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Started by FL GMAN, November 29, 2023, 09:36:16 AM

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I haven't posted much or even watched all Giant games this year, as this has been one of the most disappointing seasons for me in the last 40 years. I'm seeing all this love for Tommy Devito and have to wonder if we have fallen so low that this type of play is encouraging. I watched Sundays game and to be honest, for me, it was one of the worst offensive performances by both teams that I have seen. I don't want to be a downer as we are all fans, but come on. I would love to get on this train but I'm not seeing it at all.


Save for one half of football, the offense has been putrid this season.

Jones and the O were so bad to start the season, the bar fell so low that almost anything is passable as "good". Throw in the hometown, UDFA story and you can see why people are happier. Even if the product is absolute trash.   

These are dark days.

Ed Vette

Who can blame you? Let's see how this Magilla turns out.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin

Bob In PA

Quote from: FL GMAN on November 29, 2023, 09:36:16 AMI haven't posted much or even watched all Giant games this year, as this has been one of the most disappointing seasons for me in the last 40 years. I'm seeing all this love for Tommy Devito and have to wonder if we have fallen so low that this type of play is encouraging. I watched Sundays game and to be honest, for me, it was one of the worst offensive performances by both teams that I have seen. I don't want to be a downer as we are all fans, but come on. I would love to get on this train but I'm not seeing it at all.
FL: The Packers game will be significant. Theoretically, the Giants have it all going for them. 

Two weeks for DeVito to practice and injured guys to heal; at home; Packers have a tough game this week, etc.

If DeVito is ever going to win a game he shouldn't this season, IMO this one would be it. Packers still have a long-shot at the playoffs. Neither Pats nor Redskins did or do, realistically speaking.

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: FL GMAN on November 29, 2023, 09:36:16 AMI haven't posted much or even watched all Giant games this year, as this has been one of the most disappointing seasons for me in the last 40 years. I'm seeing all this love for Tommy Devito and have to wonder if we have fallen so low that this type of play is encouraging. I watched Sundays game and to be honest, for me, it was one of the worst offensive performances by both teams that I have seen. I don't want to be a downer as we are all fans, but come on. I would love to get on this train but I'm not seeing it at all.

I can only speak from my perspective.  It's been one of the more miserable seasons in my last (like you) 40 years of being a Giants fan.   If a feel-good story about a Jersey boy making good can make the season suck a bit less, I am all for it.


Quote from: Bob In PA on November 29, 2023, 10:32:57 AMFL: The Packers game will be significant. Theoretically, the Giants have it all going for them. 

Two weeks for DeVito to practice and injured guys to heal; at home; Packers have a tough game this week, etc.

If DeVito is ever going to win a game he shouldn't this season, IMO this one would be it. Packers still have a long-shot at the playoffs. Neither Pats nor Redskins did or do, realistically speaking.



realistically, we still have a long shot at the playoffs.

Charlie Weiss

Bob In PA

Quote from: LennG on November 29, 2023, 11:12:09 AMBob

realistically, we still have a long shot at the playoffs.

Len: I don't think their chances of even a long-shot are realistic.

Even if they lose only one more game (@Eagles) the best they can end with is less than a 50/50 chance.

Regardless, that's not going happen, IMO. Realistically, they'll win one more game (Packers, @Saints or Rams) although I do not rule out the possibility that they could also win the final game (against Eagles' scrubs, as they rest their starters... preparing to lose to the Cowboys in the playoffs.

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: FL GMAN on November 29, 2023, 09:36:16 AMI haven't posted much or even watched all Giant games this year, as this has been one of the most disappointing seasons for me in the last 40 years. I'm seeing all this love for Tommy Devito and have to wonder if we have fallen so low that this type of play is encouraging. I watched Sundays game and to be honest, for me, it was one of the worst offensive performances by both teams that I have seen. I don't want to be a downer as we are all fans, but come on. I would love to get on this train but I'm not seeing it at all.

