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Plax in prison

Started by ELCHALJE, November 29, 2022, 11:29:06 AM

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I think our discussion has run its course.

Since you continue to deflect and refuse to answer a simple question.

You repeatedly twist words to stop from answering questions or to put your own twist on it to justify your agenda.  Or use others information to skirt around answering it directly.

I asked you basic questions, you can simply answer yes or No as it doesn't need a complex detailed answer, yet you refuse, cause by doing so it shows you are being hypocritical.

Bringing up my hunting which isn't even a part of this topic is your way of deflecting as we aren't talking about hunting but again it's your way to divert from the topic at hand to try and justify your own means and paint me in a bad light and being passive aggressive. 

I will agree yes I openly and willing kill animals for food.  Which is neither illegal or an issue.  It's not murder under the law and I hunt within the law.  The only difference between me gathering the meat myself and you, is you let someone else do the killing for you.  So I guess that makes you an accessory!

It's all very simple!

I don't have to justify the 2A, it's our rights as citizens born in this country THAT SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.  The Supreme Court has upheld it many times and the courts continue to strike down overreaching gun laws.

Now, Since you refuse to answer it I'll answer the questions for you.

You do believe in abortion.  Hence when you lost your mind here when the Supreme Court made their ruling.  Again I am pro abortion (with certain limitations and justifications, late term abortion I think is horrible, but that is my opinion)

You can't agree that by stopping a heart beat, it is killing someone and every human life matters in all regards , including those of unborn children cause to do so would be openly admitting to being a hypocrite.  We know you can't won't and would never openly admit that so I'll say it for you.  It's hypocritical.

You have also shown that you are not ok that a religious group has a belief and that belief shouldn't be imposed on others yet you and others are more then ok to impose your beliefs on them in regards to our 2A rights, which again is hypocritical.

So with that said my discussion on this topic ends with you here.  Go ahead and make whatever accusations and comments will make afterwords for you feel better.  I'm good with where this is left between us.  I'm sure you will not try and make me sound like the bad guy.  It's ok, the truth is here plain for all to see and judge for themselves.

To everyone and anyone else:

I will continue to discuss this with anyone who wants to seriously and honestly, answer questions and trade ideas and thoughts.

Feel free to DM me as well if you don't wish to discuss it openly as I know this is a sensitive topic and others get judged here for their opinions and beliefs.  As we can plainly see.

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@Slugsy-Narrows I skimmed your ugly rant...   at least you got one thing right, "this conversation has run its course."

Ed Vette

"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Quote from: Ed Vette on December 04, 2022, 10:31:23 AMStatistics
Great info!

Thanks for posting

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Ed Vette

I was watching the latest Joe Rogan Podcast with Neal deGrasse Tyson and he was plugging his book which had a chapter on Statistics. He told about the stats for how many people get killed by Deer crossings each year. It was looked into to see what could be done about it. One options was to release Cat Predators like a Wildcat and the reduced population would save 60 lives but the cat would likely kill 10 small children. It was a scenario that just wouldn't fly. Better to hire Elmer Fudd and give him a license. 
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Quote from: Ed Vette on December 04, 2022, 12:44:22 PMI was watching the latest Joe Rogan Podcast with Neal deGrasse Tyson and he was plugging his book which had a chapter on Statistics. He told about the stats for how many people get killed by Deer crossings each year. It was looked into to see what could be done about it. One options was to release Cat Predators like a Wildcat and the reduced population would save 60 lives but the cat would likely kill 10 small children. It was a scenario that just wouldn't fly. Better to hire Elmer Fudd and give him a license.

For habitat the worse thing you can do is add a '
Non native animal to an area, Especially a predator!.

I believe they did this once before I would have to search but it was i believe in the north mid west I believe and it was wolves.  Started having major issues with livestock once they started decimating the deer population.

Could you imagine Cougars in NJ with how developed a state we are.  Look at the  issue with bears now when not controlled.

Other animals become prey and not just wild animals but domestic.

You start to see less naturally native animals and more of the new invasive species.  Pythons in FL - got out during a Hurricane years ago from an exotic facility and started over populating.  They now have hunts for them.

We see this with hogs down south.  Breed to quick, population out of control can't be controlled.

States have wasted millions of tax payer dollars to try and trap sterilize etc deer and other animals.  Animals aren't monogamist, you aren't sterilizing enough of them to make an impact.  1 buck will breed himself to death literally!

The only way to control the population is via hunting.  Especially with a what...... a firearm.

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Some very important statistics


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides annual statistics on fatal firearm injuries. Using data from the most recent years available (2015-2019), Brady establishes five-year averages of firearm fatalities. While Brady historically used CDC data to establish averages for gun-related injuries as well, recent findings show there are more accurate sources. Due to funding restrictions and other constraints, the sample size utilized by the CDC is so small that its estimate of firearm injuries ranges significantly. Data provided by Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project's HCUPnet, and collected from emergency departments and databases, gives a more comprehensive picture of gun injuries in the U.S. The numbers below represent a three-year average of the most recent HCUPnet data available (2013, '14, and '16). It is important to note that data reported for children and teens contains data only for 1-17-year-olds.



