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Grade The Biden Administration So Far

Started by Ed Vette, May 09, 2021, 09:20:28 AM

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You can post a more accurate score


Ed Vette

Explain your grade or break it down to Grade by Issue.

Climate Change-
Foreign Affairs-
Foreign threats and Military-
Civil Rights-
Follow thru on Unification-
Cyber Technology and Attacks-
Border and Immigration-
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


I will jump right to the overall.   The

Bob In PA

Each category you specified in the original version of the original post - C   (It's only 100 days - average start, IMO).

Border situation and immigration - D (why open the southern border further while trying to get guys like "Joe Six-Pack" to take the virus seriously? - sends a mixed message).

Other- D (communication with the public about what he's doing could be better; no excuse for not being a bit more "out front" so we, the general public, can know what's happening, if anything).

Overall- C  In each category in the original post, I see good & bad but mostly "incomplete" (which is to be expected). No major blunders, but no major progress either (considering Democrats control the House & Senate).

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!

Ed Vette

"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Climate Change-B
Foreign Affairs-C
Foreign threats and Military-C-
Civil Rights-C+
Follow thru on Unification-F
Cyber Technology and Attacks-F
Border and Immigration-F-
The KING is in the building


It's interesting how different our little slice of the nation is compared to the nation as a whole

QuoteSixty-three percent of American approve of President Biden's job performance thus far, according to an Associated Press-NORC poll released Monday, up 2 percentage points from late March.

The poll found 96 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of independents and 23 percent of Republicans surveyed approve of Biden's work in his first three full months in office.

The survey also showed Americans with a growing sense of optimism about the direction of the country, with 54 percent saying the nation is on the right track, compared to 44 percent who believe it is on the wrong track. The 54 percent mark is the highest of any AP-NORC poll response to the question since 2017.

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 10, 2021, 01:19:23 PM
It's interesting how different our little slice of the nation is compared to the nation as a whole
Rich: Do you want me to post the numerous other polls indicating a (let's say) slightly less rosy view of the Biden administration's first 100 days?

To be clear, it's a rhetorical question... no need to tell us yet again about the "right-wing propaganda machine" and the "evil Trump" and his "constant lying."

I wonder how many polls AP had to run until they got one that yielded an "acceptable" result.  (Another rhetorical question).

If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 10, 2021, 02:15:58 PM
Rich: Do you want me to post the numerous other polls indicating a (let's say) slightly less rosy view of the Biden administration's first 100 days?

To be clear, it's a rhetorical question... no need to tell us yet again about the "right-wing propaganda machine" and the "evil Trump" and his "constant lying."

I wonder how many polls AP had to run until they got one that yielded an "acceptable" result.  (Another rhetorical question).


Interesting, rarely do polls elicit such a strong response.   What happened to the Bob in PA who under Trump always reminded us that he supported Trump because "he is the President"?   To be fair, I suspected you or someone that agreed with your ideology would react angrily to this poll.   It confirmed something I had noticed about the Conservative ideology while reviewing the sort of conservative material you consume.   ;)

Edit to add:  I see  philo43 likes this to your response.  More evidence for my little experiment

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 10, 2021, 02:38:50 PM
Interesting, rarely do polls elicit such a strong response.   What happened to the Bob in PA who under Trump always reminded us that he supported Trump because "he is the President"?   To be fair, I suspected you or someone that agreed with your ideology would react angrily to this poll.   It confirmed something I had noticed about the Conservative ideology while reviewing the sort of conservative material you consume.   ;)
Rich: What about my response was "strong?"  Or, I ask rhetorically, were you hoping for a "strong" response and when you didn't get one, you decided to pretend you did?   Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 10, 2021, 02:53:23 PM
Rich: What about my response was "strong?"  Or, I ask rhetorically, were you hoping for a "strong" response and when you didn't get one, you decided to pretend you did?   Bob


I am a man of science, I don't "hope" for responses, I "observe" responses to test a hypothesis.    If I "hoped" for a response, I would be introducing bias.   I planned on grouping responses into categories:  Accepted the AP poll, denied the poll (bonus points if the response included making it personal), or talked about what could be driving the numbers from the poll.   I got two responses and they both fit the category I would have expected based on knowing the ideological leanings for the two respondents




Speaking of polls.   According to several polls they found that during Tump admin he received 90 % negative coverage by main stream media. And Biden is receiving 69 % positive coverage.   
In the words of late Walter Cronkite ....when ask one day what he missed most after retiring from CB S evening news he said,....


Quote from: Woody on May 10, 2021, 03:10:00 PM
Speaking of polls.   According to several polls they found that during Tump admin he received 90 % negative coverage by main stream media. And Biden is receiving 69 % positive coverage.   
In the words of late Walter Cronkite ....when ask one day what he missed most after retiring from CB S evening news he said,....

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 10, 2021, 03:01:45 PM

I am a man of science, I don't "hope" for responses, I "observe" responses to test a hypothesis.    If I "hoped" for a response, I would be introducing bias.   I planned on grouping responses into categories:  Accepted the AP poll, denied the poll (bonus points if the response included making it personal), or talked about what could be driving the numbers from the poll.   I got two responses and they both fit the category I would have expected based on knowing the ideological leanings for the two respondents
Rich: So you admit nothing about my response was strong.  It was just not one of the expected possible responses.  Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!

Bob In PA

Quote from: MightyGiants on May 10, 2021, 03:01:45 PM
I am a man of science
Rich: I kept forgetting but for weeks I've been meaning to ask about on the science behind opening southern borders even wider, then caging the people in close quarters, then dispersing them throughout the U.S. Bob
If Jeff Hostetler could do it, Daniel Jones can do it !!!


Quote from: Bob In PA on May 10, 2021, 03:35:00 PM
Rich: So you admit nothing about my response was strong.  It was just not one of the expected possible responses.  Bob

You got "strong" because you felt the need to take personal shots. 

Quoteno need to tell us yet again about the "right-wing propaganda machine" and the "evil Trump" and his "constant lying."

Had you simply denied the poll, I wouldn't have said it elicited a strong response.    The need to make it personal showed me a level of anger (or perhaps you simply found it unsettling) that the poll and its results elicited in you.  My hypothesis suggested that those who denied the poll would likely also be angered or unsettled by the poll.   At your suggestion, I started reviewing the sort of far-right media links you post here to suggest you favor.   I couldn't help but notice certain patterns and those patterns suggested that certain information would be more upsetting to people who consume that sort of media.  So as I implied with the "bonus points comments) if my hypothesis was correct I would not only observe denial but strong denial with indications of being angry or unsettled.