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Expectations for 2024 Season- Where will Giants finish, What might change

Started by BluesCruz, June 22, 2024, 08:52:25 AM

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How do you feel about the coming season?


Although I have gone as far as ever I will in answering the question, I thought I might share the thinking of a very close friend- as close as any relative- who as it happens is the Assistant Producer and Choreographer of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, and a strong fan of the team.

We were at a family party together last Saturday when he came over and sat next to me to talk about the forthcoming season. He was aware, of course, that the Cows made fools of the Giants both early and late, last season but of that he couldn't have cared less. Instead, his first question was, "So who do think will finish last in the Division this year the Giants or the Cowboys?" Yes, it surprised me, but he was not being cute.

Although not mentioned, we both know that the Cows have not made a Super Bowl appearance in the past 29 years. But it is that they had it and blew it last year, in what my friend is convinced was their best team ever since, and will not be again this year, that now has him deflated.

He seemed particularly annoyed that they didn't add a Barkley, or a Jacobs, or an Eckler at RB but chose instead to go back to a fading Zeke which may add even more pressure on Dak who will have to depend on a rookie RT switching to other side while his rookie LT backup may end up having to play OC. That was either news to me, or nothing I had thought about. And needless to say, nothing I would much care about except when Our Heroes play the Cows.

We did agree that no matter what the media and fans think of Dak Prescott's chances of winning or crapping the biggie, the Cows have no choice but to pay him bigly. Indeed, we also agreed that there is today just one QB, not named, "Karma Fortuna" like in Eli Manning, who stands above all the rest namely, Patrick Mahomes.

Unlike moi, my friend is far too busy to engage so called social media and even less the Cowboy-loving, Giants-hating, fan-baiting xxxxxxxx sports media which has become as nasty and as fraudulent as the political media. And so, I do envy him not having to share my level of disgust.  Nevertheless, it was clear that he understood exactly what I was talking about.

We did talk about- what's his name? - Daniel Jones, I won't go into what I said except that he kept nodding his head up and like Hillary Clinton. Quite clearly he knows as well as we all do that, other things aside, it's a Quarterback game. 

Yes, he did leave with the same question, "So who do think will finish last in the Division this year the Giants or the Cowboys?" to which I replied, it won't be the Cows as long as the Commanders have Daniels and/or Mariota at QB. Does any of that matter? You tell me as I'm sure you know better.


Jolly Blue Giant

I've avoided this thread mainly because I hate making predictions. I chose "other". I think we'll do better than the naysayers and better than last year, but won't make the playoffs...although, that is not out of the question

My take: we will score more points this year than the last couple years because of Nabers and our RB by committee will be much harder for our opponents to figure out compared to when everyone knew Saquon was getting the ball and trying to go up the gut

Overall record will all be determined by the defense though, not the offense. If the defense is as solid as I think it is on paper, we will stop more drives, which in turn, gives our offense more field time and winning the clock, and as a result, score more points

I also (fingers crossed...knockin on wood), think our STs improves, and we get to play games with better starting field position...a lot bigger deal than is given credit

Overall, I'm optimistic, but tempering expectations so as not to have a medical emergency from stroking out if the Cowboys or Eagles score 50 points while hanging a donut on us

Go Giants  :Giants:  :goteam:  :Giants:  :flag:
I told my teenage son, when I was his age, I used to get 10 CDs in the mail for a penny. I don't know if he thought I was lying or even knew what a CD was, or what a penny was, or what the mail was, or all of the above


Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on June 25, 2024, 06:37:36 PMI've avoided this thread mainly because I hate making predictions. I chose "other". I think we'll do better than the naysayers and better than last year, but won't make the playoffs...although, that is not out of the question

My take: we will score more points this year than the last couple years because of Nabers and our RB by committee will be much harder for our opponents to figure out compared to when everyone knew Saquon was getting the ball and trying to go up the gut

Overall record will all be determined by the defense though, not the offense. If the defense is as solid as I think it is on paper, we will stop more drives, which in turn, gives our offense more field time and winning the clock, and as a result, score more points

I also (fingers crossed...knockin on wood), think our STs improves, and we get to play games with better starting field position...a lot bigger deal than is given credit

Overall, I'm optimistic, but tempering expectations so as not to have a medical emergency from stroking out if the Cowboys or Eagles score 50 points while hanging a donut on us

Go Giants  :Giants:  :goteam:  :Giants:  :flag:

Well the vote count so far is predicting playoffs.  But in what year do Giant fans not see playoffs in June LOL.  Should be an interesting season.
Napoleon- "If you have a cannon- USE IT"


It is predicated on:

1. How effectively the team has addressed the Offensive Line:
   a. Coach
   b. Personnel
   c. Coaching the new current state into a cohesive unit which can be relied on to perform in Daboll's offensive schemes

2. Close the gap between them and their NFC East Division Rivals
   a. Improve talent base
   b. Be able to effectively compete on both sides of the line of scrimmage in the trenches
   c. Improve overall execution to include identifying and capitalizing on opponent's weaknesses

3. Improve Lost Man-Games Due to Injury
   a. Leverage new Strength and Conditioner's programs
   b. Sign and keep players without historical injury trends.
   c. Professional players take care of their bodies; leverage preventive tools and methods to lessen percentage of common injury types (e.g. soft tissue).

All this is pure subjective, in my opinion, but seems to be footnotes to the same story written year after year when we gave this type of thread now and, six months later, when we're sending players, coaches, the GM, the Maras and all to the landfill, the above are from the tick marks I've been keeping tabs on.

So, the above is the 2024 New York Football Giants Report Card which extrapolates to W-L record. If they earn more "A" grades for each letter "c" criteria, those hold the largest weight in deference to the others. So, without further adieu:

If the Giants grade out at:

1. F, 2. F, 3. F, then

The Giants are a dumpster 🔥 and everything gets blown up.

But if:

1. D, 2. D, 3. D, then

The Giants will win between three and five games, and the match has been lit for the dumpster 🔥.  Does Mara throw it in and blow it all up?

But if:

1. C , 2. C, 3. C, then

The Giants win between six and eight games. Has progress been achieved? After all that capital investment? Hmm.

But if:

1. C, 2. B, 3. B, then

The Giants win seven to ten games, are a possible Wild Card team, and can finally lay claim to have made improvement. I, honestly, see this as their most realistic, optimistic, scenario. Bricillo will find a way to use Band-Aids to keep the right side of line from completely falling apart, and using schemes to compensate as much as possible. The team has had too many injury curses and it is time other teams be cursed for a while. That leaves the division rivals. Over the last two seasons, the Cowboys and Eagles have feasted on the Giants' defense. Winks' schemes were completely ineffective and defensive execution was embarrassing. Prior to that, in the Judge administration, the Giants were at least able to beat the Eagles legitimately in 2021, and they at least won in Dallas, although it was a meaningless season ending affair. But Bowen has a huge task ahead of him in bringing his collection of weapons together to finally turn Dallas' six-shooter into a water gun and, once and for all, clip the Iggles' wings for good while posturing his boys for a potential Giants- (team formerly known as the Redskins) rebirth rivalry. Defense will set the tone this season and take pressure off the offense which should hopefully allow Jones and the O-Line to mesh and introduce to the NFL the next dangerous league weapon to put fear in opposing defenses.

So, my daily rant here yields the following synthesis:

Optimistic: seven (7) to 10
Pessimistic: three (3) to five (5)
Mean: 6.5


"Dave Jennings was one of the all-time great Giants. He was a valued member of the Giants family for more than 30 years as a player and a broadcaster, and we were thrilled to include him in our Ring of Honor. We will miss him dearly." (John Mara)