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Tribute To Our Fallen Brothers And Sisters

Started by vette5573, November 13, 2011, 09:36:37 AM

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Dumpster Dan

God, country, family, Giants   That was the JimV  I knew--I met Jim 12 years ago thru the BBH--I feel as if I have known him for a lifetime---we exchanged emails weekly--sometimes more than one per week--we had so much in common

Jim was a very big man in stature but as gentle a soul as anyone I knew---He was kind, understanding, and always tried to be positive--He did not have much patience for hypocrites--he would tell you that but yet he truly tried to follow the mantra--love all your fellow men--his faith was his model--I have had email exchanges with his pastor of his Church in Maine--he would tell me that Jim was one of the most respected members.  I am sure that God has welcomed Jim and already assigned him to the task of being a greeter to those that will follow him.

JIm was extremely proud of his service to his country--he was a Colonel in the Air Force--holding several positions of leadership while serving--

There is a void today on the BBH--we have lost a stalwart--a true gentleman, a man of really not an over abundance of words but quality and thoughtful when he did contribute. He never forgot the surprise many of you had for him in Troy NY to help observe his 80th birthday.  He often talked to me about it

The Giants were his passion.   I admired him so much--he honestly would root as hard in game 16, even if the Giants were 2-13 going into that game as he would if they were 13-2

To say that I will miss Jim is an understatement--even kind of dumb to say it--My heart is aching--I am in a helluva funk--but I am taking Jim's advice which I know that he would pass on to me--pray Dan--its going to be all right!!!!

I do take comfort in the fact that I know for sure that Jim arrived in heaven at least a half hour before the devil knew he had passed

God Bless our friend Jim

Dumpster Dan


Quote from: Dumpster Dan on April 12, 2023, 02:35:44 PMGod, country, family, Giants   That was the JimV  I knew--I met Jim 12 years ago thru the BBH--I feel as if I have known him for a lifetime---we exchanged emails weekly--sometimes more than one per week--we had so much in common

Jim was a very big man in stature but as gentle a soul as anyone I knew---He was kind, understanding, and always tried to be positive--He did not have much patience for hypocrites--he would tell you that but yet he truly tried to follow the mantra--love all your fellow men--his faith was his model--I have had email exchanges with his pastor of his Church in Maine--he would tell me that Jim was one of the most respected members.  I am sure that God has welcomed Jim and already assigned him to the task of being a greeter to those that will follow him.

JIm was extremely proud of his service to his country--he was a Colonel in the Air Force--holding several positions of leadership while serving--

There is a void today on the BBH--we have lost a stalwart--a true gentleman, a man of really not an over abundance of words but quality and thoughtful when he did contribute. He never forgot the surprise many of you had for him in Troy NY to help observe his 80th birthday.  He often talked to me about it

The Giants were his passion.   I admired him so much--he honestly would root as hard in game 16, even if the Giants were 2-13 going into that game as he would if they were 13-2

To say that I will miss Jim is an understatement--even kind of dumb to say it--My heart is aching--I am in a helluva funk--but I am taking Jim's advice which I know that he would pass on to me--pray Dan--its going to be all right!!!!

I do take comfort in the fact that I know for sure that Jim arrived in heaven at least a half hour before the devil knew he had passed

God Bless our friend Jim

Dumpster Dan

Very well said Dan.

Charlie Weiss


So sorry to hear of his passing but heaven has gained a good one.  :angel:

Jim, you will be missed but never forgotten.
:dance: :Giants:  ALL HAIL THE NEW YORK GIANTS!!!  :Giants: :dance:

"We're going to build this thing the right way... I'm not going to do a Hail Mary for self preservation. We've got a plan in place and we're going to stick with that"

-Giants GM Joe Schoen on potential roster plans and spending for the 2025 season.

Bill Brown

R.I.P. Colonel. 

""The Turk" comes for all of us.  We just don't know when he will knock."

Giant Obsession

Thank you for the gift of you Jim. 

We are all much better that you chose to share yourself with us.

An abundance awaits you.

January 11, 2022  -- The Head Bozo of this Clown Show has spoken.  Five more years of darkness.  The Dark Ages Part 2 continue.

January 4, 2016  -- Dark Ages part 2 is born.

Enjoy every sandwich -- Warren Zevon


R.I.P. Jim

Nobody provided better historical references than you.  We'd think about contemporary Giant and you'd invariably say, "never forget.......back in Yankee Stadium in 1959."

We all have separateness however for this one forum and for some here friendships were forged in person.



So very saddened to hear of this news.  I didn't know Jim, but sounds like he made the world a much better place.  And considering all the evil in the world right now, we couldn't afford to lose a man like that.

May you rest in peace Jim and enjoy talking to all the angels about Giants football.


I haven't been able to be on the board much today until now, and I am only now learning of this news.

I am very sorry to hear of the passing of Jim, a man I did not know personally but clearly a deeply principled and devoted family man and longstanding Giants diehard.

While I am relieved to hear that his passing was peaceful, my thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.


May Jim's soul rest in Heaven and may his good memories provide warmth to the hearts of those who loved him.


Rest in peace Jim.

We will have him and his family in our prayers and can only be grateful for the few or many exchanges all of us may have had with him in person or only via this forum.

He will be missed around here.


Very sad news.

We have a saying in Italy; "che la terra ti sia lieve"...

May the earth be light on you.



Quote from: Dumpster Dan on April 12, 2023, 02:35:44 PMGod, country, family, Giants   That was the JimV  I knew--I met Jim 12 years ago thru the BBH--I feel as if I have known him for a lifetime---we exchanged emails weekly--sometimes more than one per week--we had so much in common

Jim was a very big man in stature but as gentle a soul as anyone I knew---He was kind, understanding, and always tried to be positive--He did not have much patience for hypocrites--he would tell you that but yet he truly tried to follow the mantra--love all your fellow men--his faith was his model--I have had email exchanges with his pastor of his Church in Maine--he would tell me that Jim was one of the most respected members.  I am sure that God has welcomed Jim and already assigned him to the task of being a greeter to those that will follow him.

JIm was extremely proud of his service to his country--he was a Colonel in the Air Force--holding several positions of leadership while serving--

There is a void today on the BBH--we have lost a stalwart--a true gentleman, a man of really not an over abundance of words but quality and thoughtful when he did contribute. He never forgot the surprise many of you had for him in Troy NY to help observe his 80th birthday.  He often talked to me about it

The Giants were his passion.   I admired him so much--he honestly would root as hard in game 16, even if the Giants were 2-13 going into that game as he would if they were 13-2

To say that I will miss Jim is an understatement--even kind of dumb to say it--My heart is aching--I am in a helluva funk--but I am taking Jim's advice which I know that he would pass on to me--pray Dan--its going to be all right!!!!

I do take comfort in the fact that I know for sure that Jim arrived in heaven at least a half hour before the devil knew he had passed

God Bless our friend Jim

Dumpster Dan


This was absolutely beautiful! ❤️

I never met Jim but this has hit a nerve for me!  I will miss our shot but sweet emails!  He didn't say much (unlike my long winded @$$)his emails and posts were short and to the point!  What he said had value and meaning!  I will miss him, his lore he shared, and his weather reports dearly!

May you rest in peace my friend!  You will live on through those you have left behind and touched! 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I got to meet Jim on a couple of occasions and on one he gave me some sage advice.  This was probably 10 years ago or so - I was still in my twenties.  I introduced myself as zephirus from the board and he sat for a second and finally said "great poster - you just have to learn to not take the bait".  He was right, I was too full of piss and vinegar and too hell bent on being right.  Always took that to heart from that day on in my postings here.