Every day, 321 people are shot in the United States. Among those:

111 people are shot and killed
210 survive gunshot injuries
95 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
42 are murdered
65 die from gun suicide
10 survive an attempted gun suicide
1 is killed unintentionally
90 are shot unintentionally and survive
1 is killed by legal intervention*
4 are shot by legal intervention and survive
1 died but the intent was unknown
12 are shot and survive but the intent was unknown


Every day, 22 children and teens (1-17) are shot in the United States. Among those:

5 die from gun violence
3 are murdered
17 children and teens survive gunshot injuries
8 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
2 children and teens either die from gun suicide or survive an attempted gun suicide
8 children and teens are unintentionally shot in instances of family fire — a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home resulting in injury or death


Every year, 117,345 people are shot. Among those:

40,620 people die from gun violence
15,343 are murdered
76,725 people survive gunshot injuries
34,566 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
23,891 die from gun suicide
3,554 survive an attempted gun suicide
492 killed unintentionally
547 are killed by legal intervention
1,376 are shot by legal intervention and survive
347 die but the intent was unknown
4,471 are shot and survive but the intent is unknown
547 women are killed by their husband or male dating partner**


Every year, 7,957 children and teens are shot in the United States. Among those:

1839 children and teens die from gun violence
992 are murdered
6,294 children and teens survive gunshot injuries
2,788 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
693 die from gun suicide
166 survive an attempted gun suicide
10 are killed by legal intervention
101 are shot by legal intervention and survive
99 are killed unintentionally
2,893 are shot unintentionally and survive
38 die but the intent was unknown
380 are and survive shot but the intent is unknown

*Legal intervention is defined by the CDC as: deaths due to injuries inflicted by police or other law enforcement agents, including military on duty, in the course of arresting or attempting to arrest lawbreakers, suppressing disturbances, maintaining order, and performing other legal actions. It excludes injuries caused by civil insurrections.

Note: The data historically collected by the federal government on fatal shootings is not comprehensive. CDC data on cause of death relies on the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). The NVSS tends to misclassify police involved shootings as homicides if law enforcement intervention is not mentioned on death certificates. Further, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) does not require local police departments to give full information about officer involved shootings as part of its homicide reports, and participation in the Uniform Crime Reporting System is voluntary. While the FBI has begun a pilot project to track fatal and non-fatal use of force by law-enforcement offices through an online national database, this information is not yet available.

**This number is a five-year average derived from Violence Policy Center's "When Men Murder Women" analysis of FBI homicide data, 2014-18 (the five most recent years available for this).

Brady averages the five most recent years of complete data from death certificates (2015-2019) available via CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control's Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System,, and three most recent years of complete data from emergency department visits (2013, '14, and '16) available via the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project's (HCUP's) online query system, Numbers may not sum to 100% because of rounding of CDC averages.

Emergency department statistics on HCUPnet are from the HCUP Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), State Emergency Department Databases (SEDD), and State Inpatient Databases (SID). All diagnoses of external cause of injury that patients receive in emergency departments are assigned an International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code. The assignments of specific ICD codes are reflected in the data shown he,23%2C891%20die%20from%20gun%20suicide


In 2020, 620,327 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. Among 48 reporting areas with data each year during 2011–2020, in 2020, a total of 615,911 abortions were reported, the abortion rate was 11.2 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, and the abortion ratio was 198 abortions per 1,000 live births.

So 40,620 people are killed by guns and let's ban guns.

Yet over 1/2 a million babies (620+ MILLION) are killed and we want to expand on that.

That is 15 times more then gun deaths.

I thought every life mattered no matter what?

Why are we cherry picking what we want to ban??

If we aren't being hypocritical

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@Slugsy-Narrows you can repeat the non-factusl claim that abortion is murder, but it won't magically make it true.  Your efforts to equate abortion with gun violence are a textbook example of false framing.  Of course, even if you fail in your framing efforts it does serve to distract from the real stats that show the terrible cost of not properly regulating firearms.



And you can throw your stats around as well and guess what, it's not magically going to make the 2A go away either.

So while you continue to IGNORE the constitutional rights as American Citizens we have and to your dismay and my celebration we continue to overturn and defeat the far left grabbing laws they keep trying to impose.

I'm still waiting for your response on how limiting legal sales to legal citizens will reduce the gun problem   A few people here took the time to answer you but you still haven't repaid the courtesy

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@Slugsy-Narrows you can corrupt my Supreme Court to get your way, but their rulings are still unethical, immoral, and unconstitutional.  They have all the validity of Putin's rulings have to the Russian people.

Here is what a conservative President (and lifelong NRA member) said before propaganda and scheming created a false reading of the 2nd amendment, which turned our nation into a gun kil-zone.

Former Republican U.S. President and California Gov. Ronald Reagan once said, "There is absolutely no reason why out on the street today a civilian should be carrying a loaded weapon."


This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety ... While we recognize that assault-weapon legislation will not stop all assault-weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals.

Ronald Reagan



Now that's funny!  Your Supreme Court - lol 

So when the courts had a left majority those courts were ok and not corrupt- to much how you all think.

Elections have consequences as we can see first hand everyday

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But notice it didn't stop it!  Nor will it ever.  Why evil will find a way and still do it!

Also during that time a federal building was blown up by a homemade bomb and not a gun.  Bombs are already illegal.

And it was an illegal law hence why they can't get another one passed even when they had the presidency under Obama with the house and the senate and Biden most recently.

So your party has had multiple years to do something wouldn't and couldn't get the votes to make it happen.

Ever wonder why???

It's pandering to people like you that they keep saying we need one but even when they are in power and have the ability they don't.

Speaking of which why if preventing gun violence is an issue have they not funded to protect schools.

Can send money to Ukraine who he is in bed with and wait till that info starts to really come out now.  But can't protect our schools and kids!  Hmmmm!!!  If it matters so much and we need to do it at any cost, why not print more money and fund every school for single access and security?

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