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Jon Runyan on his two linemates

Started by MightyGiants, June 07, 2024, 07:55:59 AM

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"It has really been amazing playing next to John Michael. If I would've came in here not knowing his background, I would've thought he was a five-year veteran. He comes in here and he takes it serious. He is on top of his stuff. He rarely makes a mistake, he gets everybody set on the offensive line," Runyan said.

"Having a center like that is awesome. It helps everybody out, the five across. Helps out the quarterback, helps out the running back when everybody is set, so having John Michael in there has been really important.

"Evan, I don't know what Evan is dealing with, but he hasn't been in there any of the team periods. He's been in there in walk-through. I think he's been taking his time getting his body right, understanding our scheme. When we are in there in walk-throughs together he's been on top of his stuff. He's been helping me out because this is still kind of a new scheme, something I've never done before. He's helping me. He's in my ear about it, too."

Ed Vette

Looks like he's the RG, not Elumenor as some have expected. Also, his report on JMS is encouraging.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


"I don't know what Evan is dealing with" does not sound promising to me.  How after an entire off-season and now a bunch of OTAs would it not be clear around his OL teammates what is going on with Neal.  Recovering from surgery?  On such and such schedule so healthy for preseason camp? 


Quote from: Philosophers on June 07, 2024, 09:51:25 AM"I don't know what Evan is dealing with" does not sound promising to me.  How after an entire off-season and now a bunch of OTAs would it not be clear around his OL teammates what is going on with Neal.  Recovering from surgery?  On such and such schedule so healthy for preseason camp? 

From what I remember, the Giants misdiagnosed his initial injury.  That likely slowed his recovery


"I don't know what Evan is dealing with". I guess that's better than what we usually say about Evan "I don't know what Evan is doing"


Was listening to Todd Haley this morning on NFL Radio.  The discussion was about the new OC in Philly.  He was talking about various issues with changing OCs. 

One thing he mentioned is that in the offensive playbook there is sections for each position group.  He said the OL section is by far the longest of any including QB.  Just made me think of the Giants various issues we have seen over the last bunch of years with the OL.  I have had a hard time believing the issue was with coaching, but with the success of a guy like Hernandez after leaving the Giants its made me rethink that. 

Hearing that the OL playbook section is biggest and most nuanced has drove me more towards that potentially being one of the bigger issues.  How many times have we seen a defender split two OL on a stunt or twist and after the play they are looking at each other like they thought the other guy was going to block the defender?

I know its a little off subject here, but I thought it sort of fit in and didn't think it was worth a new thread.

Really hoping that the primary issue was coaching and the new part and old parts match what Bricillo wants to do.  The Raiders line has been solid under Bricillo which means, at worst guys know their assignment.   


Quote from: MightyGiants on June 07, 2024, 07:55:59 AM"It has really been amazing playing next to John Michael. If I would've came in here not knowing his background, I would've thought he was a five-year veteran. He comes in here and he takes it serious. He is on top of his stuff. He rarely makes a mistake, he gets everybody set on the offensive line," Runyan said.

"Having a center like that is awesome. It helps everybody out, the five across. Helps out the quarterback, helps out the running back when everybody is set, so having John Michael in there has been really important.

"Evan, I don't know what Evan is dealing with, but he hasn't been in there any of the team periods. He's been in there in walk-through. I think he's been taking his time getting his body right, understanding our scheme. When we are in there in walk-throughs together he's been on top of his stuff. He's been helping me out because this is still kind of a new scheme, something I've never done before. He's helping me. He's in my ear about it, too."

I don't get the part about Neal helping him with the scheme because it's new to him.  Isn't the OL scheme new to Neal as well, with the new OL coach?
I'd rather be a disappointed optimist than a vindicated pessimist. 

Not slowing my roll

Ed Vette

Quote from: uconnjack8 on June 07, 2024, 10:52:59 AMWas listening to Todd Haley this morning on NFL Radio.  The discussion was about the new OC in Philly.  He was talking about various issues with changing OCs. 