We are so desperate for some sign of light that we are lionizing a 3rd string UDFA QB with a 14.9 QBR under whom they are averaging 16 ppg.
I'd rather be a disappointed optimist than a vindicated pessimist. 

Not slowing my roll


Quote from: AZGiantFan on November 29, 2023, 12:10:58 PMWe are so desperate for some sign of light that we are lionizing a 3rd string UDFA QB with a 14.9 QBR under whom they are averaging 16 ppg.
I think it's more about the lack of support that was (correctly) cited for Jones and his inability to produce. Many folks kept ignoring his deficiencies because of other issues with the team, not realizing that he too was a primary reason for the shortcomings. Now we have seen two quarterbacks be MORE successful with the same conditions.

It's not so much about TD the QB, it's about what's being done with the lack of support system. And yes, being a local guy does play into it but there aren't many folks here expecting him to lead us to a SB win next season.
:dance: :Giants:  ALL HAIL THE NEW YORK GIANTS!!!  :Giants: :dance:


Quote from: AZGiantFan on November 29, 2023, 12:10:58 PMWe are so desperate for some sign of light that we are lionizing a 3rd string UDFA QB with a 14.9 QBR under whom they are averaging 16 ppg.

Tommy D does have the 13th-highest QB rating in the NFL with a 92.4


Quote from: MightyGiants on November 29, 2023, 12:25:50 PMTommy D does have the 13th-highest QB rating in the NFL with a 92.4

Yup. Better than Joe Burrow and Trevor Lawrence.

Just sayin'.


Quote from: MightyGiants on November 29, 2023, 12:25:50 PMTommy D does have the 13th-highest QB rating in the NFL with a 92.4

He also owns an all time NFL record as a rookie QB who accumulated 6 passing TDs in only his 1st 3 starts

Winning is habitual to Tommy- Don Bosco, Illinois, now the Giants. He has well earned confidence, its not a fluke. 

Barkley keeps saying you would not believe how in control and confident he is in the huddle

As for the opponents he has faced.  Washington is a tough out despite their record and in the Patriots game he faced off against one of the best defensive minds in NFL history.

Now the schedule toughens up Eagles, Packers, Rams, Saints- no pushovers

Its going to be a wild ride to January.  A ray of sunshine in a dark season
Can you imagine if he somehow knocks off Philly?
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"

Bob In PA

DeVito is only the fifth un-drafted rookie to win at least two of his first three starts.

Also, he's the first to record a passer rating of 100 or more in consecutive starts.

His 6.7 touchdown percentage is the highest in the NFL among QB's with at least 100 pass attempts this yr.


PS. Nothin' like a few stats to blow things out of proportion. lol

PPS. Wouldn't it be great to be a Giants fan if he hits the nail on the head. The Brock Purdy of the East Coast. We can only dream... only dream... only dream... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


I agree with almost everything that's been expressed on this thread insomuch as we had very high expectations coming into this season. And yes, I have over 50 years invested as a fanatic.

One proviso: Were we not warned that the Giants would not be as good (record wise) as last season?

For me it wasn't the losses, it was the unwatchable, non competitive effort. While I realize there were some devastating and ill timed injuries which poured gas on the fire, but not one BUT TWO FORTY BURGERS laid on us by Jerrahs Boys??!!

That I cannot forgive.

Here's to a big bounce back in 2024!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
From Simms to Eli (with an assist from Hoss) our Super Bowl Quarterbacks. Great defense and clutch QB performances...NY Giants Championship football.

I have an old profile still floating around: andrew_nyg....I am one and the same!


Quote from: MightyGiants on November 29, 2023, 12:25:50 PMTommy D does have the 13th-highest QB rating in the NFL with a 92.4

Aren't you the guy that likes to look at a variety of metrics in assessing QB play?  A 14.9 QBR and a 57.7 pff grade.
I'd rather be a disappointed optimist than a vindicated pessimist. 

Not slowing my roll