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How is AI going to change society and the world

Started by MightyGiants, February 22, 2023, 11:25:19 AM

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This morning I heard on the radio that a college got busted for writing a condolence message (in response to one of the school shootings) using AI.

I am wondering, is AI going to be the next game changer?   Could it change our world and society in significant ways?  If so, how?

For those that are not fully familiar with what AI is, here is a good primer


Probably will

But you all know I am old and when I look in the mirror, what I want to see is what I looked like 20 years ago, not some voice telling me things I really don't need to hear.

AND who knows who has access to all this stuff?

The 'younger' generation will love it and the 'older' generation not so much.

Charlie Weiss


The newest version of ChatGPT passed the US medical licensing exam with flying colors — and diagnosed a 1 in 100,000 condition in seconds

Jolly Blue Giant

In the medical world, it can be life saving technology...and probably, other places where extreme technical matters are concerned. But it can also be a huge detriment to the future when used in the wrong making everyday decisions for people who don't want to use their own brain to figure out best options for themselves. The line in AI between "Godsend and Evil" is like that thin line between bravery and stupidity, where some get the Medals of Honor and others win the Darwin Awards
The joke I told yesterday was so funny that,
apparently, HR wants to hear it tomorrow  :laugh:

Bob In PA

The AI we can imagine and the AI that currently exists or is likely to exist in our lifetimes (even if you're young right now) are two different things.

Current AI is valuable for saving time to relieve mankind of mundane and basically repetitive tasks.  It's also valuable for shortening the amount of time it takes to perform tasks that would take an inordinate amount of time (especially those that would otherwise take more than a lifetime).

But machines can neither think nor TRULY create (likely because they'll never be smarter than their creators). 

IMO, they can perform the "process" involved in thinking or creating (and they're smarter and more thorough and much less error-prone than the human mind), but they cannot, nor will they ever, conjure up (for example) a theory like energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.

However, if one of us humans proposes a theory, they eventually might be able to prove or disprove that theory (almost instantaneously).

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!

Jolly Blue Giant

AI is really throwing artists and true art out the window. I read one article where AI was told to "paint a picture of a guy's wife as though it was painted by da Vinci in the style of his Mona Lisa" and it was so similar as to freak people out. Same with some music

Anyway, here's a write-up complaining about AI destroying the lives of artists

Highly technical information: good
Art, music, the work of thespians: not good
The joke I told yesterday was so funny that,
apparently, HR wants to hear it tomorrow  :laugh:

Bob In PA

Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on April 08, 2023, 12:07:24 PMAI is really throwing artists and true art out the window. I read one article where AI was told to "paint a picture of a guy's wife as though it was painted by da Vinci in the style of his Mona Lisa" and it was so similar as to freak people out. Same with some music

Anyway, here's a write-up complaining about AI destroying the lives of artists

Highly technical information: good
Art, music, the work of thespians: not good

Jolly: That's right. I think you may be old enough to remember the monkey who made paintings, whereupon all the pseudo-art-experts convened to declare that one or two of them were "masterpieces."  In a sense, when it comes to art and other forms of "creation", AI is nothing more than a very very smart (and faster) monkey. Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!

Jolly Blue Giant

Quote from: Bob In PA on April 08, 2023, 12:52:56 PMJolly: That's right. I think you may be old enough to remember the monkey who made paintings, whereupon all the pseudo-art-experts convened to declare that one or two of them were "masterpieces."  In a sense, when it comes to art and other forms or "creation", AI is nothing more than a very very smart (and faster) monkey. Bob

I don't remember that like it was yesterday, but there is a foggy memory in the back of my brain somewhere when that happened. That's the worst part (for me anyway) about getting old, is my memory 

It's like a hard drive that is packed full, but the data is so unorganized that the overworked processor no longer can find what I'm looking for...and unfortunately, there's not a little magnifying glass next to it with a place for "search files" Truly frustrating ~X(
The joke I told yesterday was so funny that,
apparently, HR wants to hear it tomorrow  :laugh:

Bob In PA

Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on April 08, 2023, 01:14:59 PMI don't remember that like it was yesterday, but there is a foggy memory in the back of my brain somewhere when that happened. That's the worst part (for me anyway) about getting old, is my memory 

It's like a hard drive that is packed full, but the data is so unorganized that the overworked processor no longer can find what I'm looking for...and unfortunately, there's not a little magnifying glass next to it with a place for "search files" Truly frustrating ~X(

Jolly: Me too. I've found that there is some value in attempting to determine at the moment I first hear/read something whether or not it should be remembered or immediately forgotten (to leave "room" in my brain LOL).  It has become second-nature for me to simply dismiss certain info immediately upon encountering it (i.e., make a conscious decision NOT to remember it). I've mentioned here, occasionally, that my memory sucks. Whenever I say that... I'm referring to info I have encountered but immediately dismissed using this technique (which I believe is a real thing). In any event, my memory is actually pretty darn good in some cases (numbers, images, faces, just to mention a few). I can meet a person I used to know 30 or 40 years ago and although the face has been greatly changed by time, I know him (though it might take me a minute of wracking my brain to unearth his name). Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


While AI may never mimic emotions, I do believe over time, they could be taught to think as we do.  While we like to think of ourselves as special, our brains are essentially just gigantic organic computers.  We essentially use information gained and various algorithms to think and come up with answers.

