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Preliminary Assessment Unidentified Arial Phenomena

Started by Ed Vette, May 31, 2022, 02:06:42 PM

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Quote from: MightyGiants on June 01, 2022, 09:16:45 AM
I am less than happy that this is what we are wasting tax dollars on.     I am sorry but UFOs from outer space are just flights of fancy.    I can't get past the fact that UFOs didn't become a thing until popular fiction started portraying flying saucers and aliens from other worlds.   You didn't see George Washington or Thomas Jefferson talking about UFOs.  You saw this become a thing in the 1950s the same time Sci-Fi and movies about flying saucers came into their own.

That said, I am not ruling out life on other planets, I simply am not sure about the ability to traverse the immense distances.   I am not sure there are technologies available to travel those sorts of distances in anything short of centuries

Haven't there been ancient cave drawings showing aliens and/or alien spacecraft? I'm no expert on this topic but I'm pretty sure I've read about that on multiple occasions.


Quote from: DaveBrown74 on June 01, 2022, 03:16:22 PM
Haven't there been ancient cave drawings showing aliens and/or alien spacecraft? I'm no expert on this topic but I'm pretty sure I've read about that on multiple occasions.

Bob In PA

Quote from: DaveBrown74 on June 01, 2022, 03:16:22 PM
Haven't there been ancient cave drawings showing aliens and/or alien spacecraft? I'm no expert on this topic but I'm pretty sure I've read about that on multiple occasions.
DB: There are drawings that could be interpreted or seen as representing ET's... or, alternatively, earthly stuff poorly/crudely drawn.  Google these words: "cave drawings of aliens"

Beware: not all of the images shown by the Google "images" search have necessarily been verified as to age and authenticity.

I do know for sure that many of them have... it's just a question of what the drawings were meant to represent at the time they were made.

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


As Bob said, you don't know what the art was portraying.   Consider this art from ancient Greece



Quote from: DaveBrown74 on June 01, 2022, 08:24:33 AM
On the one hand, it seems far-fetched to the point of being naive to think that in an infinite universe, we are the only life form. I have never believed that, simply for that reason - it seems far less credible to me than the alternative theory.

What is less certain though to me is that alien lifeforms have visited our planet and possibly interacted with (or abducted) human beings. I am certainly not saying this definitely has not happened, but I would need to see more concrete evidence for me to buy into it with both hands.

Moreover, I would say that with today's surveillance and technology, if there were such visitation, there is a good likelihood it would be picked up, not just by the government but also by civilians, to such an extent that a cover-up would not really be possible.

Of course, I fully accept that alien technologies might be so advanced that they are capable of visiting without detection.

Bottom line for me: I believe in their existence. I just am not certain anyone has been here. Maybe, maybe not. I would like to see more evidence of this before I buy in wholly. I think with things like this people always want to believe the more fantastic, exciting explanation than the boring, disappointing one. So that tendency drives a lot of these theories in my opinion. Not just on this subject but on others like it as well.


One believes what one wants to. There can never be proof that Earth was visited by aliens who sort of helped us along, how can there be. BUT, when you look at some of the world's most sophisticated early buildings, like the Pyramids or places like Easter Island and Stonehenge, I would bet anything that these things, the way they are aligned, and built according to such precise measurements, would be impossible for people, at that time, to have done. I have never been to the Pyramids, but I have been to Stonehenge. I have done much research into how that was built, and the sophistication in the way it is perfectly aligned. Same with the Pyramids. I believe that the people of those days did the building, but under the direction of someone, something that sort of knew what they were doing. If you look at the original Stonehenge, the complete circle, every stone is perfectly set atop other stones, at precise angles, at precise spacing, height, and weight. You are talking about a bunch of people a grade above cavemen, yet they were able to do this, and align it perfectly with the solstices.......... sorry just no way.
Again, there can never be proof of it, no one signed their name to it, it is what we believe or wants to believe.

Aren't there certain 'crop circles' or images that are on top of mountains that can only be seen from the air or from space?

As far as images drawn on walls of caves. You could say that they could be anything, but if you do some research into them, some are just too well defined to be anything else, but images, drawings of someone, something, that is being depicted by people who have no other way of doing it.

