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New Videos raise questions about the military encounters and UFO's

Started by LennG, May 17, 2021, 09:12:41 PM

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Charlie Weiss


The Pentagon has confirmed that US Navy ships have been basically harassed by a swarm of UFO's

These are no witch doctor UFO guys trying to make you believe, these are legitimate people who have witnessed and are now reporting these things.

As seen on 60 Minutes, one pilot reported they were spotting UFOs EVERY DAY.


Charlie Weiss

Ed Vette

Lenn, Joe Rogan did a Podcast with one of those pilots. Btw, Dr. Stephen Greer has devoted a lifetime to the Disclosure Project and SETI. The testimony of so many credible witnesses is incredible.

Also check this out:
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Three questions:

1) how many believe there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

2) how many believe that ET life has visited earth?

3) how many believe that UFOs are proof of visits?



Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 29, 2021, 11:28:03 AM
Three questions:

1) how many believe there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

2) how many believe that ET life has visited earth?

3) how many believe that UFOs are proof of visits?

Rich: Good questions.  (1) I believe that there is at least one other intelligent entity somewhere in the universe.  And I'm not excluding Earth as the possible location of that entity.

(2) I do not believe another civilization has sent emissaries/explorers (whatever) here for any purpose that has been postulated or imagined so far.

(3) I do not believe that UFO's are from any other-worldly place. IMO, they are objects (or phenomena) which have not yet been identified or explained, but they are "from" Earth.

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: MightyGiants on May 29, 2021, 11:28:03 AM
Three questions:

1) how many believe there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

2) how many believe that ET life has visited earth?

3) how many believe that UFOs are proof of visits?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we have been visited by extraterrestrials, UFOs, and many other things that we have no explanation for.

I also believe in all my heart that this planet has been visited, and helped along, as they say, from beings that we have yet to discover. There is simply no explanation for some of the building, the works, the imagination that basically 'cave men' did and used, to erect things that even today would have prominent engineers scratching their heads. Like there is simply no way a Stonehenge would have been built without 'help'. Not so much with the actual construction, but with the exactness of the design. Same for the Pyramids. If you do research on the Pyramids and see how many are built to some specifications that basically no one even knew about back then, it is simply impossible to say that they did it themselves. I have seen drawings on caves that depict people's possible being from another time. How does one explain the crop circles that are around, particularly some that can only be seen from high above?
I do believe that many of the sightings over the years have been from our own country, either 'secret' weapons being tested or something on that order, but even if that explains 90%, that still 10% unexplained.

To take this matter one step further, I truly believe in time travel, in that we have been visited by people from the future and there have been people from the future who somehow got trapped in the past. My main point on this is Leonardo DaVinci, who designed things that no one could have possibly even thought of in the timeline he was around. he drew them but did not have the capability to build many of them as certain parts just weren't invented then. Sure I may be crazy, but I do believe Leonardo DaVinci was from sometime in the future and somehow, someway, got trapped in the past and did what he could with the time he had there. Today he is thought of as a sort of genius, but not if he was from the future and the designs he made were common in his era.

I could go on, but you get the point. If you don't believe we have been visited, please. explain some of these things to me?

Charlie Weiss


Quote from: MightyGiants on May 29, 2021, 11:28:03 AM
Three questions:

1) how many believe there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

2) how many believe that ET life has visited earth?

3) how many believe that UFOs are proof of visits?

1) Yes. The universe is infinite. To me, it is a much bigger stretch to say we are the only intelligent life form in an infinite space than to say we most likely are not.

2) I am less confident about this one, but gun to my head I am going to say no. I think it would be difficult for this to go undetected. Of course, I fully accept that means of travel and detectability could differ greatly from what we know in this world, so it is certainly not impossible. But if you're putting a gun to my head my answer is no.

