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Stupid is as stupid does

Started by LennG, August 12, 2021, 11:17:05 AM

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Quote from: jimmyz on August 19, 2021, 04:27:50 PM

My guy, the pussy grabber, managed to dodge a bullet by shining a light on your guy Clinton the rapist.  It seems to have worked.  And remember, the PC term for riots is mostly peaceful protests.  Although I know the circumstances are different.  One was a day where the lives of our dear sweet democrat senators were threatened.  The other was 100 days where disgusting regular citizens were trampled on, beaten, stabbed and shot.  Black Lives Matter?  All Lives Matter?  No.  Democrat Senators Lives Matter.  I call that hypocrisy.  You can call it 'whataboutism'.

You think Cuomo did the right thing huh?    He ducked the media barrage is what he did.  One guy won because he slogged thru the media barrage because he is a shameless psychopath while the other guy ran and hid.  "At least our guy did the right thing"....pfftt...get outta here with that.
Good point about Clinton, dirtbag much like Trump and in today's world would he have resigned? My only question about your latest post is when you say Democrat senators were being threatened. They were coming for Mike Pence and wanted to hang him. BLM riots started after a black man was murdered on the street by a policeman, the capitol riots started when Trump lied about the election being stolen and brain washed conspiracy theory idiots believed him and then followed his orders to meet at the capitol to ensure Mike Pence does the right thing. When they got there Trump was back in the white house probably laughing his ass off.



Quote from: jimmyz on August 19, 2021, 04:27:50 PM

My guy, the pussy grabber, managed to dodge a bullet by shining a light on your guy Clinton the rapist.  It seems to have worked.  And remember, the PC term for riots is mostly peaceful protests.  Although I know the circumstances are different.  One was a day where the lives of our dear sweet democrat senators were threatened.  The other was 100 days where disgusting regular citizens were trampled on, beaten, stabbed and shot.  Black Lives Matter?  All Lives Matter?  No.  Democrat Senators Lives Matter.  I call that hypocrisy.  You can call it 'whataboutism'.

You think Cuomo did the right thing huh?    He ducked the media barrage is what he did.  One guy won because he slogged thru the media barrage because he is a shameless psychopath while the other guy ran and hid.  "At least our guy did the right thing"....pfftt...get outta here with that.

What we have all seen Jimmy, is that the Democrats hold their own accountable while the Republicans will allow all sorts of crimes and even treason as long at the person doing it has an R after their name




To try once again to get this thread back on topic

GOP Leader Who Fought Against Vaccine Dies After Weeks-Long Battle With Coronavirus
Pressley Stutts, a Republican leader in South Carolina, shared conspiracy theories from his ICU bed.

Pressley Stutts, a Republican leader in South Carolina who fought COVID-19 vaccination efforts, died on Thursday of the coronavirus after a weekslong battle, including six days spent on a ventilator, The Greenville News reported.

Stutts, a 64-year-old veteran, frequently shared conspiracy theories about the virus, the vaccines and the 2020 election on Facebook, including in posts made from his ICU bed.

Stutts served as an executive committee member of the Greenville County Republican Party and the leader of the Greenville Tea Party. He protested Vice President Kamala Harris when she visited the area in June to promote vaccination and called the effort an


and the stupidity just keeps coming

Maine Lawmaker Whose Wife Just Died of COVID Joins Anti-Vaxx Rally

Chris Johansen, who has been a fierce opponent of pandemic restrictions, joined a rally at which a colleague compared the governor to a Nazi.

A Republican legislator in Maine who lost his wife to COVID-19 last week appeared at a rally on Tuesday that featured a GOP colleague who compared the state



Charlie Weiss


Quote from: MightyGiants on August 19, 2021, 12:45:26 PM
I have said before that Israel could be our canary in the coal mine in terms of what Covid has in store for us.   This NY Times article is rather depressing

It's not just Israel, there had been studies in the EU and the US, links are in the article below, with pretty much the same results:

What is depressing is that the CDC doesn't even track breakthrough infection. It's not like it does not exist in the US, of course it does, but the CDC does not track it. Knowing where and how the infection spreads could be helpful in limiting the spread around the source.