Look, my wife watches all these alien shows but all these alien theorists, especially that dude with the wild hair. According to them EVERYTHING unexplained is or can be an alien conspiracy. I can't stand that guy. But then you have guys like Luis Elonzo a former investigator who has made it his business to interview as many pilots, and others who have seen UFOs but were afraid to come forward. His interviews are simply amazing.

I have no problem what-so-ever with anyone that doesn't want to believe and needs an alien to set foot on the White House lawn before they believe it, but as some of the others have said, it is really impossible to believe in this vast universe and how many other universes out there, that we are the only life form.

Charlie Weiss


Quote from: Ed Vette on June 01, 2022, 09:24:48 AM
I think that our government wants to find out more because the technology falling into the hands of China, Russia or another government would be a game changer.

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Reliable sources have stated the Stealth Bomber was developed in Area 51 under the tutelage of the Grey Alien civilization. We did not have the technology to develop that aircraft.

For those who watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind - the small and large Greys are portrayed in the end.

I used to be a doubter. But when so many credible scientists, researchers, astronauts, government officials and yes, even Presidents come out and say aliens are very real, how could you not believe them?

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Ed Vette

Quote from: todge on June 01, 2022, 09:32:46 PM
Reliable sources have stated the Stealth Bomber was developed in Area 51 under the tutelage of the Grey Alien civilization. We did not have the technology to develop that aircraft.

For those who watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind - the small and large Greys are portrayed in the end.

I used to be a doubter. But when so many credible scientists, researchers, astronauts, government officials and yes, even Presidents come out and say aliens are very real, how could you not believe them?

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What Presidents made that claim?

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"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Quote from: todge on June 01, 2022, 09:32:46 PM
Reliable sources have stated the Stealth Bomber was developed in Area 51 under the tutelage of the Grey Alien civilization. We did not have the technology to develop that aircraft.

For those who watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind - the small and large Greys are portrayed in the end.

I used to be a doubter. But when so many credible scientists, researchers, astronauts, government officials and yes, even Presidents come out and say aliens are very real, how could you not believe them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The real story of how we developed stealth aircraft is actually more interesting, at least to me.    See the mathematical formulas that were needed in terms of developing shapes that reflected radar waves in a way that created stealth were developed by a Soviet Union physicist.    He was allowed by the Soviet Union authorities to publish his work because the USSR was always very far behind us in terms of IT.   So while the formulas were groundbreaking in terms of developing stealth technology, the Soviets scientists simply did not see how the cumbersome formulas would ever have practical applications.   Only in the US with our advanced computers, those formulas were practical in terms of working with them to design stealth shapes. 

So that's is how the US developed their stealth aircraft.  It didn't involve little green men or our scientists taking classes at Mars University.  It was simply our engineers and scientists using information freely given to us by our rivals/cold war enemies.

That's the thing, you don't need aliens for mankind to accomplish impressive feats.   It's the same with things like Stone Hedge and the Pyramids.  I mean people back then were not as technologically advanced, but they were not stupid.  They were as smart as people are today.  So they were more than capable of being clever/intelligent and creating impressive structures even with the technological limitations that existed.   

I could see people some time in the future thinking it was impossible for man to fly all the way to the moon and back with the limited technology of the 1960s.   


Since we are talking, and it's a lazy Thursday, I would also like to share something that I've mentioned before but I thoroughly believe to be true.

Someone mentioned time travel a page or so back. I also believe that time travel can be done and eventually we will know the technology to do it. It is my belief that the people who have visited this planet had the ability to time travel and maybe that is how they were able to travel here. I also believe that a person, like Leonardo DiVinci, was such a person who was from the future and, for some unknown reason, got stranded in our time period and was forever to remain here. I know, I haven't fallen off the roof and bumped my head, but again, I believe this with all my heart. DiVinci has 'visions' of things that were so far in the future that I just feel were impossible to imagine, in that time period, things like a helicopter, a submarine--whatever. He had the knowledge to draw up the plans for these things but not the technology to make them.


Charlie Weiss