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Amani goes off on Caleb Williams

Started by AZGiantFan, August 03, 2024, 03:30:05 PM

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If this guy isn't the second coming of Joe Montana basically right away, which I think we can all agree is extremely unlikely, it's going to be a tough road ahead for him and his teammates. The diva stuff doesn't work, especially if you haven't even played a game. I don't think I've ever even heard a story like that, and he's hardly the first prematurely entitled athlete to his this league.

Jersey Heel

How is it a bad thing that he asked his teammates to help out the custodians a bit by not being slobs? Strange take by Toomer. I don't get it.


Quote from: Jersey Heel on August 03, 2024, 04:30:12 PMHow is it a bad thing that he asked his teammates to help out the custodians a bit by not being slobs? Strange take by Toomer. I don't get it.

For a brand new rookie in a locker room to be telling his veteran teammates to do anything in the middle of training camp is not normal, no matter what he went overall in the draft.


Being a great athlete doesn't give you a pass for being an inconsiderate jerk. Be a professional and keep your locker and the area surrounding it clean. If you can't manage to do that it speaks volumes about you as a man.

I get where Toomer is coming from but if it was bad enough that a rookie had to voice it, then the veteran leadership is absolute garbage in Chicago. Telling a rookie to be quiet only hides a dysfunctional locker room. YMMV.


Quote from: madbadger on August 03, 2024, 04:56:18 PMBeing a great athlete doesn't give you a pass for being an inconsiderate jerk. Be a professional and keep your locker and the area surrounding it clean. If you can't manage to do that it speaks volumes about you as a man.

I get where Toomer is coming from but if it was bad enough that a rookie had to voice it, then the veteran leadership is absolute garbage in Chicago. Telling a rookie to be quiet only hides a dysfunctional locker room. YMMV.

Imagine an office environment. You're a brand new hire just out of college, and you're literally a week or two into your new job (these camps haven't even been going on for a full two weeks). Let's say a few people in the office have messy desks. Would you really instruct your new colleagues, guys you barely know, to clean up their desks at that stage in your career?

I am in agreement that it's not great to have a messy locker. I am not in agreement that Caleb Williams should be the one ordering people to clean up after themselves as a brand new person there who has never done anything on an NFL field.


Quote from: DaveBrown74 on August 03, 2024, 05:06:55 PMImagine an office environment. You're a brand new hire just out of college, and you're literally a week or two into your new job (these camps haven't even been going on for a full two weeks). Let's say a few people in the office have messy desks. Would you really instruct your new colleagues, guys you barely know, to clean up their desks at that stage in your career?

I am in agreement that it's not great to have a messy locker. I am not in agreement that Caleb Williams should be the one ordering people to clean up after themselves as a brand new person there who has never done anything on an NFL field.

Apples and hand grenades. Based on compensation alone he is paid more than everyone on the roster with the exception of nine guys. He also is the first pick in the draft and plays a position that is clearly expected to be the face of the organization. If he doesn't show leadership on the little things don't expect it on the big ones.
IMHO Williams would have been better cleaning up the mess himself like Richardson did last year and let the media run with shaming the rest of the team, but at least he said something.

Toomer is a dope. That team is gonna live and die based on how Willams performs. Treating him like crap because you're offended that he had the stones to point out that you're acting like a pig speaks volumes about you as a man.

Ed Vette

He's in essence saying, "I'm a leader of this team and you better accept that I'm not afraid to exercise it". Then it comes down to who sides with him for the good of the team and how the HC supports him. There may be a cultural issue in that locker room and picking on sloppiness was just a symptom of a disease. Let's set a standard for ourselves here men.

That's one way he could have handled it. The other way was to stay and clean up the mess as an example to the rest of the team. Then address it later during a team meeting at some point.

He's the one reading the room and he's the one with the high stakes. They need him. He understands that.

The outside noise was overblown. Amani should know enough not to fuel the fire.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


After hearing what the Bears teammate said, there was absolutely nothing wrong with what Caleb Williams did.

He addressed the team in the locker room and said that we are all grown men here, so let's try to keep the place looking clean, like picking up empty water bottles and things like that.

If a veteran has too much pride to not be humble enough to accept that, and has taken offence at what he said, then the issue is with the veteran and not Williams, but that is just my opinion.


I don't know. It all just feels premature to me, personally. Actual NFL performance feels like it needs to be part of this equation. If Williams goes out on the field and struggles in September, throwing more picks than TDs and just generally not getting it done, should he continue to boss a bunch of 25-35 year old men around week after week? Or should he do it now and then dial it back if he goes on the field and isn't good? Or does he not have to prove himself on the field at all, and he's just automatically anointed the permanent team leader in July due solely to draft status and hype?

It just seems a lot wiser and more mature to me to wait until you've lit it up, as you're expected to do, before bossing a bunch of veterans around.

I would also humbly suggest that Amani Toomer has a far better understanding of NFL locker room culture than any of us here do. Not only was he a good NFL player who won a Super Bowl, but he was well liked as a player and has been well liked since. I am not so quick to dismiss his opinion on this subject as some here seem to be.


He also could have just cleaned it up himself which would have helped the custodians and also not said anything to the vets.  Quiet humble leadership


If you are a brand new, young, vocal leader, and want to gain buy-in from the veterans, set the example, walk the walk while talking the talk, but be consistent in your approach so you do not get outed as being insincere.

As long as it is being done with integrity and purpose, and the vets see that, they will be open to getting behind their quarterback.

Producing on the field doesn't hurt either!


"Dave Jennings was one of the all-time great Giants. He was a valued member of the Giants family for more than 30 years as a player and a broadcaster, and we were thrilled to include him in our Ring of Honor. We will miss him dearly." (John Mara)


Quote from: DaveBrown74 on August 03, 2024, 04:34:53 PMFor a brand new rookie in a locker room to be telling his veteran teammates to do anything in the middle of training camp is not normal, no matter what he went overall in the draft.
Did you watch the clip? I didn't get the sense that he was actually in the locker room and went around telling guys to clean up.

If I was a veteran on the team, I'd have his back and reinforce what he said. Like him or not, he's the new face of our team and as a crying T.O. said, "That's my quarterback, man."
:dance: :Giants:  ALL HAIL THE NEW YORK GIANTS!!!  :Giants: :dance:


I think I'm a Caleb Williams fan now, good on him.  This isn't the same as an entry level employee jumping out of his lane. This is the new franchise QB and leader.  I still love Toomer but smh.

All that matters is how he plays.  If they win that locker room will be pristine, if not then oh well.


Interesting story, but I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other.  Admittedly a bit early to be making such requests, but it's nice that he cares about the people who do the grunt work.