3) They are certainly by no means proof of visits. When people hear the word "UFO", their mind immediately envisions green martians with huge eyes coming out of a flying saucer, but the reality is that the probability of any given UFO legitimately being an alien spacecraft is infinitessimal.

On the whole, human beings are capable of enormous leaps of faith. The vast majority of the human race believes in some sort of god despite zero physical scientific evidence. On the whole, the human mind tends to be very uncomfortable with the unknown or with unanswerable questions, so we like to embellish or outright invent things as a way of seeking comfort. UFOs would be one such example of this, as are numerous conspiracy theories and, arguably, much of religion.

And just to be clear, as you can see from my answers above, I am not denying the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. I am just pointing out that human beings are constantly drawn to the sexier, more dramatic explanation of the unknown, rather than following Occham's Razor, which dictates that the vast majority of the time, the most straightforward explanation is usually the right one.


My own answer is that I think the odds favor intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

As to being visited by that intelligent life, we all better hope if they do that they are morally superior to us.   With the distances involved, their technology would be to us as ours would be to the technology of medieval times.

Ed Vette

To believe in something would require knowledge of. To think it's possible until proven or disproven is a hypothesis or educated guess.

There are estimated billions of planets in solar systems' Goldilocks zone. The odds not only favor other life but it's possible that there is advanced intelligent life that evolved millions of years before ours. That type of life could be similar to human form and carbon based and it could also be in other forms such as silicone based or aquatic or existing as pure energy. We may be incapable of communication just as we are to ants. We observe them and the other life forms could be doing the same with other species.

After listening to Bob Lazar and his consistent story of how it was his job to back engineer technology we just couldn't understand, he seems very credible to me. In fact he mentioned an element back decades ago that was just recently discovered. I think it's possible we have been and are being visited. I think it's possible this planet was seeded with DNA or life of different species, millions of years ago. On the flip side, there are much less UFO sightings since the advent of the Smartphone that everyone carries. Why is that? There are a lot of people that faked a lot of xxxx for attention. I've never seen an extra-terrestrial so I don't know enough to believe but I think it's very possible based on a lot of evidence and testimony by credible witnesses.

It does seem that these TicTack shaped objects are not from this world or they could come from a civilization within the earth or under the seas. If they are extra-terrestrial it's very possible they are drones. It's also possible that they have some type of cloaking technology so the drastic movements could be an illusion of multiple craft.

I think we are on the verge of a disclosure breakthrough of some kind. We have seen a lot of declassified documents emerge and this is being slowly disseminated. If there is substantial evidence or a visit, it's going to shake up the religious foundation into a quagmire of rubble.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Obviously, it is all conjecture until those 'Little Green Men' land on the front lawn in Washington DC and asks 'Take me to your leader.

But the existence of UFOs is really coming out now, with video proof that simply cannot be faked. We may never know if some ET helped build the Pyramids or, as I believe, Leonardo DiVinci was a time traveler, we will leave that to anyone's imagination. In my lifetime, I would love to have real visual proof of an alien being.

Remember the movie, 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'. One of my all-time favorite Sci-fi movies, but the story could be true today. Aliens seeing we are about to blow ourselves up, come here with peace offerings and knowledge way beyond our own, to try and help us become a real civilized planet/

Who knows????

Charlie Weiss


It does look like there are UFOs.

But upon what evidence does one conclude that these UFOs must be from an alien civilization?  Isn't it far more likely these things are being produced by one of the militaries of US/China/Russia/Israel/India, or perhaps by some private organization like SpaceX?  (I doubt it's actually SpaceX, btw, too much to lose if they're caught.). My bet is it's some super-secret research being done by some part of the US military that no one knows about.
"17-14 fellas.  One touchdown and we are world champions.  Believe it and it will happen!  17-14 is the final.  Let's go!"  Michael Strahan, with 2:39 remaining in SB42.

Ed Vette

"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin

Ed Vette

"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


For what it's worth, unknown objects swarming US navy vessels could also be some sort of advanced drone technology.