrassed to admit how thoroughly I enjoyed the series, but it is a great, great show to watch with the wife or girlfriend. Every woman I advise to watch it say it's their favorite show ever and the husbands who winced at the title alone ends up liking it and can't wait for the next episode. It's on Netflix and it's called, "Jane the Virgin". The title alone makes one say, "why on earth would I watch a show called that?". Check it out with your wife and she'll like it and I suspect so will you. It's got sex, lots of murders, whole lot of lesbianism, bad cops, good cops, twists and turns in every episode. The person you hate the most in the first couple of seasons is the person you end up liking the most in the end. It's a novella (Mexican Soap) that differs from American Soaps that have no end and lack wacky crimes and a lot of humor.
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
September 03, 2020, 12:36:42 PM
What I have concluded is that there is an awful lot of crap on television. Thousands of shows available, but almost impossible to find one worth spending an hour or two of your life  ~X(

In the past month I've rented several movies from Redbox that were pretty good like: "One Night in Bangkok" which ended up being a very good watch. Also, I enjoyed "The Hunt" as well as "The Gentleman". "Knives Out" was okay. I watched "Rogue" last night and mehh. Did not care for "Money Plane" or "Becky".

On HBO, I ended up loving the new Perry Mason series and was glad to hear there will be a second season. At first it seemed weird and slow, but by the 3rd episode I was hooked and it got better with each subsequent episode (there are 8 episodes in season 1).

On Netflix, I re-watched "Peppermint" and loved it - very violent, but I am drawn to thrillers that have some hard violence. I'd give this movie 5-stars and hope there is a sequel.

On Hulu there was an interesting flick called "Palm Springs", which I believe has been discussed on here. Sort of a modern day version of Ground Hog's Day, but with a completely different twist. I enjoyed it even though it wasn't filled with violence and blood letting LOL  :laugh:

The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
August 31, 2020, 09:43:16 AM
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
August 29, 2020, 09:59:06 AM
I have a friend who lives just outside Chernobyl in Ukraine.
He watched that drama and says he counted 9 historical inaccuracies on one hand!
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
August 29, 2020, 09:51:52 AM
That is hilarious Lenn - I about spilled my coffee  =))