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Our team is poorly coached

Started by brownelvis54, December 25, 2023, 06:24:24 PM

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Quote from: Gmo11 on December 26, 2023, 12:09:00 AMIt's unreasonable to walk into that game expecting to win or really even have it be close. The fact that it was is a sign of excellent coaching.

Nonsense.  It happens all the time in sports.  What about all the no show efforts?  Is that a sign of awful coaching?


Quote from: BluesCruz on December 25, 2023, 08:06:11 PMWhats with McFadden.....he could not tackle my grandmother today


They should give Coughlin a start next week.  The guy hits hard and is a sure tackler

he started out the season the same way. he is one of the worst rated tacklers in the league. yeah he makes some big plays, but he needs to get better at tackling. and mckinney can walk. dude is a walking missed tackle.


Quote from: Messiah717 on December 26, 2023, 01:20:58 AMNonsense.  It happens all the time in sports.  What about all the no show efforts?  Is that a sign of awful coaching?
It very well could be. You'd have a better argument using a game like that to say we were outcoached. IMHO, you picked the wrong game to call out coaching. I would love nothing more than to beat Philthy in their own stadium as well. But this fight went to decision and we didn't get knocked out as many predicted.
:dance: :Giants:  ALL HAIL THE NEW YORK GIANTS!!!  :Giants: :dance:


Quote from: Messiah717 on December 25, 2023, 08:20:08 PMBecause some of us are tired of a decade of moral victories.


When in danger fear and doubt
Run in circles scream and shout?

How does that decade of futility relate to a coach one year past coach of the year?
I'd rather be a disappointed optimist than a vindicated pessimist. 

Not slowing my roll


Crazy thought.  Get rid of Kafka and poach the Eagles OL coach to be the new OC.  I'm not sure but I think that is doable under the rules.  Then let him hire an OL coach to work under him and understand that his top priority is 'fixing' the OL.  Daboll would have to do double duty as de facto OC for a lot of the OC's game planning function.  Maybe bring in an assistant OC to help.

And who knows, if he gets that O-line fixed he could grow into other aspects of being OC.  He was a college OC for 4-5 years back in the day.
I'd rather be a disappointed optimist than a vindicated pessimist. 

Not slowing my roll


I think that in the moment, blaming the coaching looks like blaming the HC (given the old "buck stops here" mentality).

However, for me the reality is that in the middle of a season during real time, the position coaches and coordinators are often exposed as the problem.

Bobby Johnson has failed miserably in getting the most out of the offensive line. Does the unit lack talent? Perhaps, but for me it's just as likely that they haven't been properly developed.

Special teams has been a disaster for years....leadership of the unit needs to be addressed.

Has anyone taken a good hard look at the receiving group? Other than Slay, Robinson & Hyatt is there another worthy of being on an NFL roster? Or are they not being developed?

It's often chicken or this case I think it's both.

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From Simms to Eli (with an assist from Hoss) our Super Bowl Quarterbacks. Great defense and clutch QB performances...NY Giants Championship football.

I have an old profile still floating around: andrew_nyg....I am one and the same!


I simply dont see the offensive creativeness I thought the Giants hired:

1) no schemes to get away from pressure

2) not enough misdirection plays to keep a D guessing and off balance.  It's not just calling misdirection plays but calling them at the right time

3) with two running QBs in DJ and TT, how are 10+ QB plays not a staple of this offense

4) when Neal struggled early, they failed to play someone immediately alongside to help him


 The OL played fairly well against the Eagles yesterday. Maybe the eagles were mailing it in and taking the Giants for granted, but I saw our QBs with ample time to throw and not many sacks or even running for their lives.

Charlie Weiss


Quote from: LennG on December 26, 2023, 01:10:10 PMThe OL played fairly well against the Eagles yesterday. Maybe the eagles were mailing it in and taking the Giants for granted, but I saw our QBs with ample time to throw and not many sacks or even running for their lives.
The OL looked better with Taylor than they did in the 1st half with DeVito.

That should tell you a little bit about the significance of a good QB vs a below average one behind an OL.

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From Simms to Eli (with an assist from Hoss) our Super Bowl Quarterbacks. Great defense and clutch QB performances...NY Giants Championship football.

I have an old profile still floating around: andrew_nyg....I am one and the same!


Quote from: andrew_nyGiants on December 26, 2023, 01:24:32 PMThe OL looked better with Taylor than they did in the 1st half with DeVito.

That should tell you a little bit about the significance of a good QB vs a below average one behind an OL.

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Andrew I agree, Tasylor has basically whatever time he needed and was able to stay in the pocket, at least longer than most.

Charlie Weiss


Quote from: LennG on December 26, 2023, 01:26:42 PMAndrew I agree, Tasylor has basically whatever time he needed and was able to stay in the pocket, at least longer than most.
He moved the pocket and kept his eyes downfield much more effectively than Tommy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
From Simms to Eli (with an assist from Hoss) our Super Bowl Quarterbacks. Great defense and clutch QB performances...NY Giants Championship football.

I have an old profile still floating around: andrew_nyg....I am one and the same!


Quote from: Messiah717 on December 26, 2023, 01:20:58 AMNonsense.  It happens all the time in sports.  What about all the no show efforts?  Is that a sign of awful coaching?

It's a sign of a terrible team with pathetic QB performances. To me bad coaching is taking a team that should win and losing with it. If they played the Panthers with Jones and lost that's bad coaching. They're better than the Panthers. If they had lost to Washington that's bad coaching. They're better than Washington. He won 3 games with Tommy Freaking Devito. I don't care who they were playing that's great coaching.  They damn near beat the Eagles without a QB. That's great coaching. If you think this team is going to win 12 games with this QB play..I just don't know what to tell you.