Contrary to popular believe, FL and TX don't have the highest infection rate, at least for the last couple of weeks. That belongs to VT, quote from the above link:
QuoteOver just the last two weeks ending August 12, high vaccination states with higher covid case growth rates than Texas and Florida include not only Vermont (263% growth in the last two weeks) but also Hawaii (176% growth over the last two weeks), Oregon (144%), Washington state (146%), New York (108%), and Washington DC (158%), versus Texas with 72% growth in covid cases over the two weeks ending August 12, and Florida with only 50% growth.  California is slightly behind Florida with 48% growth.

As the author noted, these are the preventative measures that everyone should include:

  • Get vaccinated
  • Weara mask
  • Distancing, work from home
  • Avoid indoor spaces wherever possible
  • Avoid dense crowds, both indoors and outdoors
  • Get a booster shot (when it is available in the U.S.; Israel is already administering them officially)
  • Use HEPA air purifiers / filters
  • Use at-home covid tests before socializing
  • Use delivery services
  • Stock up on food, first aid supplies / medicines, etc. (In case of infection/illness)

I for one not waiting for the CDC and follow these preventative measures. It won't be that hard since never stopped using masks, but will miss socializing.


Quote from: Blue4Life on August 22, 2021, 11:28:36 PM
As the author noted, these are the preventative measures that everyone should include:

  • Get vaccinated
  • Weara mask
  • Distancing, work from home
  • Avoid indoor spaces wherever possible
  • Avoid dense crowds, both indoors and outdoors
  • Get a booster shot (when it is available in the U.S.; Israel is already administering them officially)
  • Use HEPA air purifiers / filters
  • Use at-home covid tests before socializing
  • Use delivery services
  • Stock up on food, first aid supplies / medicines, etc. (In case of infection/illness)

When you say "everyone", who do you mean exactly? Do you mean everyone who is middle class and up?

If you actually mean everyone, I would like to know how poor or even paycheck-to-paycheck people are supposed to do the vast majority of these suggestions.


Business Insider
A Florida mom lost her 2 sons to COVID-19 in the span of 12 hours after they refused to get the vaccine

A Florida mom lost two sons to COVID-19 within 12 hours of each other after they failed to get vaccinated.

Lisa Brandon told News4Jax that she and her sons Aaron Jaggi, 35, and Free Jaggi, 41, who lived with her, got sick with COVID-19 in late July.

While Brandon got better, both of her sons got worse and had to be hospitalized and eventually put on ventilators after developing double pneumonia. Free died on August 12, followed by his brother just hours later on August 13.

Now their mom is speaking out in and hopes that her story will drive others to get vaccinated.


Quote from: DaveBrown74 on August 23, 2021, 04:17:34 AM
When you say "everyone", who do you mean exactly? Do you mean everyone who is middle class and up?

If you actually mean everyone, I would like to know how poor or even paycheck-to-paycheck people are supposed to do the vast majority of these suggestions.

Admittedly, based on my financial status, I did not take the "poor or even paycheck-to-paycheck people" into account.

While the list of suggestions is long, some of these even the poor could actually do; the others would require help from the feds. If the feds can bailout corporations, the .1%, waste trillions on wars, then certainly should help these people. But that's another discussion...

The Delta variant isn't like we had previously and spreading along, regardless of the vaccination status. Not addressing 35M of "poor or even paycheck-to-paycheck people" will not help in controlling the spread of Delta variant anytime soon.

Feds and the states pretty much aren't doing much about this. Take for example NYC, that it is still on track to fully reopen despite the fast spreading Delta virus. As such corporations, small business, etc., took matters in their own hands and they are cancelling their reopening, trade shows, etc.:

New York


Good News, the FDA grants full approval to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.

Fully approved, it eliminates the argument that "it's an experimental drug" and will allow for more vaccine mandates


Entire Texas town essentially closes with nearly half its people hit by COVID-19
Scott Gleeson, USA TODAY
Tue, August 24, 2021, 10:38 AM EDT


This is what we are dealing with

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A woman reveals to the Greenville, SC School Board tonight that she has uncovered a plot by the CDC to shut down schools and turn them into Nazi-style concentration camps, where children will be taken away from their parents, and couples separated from each other. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) <a href="">August 25, 2021</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Covid: 85-90% of the U.S. must be vaccinated