I think we could see a drastic societal change with AI that will be on par with the industrial revolution


I have messed around with ChatGPT some, and I was taken aback by how inaccurate it was on multiple occasions. This has been widely reported, so it wasn't a huge surprise, but I can say for sure firsthand that it's definitely the case.

Obviously, we are in the nascent stages of all this, so I'm not in any way suggesting AI won't be huge in our lives moving forward (and already is to some extent), but if we're talking about ChatGPT in its current form, let's just say there is definitely some room for improvement there.


Quote from: DaveBrown74 on April 09, 2023, 11:03:53 AMI have messed around with ChatGPT some, and I was taken aback by how inaccurate it was on multiple occasions. This has been widely reported, so it wasn't a huge surprise, but I can say for sure firsthand that it's definitely the case.

Obviously, we are in the nascent stages of all this, so I'm not in any way suggesting AI won't be huge in our lives moving forward (and already is to some extent), but if we're talking about ChatGPT in its current form, let's just say there is definitely some room for improvement there.

I think of ChatGTP of being the "pong" of AI (using a video game analogy)


Quote from: MightyGiants on April 09, 2023, 11:05:24 AMI think of ChatGTP of being the "pong" of AI (using a video game analogy)

Completely. We'll all remember it, and it's still groundbreaking on a lot of levels, but 10 and certainly 20 years from now it will look like caveman stuff compared to what is current then.

Bill Brown

""The Turk" comes for all of us.  We just don't know when he will knock."


I had to write a couple of BS essay questions.   I used Chat GTP, and it did an excellent job.

For fun, I asked it a few Giants-related questions

how will the NY Giants do in the 2023 nfl season?

CHAT GTP- As an AI language model, I am unable to predict the future with certainty, especially events that are far into the future such as the 2023 NFL season.

There are many factors that could impact the performance of the New York Giants in the upcoming season, including changes in coaching staff, player performance, injuries, and other unforeseeable circumstances.

However, as a general observation, the success of the Giants in the 2023 NFL season could depend on how well they address any weaknesses in their roster and how effectively they execute their game plan. Additionally, their performance will also be influenced by the quality of the teams they play against in the regular season and any potential playoff matchups.

Ultimately, only time will tell how well the New York Giants will perform in the 2023 NFL season.

Is daniel Jones a top 10 NFL quarterback?

CHAT GTP- As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, it would be difficult to argue that Daniel Jones is currently one of the top 10 quarterbacks in the NFL. While he has shown flashes of potential, his performance has been inconsistent and he has struggled with turnovers.

However, it is worth noting that quarterbacks can improve significantly over time with experience, coaching, and supporting talent. It's possible that Jones could continue to develop and become a top 10 quarterback in the future, but it would depend on his ability to address his weaknesses and make progress in his game.

Ultimately, whether or not Jones becomes a top 10 NFL quarterback will depend on his performance and development over the coming seasons.

Outside of quarterback what is the most important position in the NFL?

CHAT GTP- While the quarterback position is certainly one of the most important in the NFL, there are several other positions that are also critical to a team's success. Here are a few positions that are widely considered to be among the most important in the NFL, outside of quarterback:

Offensive Tackle: The offensive tackle is responsible for protecting the quarterback's blindside and preventing the opposing defense from sacking the quarterback. Good offensive tackles are essential for a team's success, as they help keep the quarterback upright and give him time to make throws.

Edge Rusher: Edge rushers are defensive players who specialize in pressuring the quarterback by getting past the offensive line. A good edge rusher can disrupt an opponent's offensive game plan, force turnovers, and even score points by getting a sack or forcing a fumble.

Cornerback: Cornerbacks are responsible for covering the opposing team's wide receivers, preventing them from making catches and disrupting the passing game. Good cornerbacks can make it difficult for opposing quarterbacks to find open receivers and force them to make risky throws.

Offensive Guard: Offensive guards are responsible for blocking defenders and creating running lanes for the team's running backs. They also help protect the quarterback by keeping the interior of the offensive line secure.

Middle Linebacker: Middle linebackers are responsible for leading the defense and making sure players are in the right positions. They are also involved in stopping the opposing team's running game and covering tight ends and running backs in passing situations.

Of course, there are many other positions in football that are important to a team's success, and the importance of each position can vary depending on the team's specific style of play and overall strategy.