One thing he mentioned is that in the offensive playbook there is sections for each position group.  He said the OL section is by far the longest of any including QB.  Just made me think of the Giants various issues we have seen over the last bunch of years with the OL.  I have had a hard time believing the issue was with coaching, but with the success of a guy like Hernandez after leaving the Giants its made me rethink that. 

Hearing that the OL playbook section is biggest and most nuanced has drove me more towards that potentially being one of the bigger issues.  How many times have we seen a defender split two OL on a stunt or twist and after the play they are looking at each other like they thought the other guy was going to block the defender?

I know its a little off subject here, but I thought it sort of fit in and didn't think it was worth a new thread.

Really hoping that the primary issue was coaching and the new part and old parts match what Bricillo wants to do.  The Raiders line has been solid under Bricillo which means, at worst guys know their assignment.   
Every play has a  blocking scheme as a Unit and by position and each formation has a Run and Pass Blocking scheme, standing or hand/hands in the dirt. At the Line the Center or QB identifies the Mike and counts the bodies on each side and will call direction. That's why Offensive Linemen have the highest Wonderlic scores on the team.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


What could we get from Evan in a trade?

He has been a disappointment to put it mildly.  Leaving him in there to "work his way through it" is getting our QBs injured

Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"



Quote from: DaveBrown74 on June 08, 2024, 09:25:41 AMMaybe a sixth rounder?

I'll take it lol
I hope the guy comes alive but he seems to have bad basic skills

Worked well on Alabama against college players...we got snookered
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"


Quote from: BluesCruz on June 08, 2024, 09:41:16 AMI'll take it lol
I hope the guy comes alive but he seems to have bad basic skills

Worked well on Alabama against college players...we got snookered

As disappointed as I have been in Neal, and despite my view that he is almost certainly a major bust, I wouldn't trade him right now for a few reasons:

(1) You're not going to get much of anything for him, so you would be selling at the lows. Put another way, the opportunity cost of not trading him is not high.

(2) I would like to give the first good O line coach he has had in the NFL a crack at him before completely giving up.

(3) We don't know yet if he can play guard at a respectable level. I have my doubts about that, but if he fails again at RT, I'd like to see if he has a future at OG before exiling him from the franchise. We made that mistake with Flowers, and we looked like jackasses for it.


Quote from: Gmo11 on June 07, 2024, 10:25:03 AM"I don't know what Evan is dealing with". I guess that's better than what we usually say about Evan "I don't know what Evan is doing"

Good one  :laugh:

Jolly Blue Giant

Quote from: MightyGiants on June 07, 2024, 07:55:59 AM"It has really been amazing playing next to John Michael. If I would've came in here not knowing his background, I would've thought he was a five-year veteran. He comes in here and he takes it serious. He is on top of his stuff. He rarely makes a mistake, he gets everybody set on the offensive line," Runyan said.

"Having a center like that is awesome. It helps everybody out, the five across. Helps out the quarterback, helps out the running back when everybody is set, so having John Michael in there has been really important.

"Evan, I don't know what Evan is dealing with, but he hasn't been in there any of the team periods. He's been in there in walk-through. I think he's been taking his time getting his body right, understanding our scheme. When we are in there in walk-throughs together he's been on top of his stuff. He's been helping me out because this is still kind of a new scheme, something I've never done before. He's helping me. He's in my ear about it, too."

I was looking at a picture taken at OTAs of JMS and was a bit shocked. First off, standing next to 6'5" DJ, he looks taller than I expected, but I was taken aback a bit at the sheer size of his lower half. Looks to be the ideal physical speciman to play center. Much sturdier than what I pictured in my mind. The photo also has Thomas on the right

I told my teenage son, when I was his age, I used to get 10 CDs in the mail for a penny. I don't know if he thought I was lying or even knew what a CD was, or what a penny was, or what the mail was, or all of the above


Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on June 08, 2024, 01:59:27 PMI was looking at a picture taken at OTAs of JMS and was a bit shocked. First off, standing next to 6'5" DJ, he looks taller than I expected, but I was taken aback a bit at the sheer size of his lower half. Looks to be the ideal physical speciman to play center. Much sturdier than what I pictured in my mind. The photo also has Thomas on the right

He got pushed around last season.  He needs to be stronger for sure.